What to do when things aren’t going your way.

This came up in a client session and felt to share…

If things aren’t working the way you want them to, it’s not because you’re not worthy enough, not intelligent enough, not [fill in your particular belief] enough, or that ease isn’t your birthright.

These thoughts are formed from old programming rooted in fear, struggles and trauma (your own or your ancestors carried in your DNA), and whatever this program is that you are running, it's not the real you.

Deep within your being, you can feel that it’s complete *Bull*, so why is the outside world showing you something different?

A change in your perspective will shift your energy and start to get things moving for you.

From there, you’ll start to experience space between your thoughts, in order for you to confirm that these are in fact, untruths.

Yet, until you go inwards to feel and dissolve the fears that are stopping ease from being present…

Until you go inwards and make friends with whatever is resisting ease, and have a pow-wow with your human self that is attached to the story, you’ll deny it, push it away and dis-ease will persist.

Not just ease, the same goes for happiness, joy, abundance, money, relationships, career success, opportunities… ALL of it.

This is why going within until what you're looking for reveals itself, embodying every part of the scenario and yourself within it, is the way to create the change you desire and where magic and miracles unfold before you.

Because energetic embodiment IS the key to creating the life you DO desire. Just that most people aren't sure what that means.

In my program Unleashed, I activate your energy so that you can walk through the fear and story mist, access and embody all that’s required for you to know and love all of yourself.

So you begin to actually live life in the new way you’ve chosen.


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