February 2023 - Lessons From The Records
A channelled theme of self-authority and a super special update that's on my current heart and work, fresh out of the oven 🎉🎉🎉 #andromedaconsciousness
And this month, because of updates to Loom video, I've been able to include a transcription for you.
Attune Awaken Accelerate, the Mastermind
00:00 Okay, beauties. Welcome to this monthly video, which is me opening the Akashic Records of you, the members, our members, our beautiful collective.
00:15 And I'm looking forward to this because we are at the beginning of an energetic new year, 1st of February, and which is the day I'm recording this.
00:30 I wanted to update you as well on a number of things and one particular thing, which is a high consciousness energy message.
00:46 And it is gonna form a lot of what is about to be created in my world. For you and for anybody that is just feeling the pulse on this, I'm feeling quite emotional about this.
01:07 I had this bolt of lightning download today. How beautiful that it's happened on the 1st of February, while I was out on a run.
01:19 And for those of you that know attune, awaken, accelerate is my baby. It's the signature class that was four weeks and now is running for five months, now as a mastermind.
01:40 Cos what’s being shared (for us to rise) it's deeper, wider, it's more expansive. And the four week container is just not large enough to hold what wants to come through.
01:51 Anyway, this is so special. We start round two of this, which is the first mastermind at the end of February. If you are interested in this, let me know. I'll leave a link below. You can go and have a look at the details. As I'm sharing this, I'm getting an overwhelming sense of just this heightened love and emotion for this, and I know why <laugh>.
02:14 It's because I found the last couple of fragments of information and grounded it into me while I was out running today.
02:24 I hadn't received this information on this level up to now. It's come in, it's landed very quickly, and it's just a whole, the whole part of my mission, and will be your mission, however you receive this, if you choose to receive this frequency and intelligence.
02:40 Cutting a long story short, I was out running and I was contemplating attune, awaken, accelerate what the content and what the attunements are gonna be in the next five months, as they come through, all the way through down to to July.
02:58 It will be. This is just a small fraction of something that's building that will come through that will have a big impact on all of our lives if we choose, if we choose to receive it.
03:12 But I was contemplating pre-sale that finished yesterday, we're now an early bird by the way. And basically the masterclass is available for you to jump in.
03:23 And I was thinking, you know, it's been interesting. I’ve had a few questions about AAA, etc. And as I'm sharing this, I'm all, I'm feeling like a little bit nauseous because the intensity of this energy and the awareness, the consciousness around this is like off the charts.
03:44 You may already know, depending on how long you've been in my world and to what depth you've been in, in my containers and in this vortex.
03:55 I am an Andromedan, a star seed I guess, and Andromedan energy.. that is the core of who I am, as Stardust. The Dominion are, have Andromedan energy.
04:13 I'm not sure if it's a hundred percent, there may be a percentage of it, I don't know. But this is how I come to know who they are through the Andromedan galaxy.
04:29 So then light language comes through. I channel the Akashic Records, the Dominion are always with me. You know, you know all about this.
04:38 And so I'm busy creating as the impulses come, and they come through. But while running, I just got this sentence. “Everything that that is channeling through you, that is being created is infused with the highest frequency of Andromedan consciousness”.
05:06 It's like a welcome home. Now I knew, I know this, I knew this, I know this on a soul level, but it's like, there's something in the 3D that has landed here today that is, is sort of solidifying in a way.
05:25 Like bringing the fragments together that is creating through this light, this energy, that is going to, just gonna move us quickly <laugh> into our ability to rise.
05:46 And I'm gonna share with you what what was downloaded to me about the consciousness that is Andromeda shortly.
06:00 So what I'm basically sharing here now is everything that you receive from me will be infused with an Andromedan consciousness, really deliberately.
06:10 We know that it's been coming through, we know that it's been filtering here, there and everywhere, but I feel like in the past it has been mixed with other things.
06:19 It has been because for me, on a human consciousness perspective, it hadn't, all the fragments hadn't fully landed yet.
06:29 It was just me floating and, and flowing with whatever came through. This is like a bolt of lightning shot straight through me today.
06:39 So everything that you are gonna see here, and respond to, feel into has Andromedan consciousness. And as I'm saying that, you know this already, your soul knows this already, and your soul will have traveled there.
06:57 We'll travel there in this moment. You may have had origins there. Like me. This is, we kind of know this, right?
07:09 It's just that I'm bringing this into this space, bringing light to it, shining a light on it. We are here, we are the tribe, we are a team.
07:20 This team, this tribe, this collective that we have here through the my programs, through one-to-ones, through the Belight collective is like we now have a formal home, a full bodied human conscious awareness home here.
07:39 This is the activation, this is the knowing. This is the piece that is coming, that has come together today on the 1st of February, 2023.
07:50 In this moment, well, a few minutes ago, but I'm sharing it with you in this moment. What this does is this, it's like a beacon.
08:02 It's like a light that is now full, it's complete, it's whole, in a human consciousness perspective, is able to beam out for others that want to be attuned to Andromedan frequencies, that have a history of an Andromedan frequency, have an origin in Andromeda who want to come home.
08:31 Of course this is nothing new. And if you've been in attune, awaken, accelerate with me then you will know that that attunement to Sieveille (CVL) frequencies is, it's like speaking straight to your soul, is like bypassing all of the human self straight to soul.
08:52 And I know that some of you have discovered what CVL frequencies are and how that is connecting you, and is connected with Andromedan frequency.
09:04 You've discovered this for yourself. I don't know why I'm sharing this now. There is no timeframe on this.
09:11 It's just, it just arrived and it's information, it's intelligence, it's information. This is gonna help people like us <laugh> to find their home.
09:27 I just feel really emotional about this because humanity now is all about the collective and it's all about connecting with your people, our people, my people.
09:42 And we, you know, we have this… it's 11:11 as I'm saying this here. We, we have this beautiful ability to connect online as well as in the physical.
09:56 At the moment, it's very much online for me. And it's, you know, it's easy to meet people overseas, to connect with people that we wouldn't normally, you know, connect, connect with in our daily, in our daily physical lives.
10:11 This is the beauty of technology. I'm here to be an activator of Andromedan consciousness and energies into our DNA so that we may remember who we are and what we are here to do.
10:39 Yeah. You are the first to know this as this video will go out shortly in half an hour or so.
10:47 I'm gonna open the Akashic Records very much in the space of Andromedan consciousness since it’s now formally here. I don't know how that's gonna change the Records readings, whether it will, whether it won't.
10:59 I've no idea. Let's see, let's play, it’s very much about play. Fun, flexibility. We'll see, we'll see what happens.
11:11 Just know that this knowing within me is gonna have a fuller, a greater, a deeper Infusing transformation for me and therefore rippling out to you and to the whole of humanity because we can do this together, right?
11:32 This is the thing about collectives and now I just, it just makes so much sense now why the membership is here, and the Dominion, they wanted, really wanted me to create groups and masterminds this year (to build the energies and be a force for change)
11:46 One-to-ones great, it's beautiful, but that's where they wanted me to focus. So even the BeLight community here, this collective, I just recognize now that this will shift.
11:59 There'll be changes that will be made here. If there's one thing I've learned in the last, you know, few months, I guess maybe 4, 5, 6 months, is that, that every day is a different day.
12:12 Every day is an opportunity to receive information, to adapt, to grow, to shift, to ebb, to flow and to not hold onto anything.
12:21 So, you know, things change all the time in my world, <laugh> in my world, and I'm sure that you see that reflected in what I, you know, put out publicly.
12:32 But also what we do in our intimate groups, I ask the Dominion what being Andromedan represents and, and you know, being engaged with Andromedan consciousness. Well, being Andromedan represents full freedom.
12:50 When we say full freedom, human freedom, you know, freedom from conditioning, etc, from patterns stories, etc.
13:00 But soul freedom as well, it's like freeing the soul from the consciousness of wherever it's been or wherever it's going, wherever it is, it's omnipresent.
13:14 The Soul's omnipresent. But it's that freedom from any of those threads. Threads of limitation suffering, wounding. Being Andromedan, there's a love for the rise of humanity and human consciousness, like a deep soul love.
13:41 It's like, oh, this is what I wake up for, is to contribute to this. Andromedan consciousness is about self authority above all else, above the rules, above politics, above structures, conditions, 3D structures, frameworks.
14:08 So again, you know, that speaks to that freedom again, like freedom to be self and of self and self-freedom.
14:23 There's a Lyran connection too. We've walked together, Andromedans and Lyrans have walked together. Each is a fusion of the other is grown out of the other.
14:38 That feels very strong to me. There's there's an ancient aspect. Of course there's an ancient aspect, but there is something deeply profound with that connection.
14:46 It's like twins. <laugh> is what I hear. Andromedans deeply, deeply, deeply desire spaciousness that spaciousness. Spaciousness from other energies.
15:03 Energies of peoplen, dense energies. Energies of structures. That's why, you know, water, air the earth, yes, but water, air, those elements are are just food for the soul for Andromedans.
15:25 That spaciousness creates less constriction. There's less restriction when there's spaciousness and think about the human auric field, but also the auric field of the soul, which is, you know, is, is ever present.
15:41 It's everywhere. That consciousness, that energy, it has to have the spaciousness in order for that light to beam, not to be seen necessarily, but to be able to take up the space it needs, to beam brightest.
16:05 There's any constriction. It can feel very non-free. You know, can you hear and feel the tone and the, the language around this… freedom unrestricted air, water.
16:23 Yeah. Air, water. Yeah. Okay. And Andromedan’s have difficulty coping in low frequency situations. Again, that again speaks to that needing, needing space.
16:39 I just know why I live near the beach <laugh>, why I was called here. Yeah, low frequency situations are a struggle when mentality, mental frequencies are dense, when people are in that, that overthinking, that fearful energy.
17:03 Whether that's sort of, you know, person to person or, or that sits within dense structures, buildings etc.
17:18 This, really so strongly speaks to me on so many aspects. I'd love to know how you feel about all of this and what, how you've received this information.
17:28 Whether you feel like it's like, “my goodness, yes, that's me”. Or there's aspects of me or, yeah, I'd love to add to that information because this is how I feel about my life, myself and what goes on for me.
17:41 I'd love to know, I feel like we are building a little bit of an information pack here that we can share with each other.
17:52 Whether or not you feel that you have Andromedan origin, no matter. What I'm hearing is; what I create or what I'm asked to create, what I feel pulsed to create has this Andromedan infusion.
18:14 Yet it's not limited to Andromedans, it's not limited to human beings, or star seeds, it is humanity wide.
18:24 We have got to move away from that. “Oh, it can only be this or oh, it can only be that” There is no limitation.
18:32 There's spaciousness in this and there's a teaching in this around spaciousness for all of us. No matter where our origins are, no matter where we are, we are pulsed to flow and receive and whatever. Beyond the mental.
18:46 Yeah. Freedom and spaciousness. All right. I feel like I've just reached some edges in my time here.
19:09 Anyway, let's open the Akashic Records for February and see what comes through. If anything, I mean, I think it, it might be that that was the message, <laugh>, can you see how flexible and in the moment we're really being called to be. Anyway, alright, if you wanna do this with me, feel free to do this with me now.
19:39 We're gonna move into opening the records for you. Take whatever information feels good, leave behind whatever doesn't feel good. This is your energy, this is your information.
19:52 This is just pure, purely channeled through me because I, I have the capacity to do that and ability to do that.
19:58 And yeah, attune, awaken, accelerate starts in February, late February. We are going to places and spaces that I have no idea we are going to, there's gonna be teachings, learnings, there's so much to share.
20:19 Yeah, <laugh>, you wanna open the records? You want me to teach you to open the records and receive downloads? You’ll wanna be here with us in the mastermind then?
20:32 You are so welcome to join. Alright, let's close our eyes. Take a deep breath, bring your awareness down to your feet, connecting your beautiful energy with the earth beneath you, Feeling the sensation of this beautiful light, high vibrational light above your head, beaming down onto the crown, washing all the way through your being, taking its way, making its way down to the earth, connecting with the mother earth, feeling that unrestricted space between source, from source into the body down into the earth beneath you.
21:29 Let's open the records of you. Beautiful, wonderful Members <laugh>. We're gonna open and channel the records for February, 2023.
21:49 We gather together in light. We gather together in love. We gather together in knowing the messages from above. Through the Akashic records we understand our greatness through the Akashic records. We understand our wisdom through the Akashic records. We understand what's there. This prayer will help deliver us there.
22:06 I wish to know the members of the Be Light Collective in the light of the Akashic records. Help me to see the members of the Be Light Collective through the light of the Akashic records.
22:15 Bring me to feel the members of the Be Light collective through the light of the Akashic records. I wish to know the members of the Be Light Collective in the light of the Akashic records.
22:24 Help me to see the members of the Be Light Collective through the light of the Akashic records. Bring me to feel the members of the Be Light collective through the light of the Akashic records.
22:34 And now the Akashic records are open. Trace your origins, take the steps, walk the walk. Feel, notice, see, be and believe.
23:02 Where are you? Where have you been? Where are you going to? How do you feel? What does your body feel like?
23:13 Slow down, slow down. Slow down. Even though we are speeding up. Slow down. Slow down. Smell the roses. Smell the trees.
23:25 Smell the breeze. Take it in. Take it in. Take it in and let yourself be. Change your routines. Be deliberate.
23:39 Be deliberate in changing your routines. Start in the morning, change your routine. No one says you have to do it that way.
23:49 Who says you have to do it anyway? Do it your way. Be you your way. Where is the authority? Do you have self authority?
24:05 Is that self authority coming from within in the self? Do you believe in that authority, the authority of self?
24:16 It is time to come to be your own authority. Take a moment, take a few if you wish. There is no rush.
24:28 Even though life is speeding up, but life does not speed up, the energies they get faster, the pace. It rises, it rises, it rises.
24:41 Expedite, expedite, expedite, expedite. Velocity, velocity, velocity. The energies are moving quickly. Are you with it? Are you flowing with it?
24:53 Are you feeling a little bit stuck, stable, sedentary, all of the S’s. So Contemplate, where do I start? What point do I start at if I choose to change?
25:17 Change you see is delicious. It is a tasty treat. No one says you have to do it that way. Can you see?
25:25 Can you see? It is so delicious and yummy to have the opportunity to change because it is you. You see, you get to change.
25:37 You see, you see, you see it is you, you, you, you, you is the only me. I am. I am I am.
25:47 You say you are your own authority. Take it from me. <laugh>. This life has so much opportunity to be free, to be free, to be free.
26:01 Take it, you see, take it in into you. You are you. We are we. But you only have your own authority.
26:17 Be wise, be astute. Notice when you are not being you. For these are the moments where change may arise in an exponential, exponential way.
26:34 It will take you away, rise you up, up, up those little changes that you cannot see, but subconsciously they occur, occur, occur in the morning, change it up.
26:47 You don't have to do it that way. You see, you see, you see. Change it for you. Only you because you have self authority.
27:06 I give gratitude to myself and the members of the Be Light collective for entering the records. I give gratitude to the Dominion for lighting the way I give gratitude to this space for the comfort and love. I give gratitude to my highest self. And the members of the Be light collectives highest self for leading us here, the records are now closed, Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. That was fast. I don't think I've ever recited the prayer so quickly.
27:48 And so fluidly that that energy was intense, very strong, intense, buzzing loving. There was an impatience in it, but the impatience was giddy <laugh> rather than, oh, just impatience.
28:04 No Uhuh wasn't that. It was like, ah, I'm impatient. Let's run, run, run. We wanna jump around like spring lambs in a field.
28:12 <laugh>. Oh my goodness. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. How did you receive that? Love to know how that made its way into you, wherever it touched you.
28:28 Yeah, it feels like we're on day one of a new page, <laugh>. So watch this space. Yeah, I just get this.
28:41 Yeah, it's feeling, it's like, ah, I wonder who's interested in Andromedan energies.
28:46 I know the answer because you are here <laugh>. So whether you consciously wanna know more or you just wanna receive in the background of your life Yeah, thank you for being here, sending you lots of love.
29:03 And I'm excited to travel the rest of this year with you and to hone the energies, master our energies, master our ability to lead ourselves.
29:20 And we get to do it together, which is just blooming awesome. I have also, it's something else that's coming through.
29:28 If you know anybody that would be interested, have a, a deep feeling or knowing to find their tribe, that may be people like us, then let me know.
29:40 We'll invite them into the community, into the membership. Yeah, I just, I just got this feeling that this, this beacon, this, this beacon's gonna go out, that the, the tone is gonna go out and people are just gonna go, ah, that just feels like a place where I can feel at home and get to know people like me.
30:09 All right, have a beautiful day. Thank you for listening. Catch you soon.