Frequently Asked Questions

What is an intuitive healer, Akashic channel ?

As a 'healer', my role isn't to heal you or to un-stick you, it’s to support and guide you to become your own agent of life and change you wish to make. Through energy work guided by spirit, practical tools, a good dose of life experience and accountability with compassion, my mission is to let you be sovereign, to remember who you are, to guide you back to you, to help you to believe in yourself, to trust yourself, and listen to the messages that your highest self/soul/intuition constantly shares with you, and to help you shed the lies, limitations, conditions and beliefs gathered over the years, so that you become the real you in this life, doing what you really want to do.

Healing from outdated patterns, beliefs and an energetic footprint that belongs in the past, does not begin and complete in the session. Healing unfoldment occurs over hours, days, weeks, months, even years to fully unravel and integrate into your being and your reality.

It's my passion to share, motivate and inspire, in the knowing that receiving it WILL access something within you that really wants to be seen and healed so that you too can stop playing small and journey on towards living your best, aligned life.

What happens after a session is 100% down to you. A healer can open a new door in your life and invite you to take a step through, whether you walk through that door is completely up to you.

Why do you do consults, via Zoom?

The majority of sessions are completed virtually. From years of energy healing and reading experience, it’s really easy and more convenient for you to receive the healing frequencies more potently over the airwaves. The physical body is very dense (we can physically see it!) and this adds another, I believe, unnecessary layer when working 1-2-1.

As a conduit for high vibrational light, the energy transfered between you and I, along with the cosmic team I work with delivers a fast, effective, transformative session.

If you are feeling skeptical, acknowledge it. You are here, so perceive that your soul has searched this out for you.

With distance healing, we save time. You are at home and therefore much more familiar, relaxed and open, plus it’s better for the planet.

In-person sessions can happen on request. Use the contact form and let’s chat about the options.

How does what you do, differ from other energy healing offerings out there?

Universal intelligence, high vibrational energy is channelled through the higher chakras, NOT just the 7 in-body chakras, and upgrades the whole body matrix made up of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body layers. This extended chakra system is anchored to the earth and is compatible with the earth’s energy field as well as the energy system of the individual and soul. Essentially what you get is a unique and far reaching energy and solution that is potent for accessing and releasing anything relating to Ancestral, Past Life, Karmic, Inner Child aspects of yourself.

Do you work with clients once or over a series of sessions?

I offer life-changing, life enhancing healing and Akashic channelling sessions to business people, entrepreneurs, healers, professionals and personalities. I appreciate having helped hundreds of clients to find their voice, their confidence and to explore their life and relationship choices, at soul level, combining all my healing tools available.

It’s often at major turning points and life challenges that people want to explore and understand the complexities of what they are here on Earth to experience. And truly feel for WHY what they actually want to do, seems to be so hard to achieve on their own. Shifts and changes in circumstances will occur and appear much easier to achieve when you are witnessed by another. It’s in this collaboration and connection that what is illuminated and reflected back, allows you to truly transcend your current experience.

Your life and your ‘energy’ is multi-layered and multi-dimensional and is written down over years and lifetimes. Accessing and understanding those dimensions cannot be fully revealed and acknowledged and healed in one or two sessions. Healing is not linear and the body receives and handles only what it is able to in the moment (as filtered by your highest self), allowing for integration before another layer can be worked on.

I’m feeling uncertain, what can I expect from you and from myself?

First of all, for energy healing or Akashic Readings to be effective, you have to believe that a positive outcome is possible for you, and you just need to be open to receiving the energy and what your soul wants to show you. The right attitude really does make a difference.

While the energy that comes through the sessions will help you to remove blockages towards better health and richer relationships and greater security, it has to be done properly. There are no quick fixes or sticking plasters covering over what’s beneath the surface. This message can be challenging for some, who would prefer to stick to old patterns of blame, shame, guilt and resentment.

As you are pushed out of your comfort zone, trying to keep ones wounds as part of your identity is a familiar action, yet understand that it absolutely can be broken down and healed.

It takes a full body acceptance and full responsibility for your own healing journey and for what is going on in your life, even if the message you are being given doesn’t feel right. Planting those seeds of truth may take a while to accept.

I’ve had clients that have said that the guidance they’ve been given is incorrect or that the shift they were expecting hasn’t happened, only to come back months later, ready to make the changes suggested months earlier.

If you are reading this and you are feeling scared, that’s a great indicator that you are on track, and evolution and expansion is calling. I’m personal proof that transformation is possible yet commitment is required. I can help you with your next step and evolution, no matter how daunting it feels.

You will move from pain or hurt, to love, forgiveness and understanding
From trauma to peace
From limited awareness to consciousness, divinity and lightness

I’m a firm believer of divine timing and although it’s human nature to want to be in control, the universe will always push onto you what you need, even if you don’t want it at that moment. For this reason, sessions are spaced out for when you are balanced and able to give and receive. Rather than rushed, exhausted or feeling under par.

People have asked me why at this current time, I don’t offer Reiki sessions, or Reflexology sessions any more, or any other known modality like many therapists do. If you know me well enough, you’ll know how much integrity, effort and compassion goes into offering you the magic that comes through these multi-dimensional sessions.

Truth is, I have invested a lot of time and money on honing my skills (in the physical and with spirit’s mentorship), my years of expertise with hundreds of different kinds of people, the hours of preparation in reading and understanding your energy before your healing, the quality of your healing and guidance that comes through unique to you creates so much value, plus the post-healing suggestions to continue to support you to the best of my ability.

My healing and channelling programs encompass all of my tools and gifts and so cannot be compared to other offerings in the market.

My close proximity pricing will make sense from this perspective.

From time to time, I may do promotions online and are offered to my Newsletter subscribers first (see home page to sign up to my Free EGuide).

What are reasons why people talk themselves out of booking a session?

Probably the biggest reason why people stop themselves from pushing the button and taking a chance on themselves is FEAR. Objections to receiving healing or Akashic Guidance are almost always rooted in fear.

Fear and nervousness about what might be revealed and required within themselves to change their situation, leading to the thought of losing something in the process. People fear change for what might go missing. Changing your perspective from lack to abundance and opportunity, learning to see the gains and the opening up of life, for saying YES to healing. This has far greater rewards than what will be left behind. In my experience, nobody ever says NO to joy, love and happiness. EVER!

Fear of being successful. When people change and reap the rewards of their new ‘them’, they often wonder whether that will create disharmony at home, or that people will begin to judge them for becoming more aligned and true to themselves. That fear, keeps people saying in a fake sense of ‘safe’ and staying small through fear of disapproval. Your success offers up the energetics which lead to people seeing what they probably need to change, highlighting their old conditioning. For some, creating a tornado of disruption within them that will either freak them out and project it back on you. Or it could empower them to choose a better them too. Either way, it’s irrelevant. Only you matter.

Fear of financial loss. The biggest hurdle I see with investing financially in yourself is the worry that it might not work. “I’ll invest in myself but what will I get back?” “Am I brave and committed enough to back myself or will I wind up wasting another opportunity… again?”

This occurs in part, when you don’t trust your intuition and your ego mind is in the control seat. Your soul has dropped lots of little crumbs of bread on the path in front of you, leading you to this source. Holding your hand, encouraging you to take a chance on yourself. It’s asking you to trust yourself, trust the process of change, and your judgement. And choose open curiosity instead of tightening anxiety.

What would your soul say to you now? Go for it? Just do it?

The reality is, if fear and lack is playing out in decision making around paying for healing and transformation, then it could be a sure sign that this conditioning is playing out elsewhere in your life.

You’ll either love yourself enough to back yourself and see the opportunities and rewards of taking the leap, or you keep yourself in limitation and a life not lived to its full potential. And always wonder, what if?

Money is an energy. Really see that money is simply an energy (and used to be a piece of paper or metal before the WWW). Focus money as an energy in a conscious, true to self direction and you’ll receive energetic value and rewards ‘tenfold’ back to you. Think of it as universal currency. I know that the universe will see to it that because you have backed yourself, you will receive rewards (and more steps leading you) of your desires. Let go and flow.

In some scenarios, in that moment people are strapped for cash, like when an unexpected vet bill has come in for the dog that’s just eaten a pair of their favourite socks or the washing machine floods mid-cycle. For many, it’s simply part of an attempt at robbing themselves of a fulfilled and healthy life. That said, if you’re under real financial pressure, take space to acknowledge that, the best and empowered action might be to consider waiting, and see how you feel in a few weeks and months. A session isn’t designed to save you from a current situation, and thinking the session HAS to work to make things improve quickly. This simply puts more pressure on you and your expectations. The session won’t be fruitful, you’re better to wait until your circumstances are improved.

Fear of not being ready. A common thread is when someone has read all the information, asked me all the questions, and exhausted all of their options around ways to self-sabotage, but then they remember that timing is an issue. The When?….

“I’m doing this course and paying for this others service at the moment and I haven’t got time for anything else”
”When I move from this town to that town up the coast, I’ll have settled and then I’ll have the space”
”When the kids get back to school, I’ll have loads of time on my hands to focus on me”

Self-sabotage dressed up in any costume will be the biggest challenge to your growth (and happiness). What does ready even look like? It’s just another word that perpetually sits way out in the future that’ll never arrive.

You are worthy of having it all, being in a loving relationship, and whatever else you desire, and you are more than enough. Unconditionally

No matter what you share with me (and in my witchy-ness I may notice when someone is telling a story and justifying their position), you’ll really only be questioning your trust and faith in yourself and denying yourself the chance to honour you and your inner desire to heal and grow.

Fear that you don’t trust me and you might be disappointed. You may have received ‘suspect’ healings and readings elsewhere before, or you are new and are skeptical about energy healing and readings. Truth is, anything new is a test and harbours uncertainty. A healer with integrity is passionate about their unique gifts and providing value and great service. They are worth their weight in gold. Having helped dissolve blocks for hundreds of people (see some posted reviews), I am loving, compassionate and non-judgemental and I truly want to encourage you to actively work on mastering your alignment with your truth. I work hard at continuing to master my craft, I want to give you everything I can to give you the best experience, and I dedicate my life to my own growth in this arena.

You may decide I’m not for you right now, or you may feel like it’s a never. I don’t demand that anyone books with me, I simply send them love. I seem to have a direct energy that has an activating and expansion inducing effects. People only tend to come to me when they have a birthday coming up, be divorcing, trying to have a baby, making daunting moves in their career, or they want to take a big leap forward and make pivotal changes which will alter their future in a big way.

It’s totally okay to be cautious and skeptical because you don’t know what you don’t know.

Have I addressed your curiosity, fear and your objections? Get in touch and allow me to assist you move forward and become more comfortable with how this can and will unfold for you. I’ve been where you are and I am here, still wandering and unfolding!

More questions? That’s all good… Simply drop me a line HERE