Solstice Blessings, Accepting Love & Charity, Honouring Light & Wombat Spirit Message
Here in healing Green, thanks AARaphael!. While in my Recovery this week, I wanted to pay reverence to Solstice and share a few things that have come to light since COVID came to my place last Wednesday.
Illness automatically offers up the body's cracks and where the light of awareness can shine in. Rest is the order of the day, so thoughts get louder and more unmistakable. Emotions are defeaning and all we have is surrender. Illness can trigger a lot of different emotions rooted in fear and lack, especially when loving people come to the rescue in their brightest best light, and show you where you may invalidate your ability to receive what basically is Love, through the wound of worth ... How? by exposing feelings of weakness, abandonment, loneliness, poor-ess, unloveableness, failure, rejection, shame and so on. Illness is a super smart leveller and the giver of conscious healing opps. and self-acceptance like no other.
Anyhoo... so much to say on this. Enjoy the clarity you receive today as layers are shed (or burned to a cinder by the celestial sun is what I hear), spend time with the strength and authority of self as you go home within (thanks Wombat), honour the light of you. The Light Is Powerful, It Is Strong, As IS Your Light. Witnessing the sun's power, is witnessing the light power within you. That is and can only be the truth. So, if the sunlight you are seeing feels dim, go within and turn up the dial of the light within you and watch what happens to that sun #reflections. Here's to celebrating the pathway to the next phase (6 months) of your evolution and creation.
Love to hear from you.
Sam 🕯✨