5/5 Eclipse Portal, Energy Clearing & Messages Experience
Hi folks, thank you so much for joining me yesterday, it was an absolute pleasure to guide you and connect with you all. The energy was intense and amplified for sure. It took me a while to ground before I could go to sleep!
For those of you watching the replay for the 1st time, find a warm, comfy spot where you won’t be disturbed, free from technology and notifications, and allow yourself to be present to receive.
Multiple watches of the replay will compound the benefits and continue to shift your being, and reveal more of you and any blocks that are wanting to be cleared for your highest good.
For those of you that wish to progress and deepen your 'true self' journey in community, expect an exciting announcement and information soon about my Akashic Records Reading & Energy Work Membership Circle, 'Transcendent'
Please comment below, share your insights and resonances that have arrived since the session. And ask me any questions.
This portal will close to comments and collaboration, close of play, Friday 12th May. All materials will remain accessible.
Thank you so much for joining me here.
Sam x