October 2022 - Lessons from The Akashic Records
Welcome to October! The themes for this months channeling:
Symbolisms include Instagram Followings, Roller Skating and we will be working with the energetic theme of Risk. The Dominion also share a supportive light code transmission to expand and shift Risk within us.
Attune this month to the energy of Risk and begin a new relationship with it, do risk differently.
You know that phrase (think back to childhood) "don't take unnecessary risks". Well... take them. This phrase is not yours, you borrowed it. Let it go. Your intuition will keep you well, follow it.
Your attitude to risk needs to change because your soul wants you to change and adapt your way of thinking so you can move past your limits. You reached a limit and your soul is asking you to push past it. All is well, you are held. Now is now.
Love to hear your interpretations. Even though we are right at the beginning of the month, I notice evermore that we are already in these energies in some way in our life before opening the Records. The channelled message confirms and adds the impetus our soul needs us to have, to what is already being asked of you.
What previously perceived risks are you moving past already and in what ways?
If you're faced with a potential risk, ask yourself
"What story am I telling myself about what is happening right now?"
"Is this response what's really needed?"
"Am I making assumptions or drawing from the past?"
"Is this giving me what I actually need, in order to move past risk?"
See what this exploration uncovers for you and helps you to shift, so that you can experience Risk in alternative ways.
Much love
Sam x 🕯