Distant Energy Healing | Reiki

“Sam’s expertise in healing negative blocks is life-changing!” - Sally, Mornington Peninsula

Here you’ll discover an energy healing methodology which creates positive change by working with you at your core, on a soul level, which seeks to address how you think and feel on a human level, intending to shift, change, balance, upgrade and improve in all the areas your life you wish for.

All physical, mental and emotional ailments can be traced back to their energetic component, and therefore as we work together therapeutically on the dis-ease, we’ll work to alleviate the pain and discomfort. Transmuting at the source of your being, the positive outcomes are everlasting.

Lie down and relax, drop into stillness, set an intention, connect within, and together we will work to balance out and clear whatever is keeping you from being the steward of your life, health, relationships, happiness, peace and joy, promoting the most easeful and graceful ascension pathway.

Expect profound shifts in your physical body, thoughts and beliefs, and witness it in your physical reality from your session.


Initial consults, and Package or Membership options for follow up clients and support that sticks

  • Initial Distance Session

    A service for new clients

    60 Minutes of personalised energy healing, relaxing and releasing, meeting on a Zoom call together.

    Includes an initial health and lifestyle assessment to personalise your treatment.

    After-care suggestions and intuitive insights to support any obvious or hidden energetic challenges that show up as the present reality issues you are being asked to recognise and take action to address in your own time.

    Sam will not be providing any Akashic/psychic insights or mediumship readings within your session, or providing mentoring/coaching. If you wish to add this deeper dive into your session or wish for close proximity, journeying support for a duration, please choose the Membership or Package option, or contact Sam and ask what else is currently available to plug in to.

    Enjoy the efficiency of being in the comfort of your own home.

  • Energy Package

    Invest in supporting your human and intuitive self with more ease, balance, and deep knowing. Just as a single gym session cannot reach your best physical potential, neither can a single energy session. Committing to regular sessions honours and prioritises oneself to deliver the change and relief you desire

    Receive 6 × 45 minute energy healing consults (either in-person or distance)

    Sessions to be taken weekly, fortnightly or monthly

    Each session is progressive, unique and individual, and aligns with the current issues you present with, and wish to address

    Priority appointment booking

    Full and upfront payment, giving you 6 sessions for the cost of 5

    Your 6 energy healing sessions must be taken within 4 months of date of purchase

  • Energy Membership

    Just as a single gym session cannot deliver your best physical potential, neither can a single energy healing. That’s why committing to a regular sessions will deliver exactly the change and solutions you desire.

    Receive 1 × 45 minute energy healing every month (either in-person or distance).

    Each session is entirely unique and individual, and aligns with the current issues you present with, and wish to address.

    Priority appointment booking.

    Saves up to 22% compared to an individual energy healing booking with a convenient monthly payment.

    4 month minimum commitment

    Membership starts as soon as you enrol. Book your energy healing treatment immediately, via the link in your confirmation email.

    Membership is a subscription and auto renews every 30 days upon sign up, until you choose to cancel, any time after the 4 months have passed.

    Your energy healing must be taken each month and cannot be carried over unless pre-agreed with Sam.

Please read the Terms & Conditions before making your booking

More Information

  • To begin your consult, you’ll share with me, the outcome you would like to weave. You’ll have this intention in your heart and mind, and I get to work within your energetic field blending my ability to focus energy in the areas that count, along with my spirit team and your highest self, all intended in your highest favour.

    The healing template of Sieveille frequencies, a cosmic energy that your soul intelligently understands, originated from an Andromedan instruction that came through me in 2019. It builds upon a solid foundation and my 1,000’s of hours practising Usui Reiki masters level and the Archangel Metatron frequencies I attuned to earlier in my career.

    As I intuitively channel the frequencies, I may be completely silent, or you may notice me chanting, toning, or motioning with my physical body. I may guide you into a calming and soothing meditation as I work. I will continue to channel until I am instructed that it’s finished for that period of time. We may well muscle test to identify, help to untrap emotions (energy-in-motion), confirm their release from your being and depending on what’s required, may do more healing.

    When finished, I will share with you any guidance and instruction for you to implement, and encourage positive change in your life.

    I am an intuitive energy healer, wayshower and activator of shifts in your current experience for positive outcomes, with a focus on empowering you to love, accept, free and lead yourself, to create your best life on your terms.

    Energy healing and guidance will help you progress healing physical, mental or emotional blocks, and help you activate your desires more easily by aligning your energy body to the frequency of them. Your active participation in your personal development and choosing full self-responsibility for your actions, is essential to receive optimum outcomes.

  • ✔️ Repair, soothe and/or alleviate physical body pain & ailments

    ✔️ Relax your nervous system, opening up and allowing for more ease and peace

    ✔️ Complementing your conventional medicine protocols, treating an injury, addressing common health challenges for positive outcomes and freedom from their constraints

    ✔️ Address and release emotional trauma, past and present, from the core of your being

    ✔️ Balance and harmonise your body systems

    ✔️ Greater empowerment and mastery yourself, and improve your inner connection; to trust your intuition

    ✔️ Begin a new journey of re-organizing your life in your highest favour, in line with your highest potentials

    ✔️ Make space for deeper self-awareness and soul discovery

    ✔️ Activate your rememberence of your divinity and innate infinite worth, before life's challenges created disharmony, just as you came into this Earthly plane

    ✔️ Boost your immune system and support your body’s natural healing capabilities

    ✔️ Feel safer than you've done for a while, being gently held, fully heard and understood

    And more.

  • We form a connection between you and I, our souls, with the intention of creating positive healing outcomes and to support you grow into who you are here on Earth to be.

    As Sam uses her unique methods based on an Andromedan frequency and template, for activating your self-mastery, you’ll experience healing for the body and soul. In that, there are no crystals, cards or any other frills or spiritual paraphernalia within your Healing session, there is no coaching either.

    There’s so much power in purity, and in keeping things very clean and simple.

    You come with a clear intention. For example, you may receive for a mental or physical health issue which is the primary intent for your healing. Alternatively, you may want to remove perceived boundaries that are blocking you from whatever you are calling in to your life.

    During your session, you may receive for yourself, intuited information about what’s going on in your body, past or current events, generational conditioning or subconscious patterns holding you back from your truth. This information has a tendency for revealing and healing, thus creating freedom in your physicality, your reality and future pathway.

    Distance healing is done with clients at home (or at work) lying down or sitting up in a chair, with blankets and a pillow to help them to relax and receive. Either way is perfect.

    Clients often report feeling a heat, sensations, buzzing, whooshing or movement in parts of their body and in the areas where pain and discomfort are being felt. Sometimes they can feel *spirit* hands or a comfortable support upon their body. These are all normal healing responses.

    It is also normal to not feel anything at all. All experiences are correct. I do not know how a healing will affect you until it does.

    Oftentimes clients see memories or past experiences, their relatives, spirit guides or animals that wish to participate in positive healing outcomes. All is divinely guided and is often surprising!

    Depending on the session and the direction by the Dominion that I’m given, I may be mostly quiet. I may communicate sometimes or throughout a treatment, light language symbology could flow through my hands or are vocalised. Every session is unique.

    I allow 30 minutes for sessions, although this is flexible. There are occasional times when we are in flow and 40 minutes is absolutely necessary, yet most times I am done and dusted in 20-25 minutes. With respect, I don’t do discounted or ‘short’ sessions.

    From years of experience and working with thousands of people, distance healing is profoundly effective. Distance healing seems to have a quicker response in clients and outcomes are seemingly more rapid. I prefer to work with distance healing, because it’s obvious a particularly potent gift I have.

    Healing responses can happen during the session as well as in the minutes, hours, days and weeks following. Integrations work at your own unique pace. Emotions such as tears, fear, grief, sadness, joy, love, calm and peace are just a few examples.

    Emotions lay themselves into the body every time you have a human experience. Emotions can have a negative impact on your health and wellbeing, without you consciously knowing exactly what emotion and at what time of your life it was laid down.
    Still, clearing trapped emotions are easy to identify by asking your subconscious, once identified, located and cleared, they are cleared completely.

    I am spirit and energy practitioner trained and hold Usui Reiki Master and Archangel Metatron accreditations and are attuned to galactic Sieveille frequencies for self-mastery as guided through me by the Dominion. I am not conventional medically trained. My healings are intended to be a complement to that which you have been prescribed by your medical professional. Even though I am able to clairvoyantly and clairsentiently intuit your body, I don’t know why this has been given to me. I just simply intend your soul alignment, love, health and wellbeing.

    From practise, subsequent sessions are beneficial and often times essential depending on how many energetic blocks are present (ask me about a series of sessions). A single healing is successful in its own way, yet healing most often occurs in stages as layers of your energy are peeled back, and allowance and time for integration of energy received within you. There have been times when healing outcomes have been limited and there are many reasons for this. Having absolute faith and belief in a positive outcome for yourself and keeping aligned to that intention, is the foundation of energy healing outcomes.

    In my near decade of healings, I have treated all kinds of health matters. Chronic and acute pain; digestives, migraines, sore backs and muscles, broken and frozen joints, inflammation, autoimmunity, issues as a result of cancer treatment are just a few examples. Some of these outcomes have been positive and complete healing has occurred, in other healings, they have soothed, relieved and calmed to the point where the client has been able to take control and injected the motivation required to self-care with consistency and dedication. In some cases healing has not been successful at all.

    I am here to assist and facilitate in your healing only. You are the master of your reality and your choices. I encourage you to learn to love, trust and know yourself so that you gain the knowledge for self-healing. We are all able to heal, however not all of us will heal, believe we can heal or choose to heal. The gift of being human is your free will.