#Shorty - Q&A: People pleasing, speaking up & achieving Highest Self connection
It’s a Q&A in this weeks episode.
If people pleasing and speaking up for your passions and what you believe in, is something you want to overcome and master, today’s episode will be helpful for you. For these and any other challenges in your world, just know that your soul brought them into this life for you to work on overcoming, for they’ll help you form a more intimate relationship with your innate gifts and talents.
Sam asked The Dominion for a practical tip on how to achieve Highest Self connection that you can trust. What they channel is so full of love and carries the loveliest vibration. Relax and receive the transmission, you’re in for a treat.
Sam also shares her personal soul growth challenges linked into speaking up and shining brightly, as she journey’s with the course content that will bring Sieveille, a new energy healing, to humanity.
Enjoy this episode and feel free to comment below, on what you have heard today.
I love hearing what resonates in your world.
You are so blessed.
Sam ♡
So part of this process, getting on, the making a start and seeing a project through is to learn more about yourself, but also discover more of your gifts and how they can grow, how they can evolve how they can become more impactful in your life, and in somebody else's life.
YOU are someone that has gifts, has skills, has talents, from this life, or talents that you know intuitively have been before, or because you've been told have been brought forward from
another life.
I know that it can feel difficult to stick your head above the parapet and own and share and tell people how great you are. I know that because I've been there myself, and I know how that feels. But now is the time to do this. So whatever service you bring to the world, please tell the world about it. Please tell the world more and more and more about it. And let your light shine. Let it shine brighter than it's ever shone before. Speak up, say it loud, say it proud.
And I don't mind being the poster girl for healers!
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Episode transcription
Hey lovelies, welcome back to this week's podcast episode. If you're hearing a little bit of noise in the background, I apologise. There's a little bit of building work. So yeah, if you hear that, that's what it is. How are you doing this week? I hope you are feeling great, balanced, following your intuition, being open to opportunities and to living life to the full.
So this week, we have a theme, a q&a theme. I have a couple of questions that I'd love to expand on this week. So I trust that this is going to support you.
It's questions from you, my beautiful audience, or you may be a client, but you have asked me these questions. So it will be a pleasure to answer them for you.
So this week, I have been really guided to focus on creation, creating some content for you. And getting really stuck in to the energy of the Introduction and Awakening to Seville (CVL) course. And with all of these things, as we kind of get stuck into projects, we're met with some challenges. And certainly, were called to question our truth around things that come up.
And spirit this week, my guides, highest self have encouraged me to do things differently. See, I found myself doing the easy things, the things that I do quite naturally, that I'm very good at things like creating videos, and doing all the pretty stuff like thumbnails for the course and setting up the pages on the backend of my website. So all of that kind of framework, and not so much technology, but that sort of organisation, side of creating a product.
And I'm literally at the point where every time I go to write some copy, when I've written the copy, it then gets translated into either a video or some audio. And I found myself with a few stumbling blocks. So I checked into my Akashic Record, had a conversation with the Dominion about it to try and understand why it is. And it's because my subconscious, which is the pattern that we run, and run and run and run over and over in our mind, which is based on history, it's based on what has been before.
Running the program that is manifesting in me doing things the way I've always done them in terms of creative products, and Spirit said to me, "No, you are going to do it differently this time". It was such a lovely connection, and advice, if you like. They said to me, they said "well, you know, you've come in here and you've asked us for your support, why don't you just fully allow us to channel stuff for you, channel some words and then you can put it into the content"?
And old habits are difficult to change. They require conscious awareness. And they require us to really, really slow down to the point where we can actually listen to what what is happening, what is going on. So that then we can choose again.
And with any subconscious rewriting. It's like building up a muscle. If you were to go to the gym. es, you can go to the gym once and feel good and come out and you can feel the effect in your muscles, etc, etc. But there is no long lasting effect... for that you've got to keep going. And it's the same with rewriting re-imprinting a subconscious pattern. And so it's taking me to really, really, really be very considered, and not rush too far forward with this course, this new class, because it will get created in its own time.
And a lot of the theme, the essence of this course, is an energy transmission, it's a transfer.
And that energy transfer contained in a video, because there will be a lot of video content. That channeling will come through when it's the right time to channel it through. Not when my diary and task list says right today, I'm going to do this video here, and this video there, and this video tomorrow and that video on Friday.
And it's really calling me to task, to just take things in the moment. And what that looks like is I wake up in the morning. And if it's not a client day, then it's a day for me for creativity for production for admin, whatever it might be, but it's generally a creation day. I will go into my Akashic record, and I will ask the Dominion, my highest self, what I should be doing today.
That is a process of trusting the information that comes through. Because the mind, the internal chatter is going to get in the way. It is going to say, "do you really believe what is being shared?" "You haven't got time to do this, you haven't got time to sit here and do something different that you've not done before, you haven't got time to NOT be doing the things on your list".
And it just it's an ongoing dialogue. It's a human thing.
And when you master the awareness around this, it is incredibly, incredibly healing. So the truth is, I don't know when these beautiful Seiveille attunements are going to become available, I'm trusting that the timing is going to be perfect, and it will be perfectly synchronistic when it arrives.
But I'm so looking forward to sharing it with you.
Now I want to be completely honest with you and transparent with you here because I feel like it's important to share this. I'm a healer, but I'm also a human and I get the same afflictions that we all get. And that's around judging yourself, judging your capabilities. The energy of judgment gets in the way of anything that you wish to create in the world.
It just happens automatically, right? With my own self reflections around this. I can feel my judging myself and judging the quality, judging the amount of, judging my skills around delivering this beautiful healing light to you, Seville. I can hear the cogs turning, the seeds of doubt the judgment around whether I'm the person to deliver this new Earth, new energy healing, whether it's my right to do that, whether I'm capable of doing that.
And so I witness with any following of a journey, when you follow your path, the mind will be running a narrative that is aimed at keeping you in the place that you are already at. Rather than encouraging you to grow and to expand and to evolve and to transform into the full embodiment of the gifts that you are here to use, to utilise, and to be of service to humanity. And it's part of the process, you have to really get used to the fact that whatever you're striving to achieve, whatever project you're getting off the ground, whatever skill or area or industry that you're trying to get into, you are going to be met with a seemingly constant barrage of communication from your mind. Giving you reasons not to step forward not to speak up not to fully own the thing that you've intended to do.
I get it, I get it, I get it, I'm so with you on this.
And it is an opportunity when you go on the path, and you decide that this is the project, this is what I'm going to put out to the world.
It starts a process of revealing and healing that which is standing in the way of ultimate success.
How many of us have got to a point where we've started a new project, started a new thing, started a new skill, started creating something or we've got so much so far down the line.
And then we've run out of steam.
And I talked about this on a podcast a couple of weeks ago, I can't remember what one it was, I'll put a link to it in the show notes.
But anyway, My point being is that if we allow our mind to overtake us with the negative chatter, it will and it has the potential to stop you in your tracks freeze you in your tracks, not just in that moment, but forever. But when you sign up to and commit to working with your highest self working on a soul level, you ARE going to be met with hurdles. The purpose of them is to work with them to overcome them so that your gifts can be brought to the world. Everything you experience, you're bringing forward so that you can work with it and learn from it. And you might already notice that when these lessons come around, and you're, you know, you're met with a challenge to overcome, you recognize that the biggest lessons, the biggest challenges are directly aligned with they go hand in hand with your unique gifts, your unique purpose in this life.
So part of this process, getting on, the making a start and seeing a project through is to learn more about yourself, but also discover more of your gifts and how they can grow, how they can evolve how they can become more impactful in your life, and in somebody else's life.
We're in comfort zone territory here. Comfort zones are places where we can't grow. And I've noticed myself through creating this content for Sieveille, is that there is part of me linked to a past life about sharing my gifts, and not being able to share those gifts and staying quiet, not using my voice. Through creating this content for Sieveille and actually going through the levels, the steps of healing the threads of those energies, so that I can bring this out to the world.
How this is manifesting is that I'm noticing that when I should be talking more about it and sharing more about it, I'm thinking twice about sharing and talking about it. And Spirit said to me "let me remind you that when you asked us about what and how we can support you bringing Sieveille out to the world, we said to you, please just show and tell, please just show and tell, please just show and tell".
They're going to keep encouraging me to show and tell. And what manifested for me this morning was the realisation within myself of that. And I know this to be true with other healers with integrity that do amazing, amazing work, that do their own self personal development, are happy to share that with the world are happy to be vulnerable about that, as much as I do. I'm quite happy to share the weeks that I found challenging as much as the weeks that have been absolutely amazing. And where I've struggled to find love in my heart, I struggled to back myself, I struggled to own the good parts of me, as well as the bad parts of me, and I'm saying the bad parts because it's not really 'bad'. It's in the things and the areas that we deny about ourselves. But anyway, the point being is that I've realised this morning that just how much of a strong and powerful healer I am and I said it. And that weaves itself into Sieveille.
The Dominion have channeled this energy through me, they have given me the task of sharing this with the world. And if I don't own this fully, and share this to the best of my abilities, then I'm not fulfilling my soul purpose. And so when I wrote a social media post this morning about honouring myself, about being proud of my ability to help people through energy healing, give them amazing outcomes.
Part of me felt a little bit eeky for saying that, because I can feel it's coming straight to my throat chakra, is coming straight to my self expression. It's reminding me that this is here to help me overcome a past life challenge that I brought through on this life around expression. And so this is all linked, it is all connected.
And so YOU are someone that has gifts, has skills, has talents, from this life, or talents that you know intuitively have been before, or because you've been told have been brought forward from another life.
I know that it can feel difficult to stick your head above the parapet and own and share and tell people how great you are. I know that because I've been there myself, and I know how that feels. But now is the time to do this. So whatever service you bring to the world, please tell the world about it. Please tell the world more and more and more about it. And let your light shine. Let it shine brighter than it's ever shone before. Speak up, say it loud, say it proud. And I don't mind being the poster girl for healers!
I have a platform here I have my social media accounts. I have my podcast. And I'm more than happy to say what needs to be said. It is important that you are seen and it is important that you are heard. And part of what Sieveille's gift is, is that it helps people to uncover and remember what is within them, that is here to be brought out as part of one's soul mission, sole purpose.
So this really leads me on to the two questions you’ve asked me.
It's been a theme this particular one, a strong theme over the last few weeks.
“I have recognised that I do a lot of people pleasing and often I struggle to speak up for myself in the conversations where I don't agree with what is being said. I find myself agreeing with others just to keep the peace and to not feel like I am the only point of difference. Can you help?”
This question is right up my alley way. Because I completely understand the energy and the emotions around this. Here's the thing, right? The first step to recovery, to healing is the awareness that this is taking place for you. Because when you have awareness that this is happening in the moment, is like you're having a reality check. Your body feels, viscerally feels when something doesn't feel right for you. So you're already halfway there around healing the wound, the pain around people pleasing.
Then, by virtue of being in that energy, you have the choice to change your mind, you have the choice to change your behaviour. For sure, everything that you're currently experiencing, that you want to change that you are well aware, is something that's holding you back.
It is directly connected to your childhood, but it's directly connected to any past lives too. And you've brought these experiences forward, so that you can work with them and learn from them. Now you can heal from them. Just simply by being aware, and making the choices to change your behaviours or to, you know, get out of that situation, or change your friendships, or you know, move, whatever you want to do.
You know, that's a choice, and that encourages healing. But in order to kind of fully understand why these challenges are coming up for you, and why the experiences around these challenges are coming up for you in this life. In order to fully heal, and evolve and transform from them. You really must look into your past lives. And also look into your childhood more deeply. And learn the reason why this lesson is here, why it's been brought forward, why it is that it's in your being right now. Why is it coming up for you right
You will find that the things that you have the biggest challenges with, the things that you struggle to overcome with the most, the struggles where you go, "I'm sure I've really dealt with this before, I'm sure that I cleared this, I'm sure you know, I've done a healing on this, I've seen somebody about this, somebody supported me over it, you know, I've made the changes, I've moved from the location that I've been in, I've made some shifts" All of those things. But nevertheless, it still feels like on some level, there's a challenge around this for you.
For sure, the gravity, the depth, the strength of this challenge will be directly related to the skills, the talents, the gifts that you are meant to be using in this life.
Let me give you an example. If you struggle to speak up, if you struggle to share your truth, maybe to your partner, maybe to family, maybe to work colleagues, maybe to people that have some form of authority, where in your in your perception, they have some form of authority and therefore they can influence your security or stability or foundations, your health you know all of the the base level, the base level things that we come to rely on for your well being and to live our life.
You are meant to overcome, to heal the energy around speaking up. So by learning and by actually speaking up and speaking your truth, you heal that thread, you heal the karmic pattern that then transports you to a higher consciousness, a higher vibration, it catapults you closer to your gifts, even closer, even more closely aligned to your purpose. It'll bring you
so much closer to what you really want to achieve here on Earth at this time.
The biggest challenges always give you the greatest rewards. And so is struggling to speak up is something that you are really, palpably aware is an issue, and that you really want to overcome?
Just know that it is so worth the effort, and the putting yourself out there, the result of doing that is gonna bring you a really strong sense of accomplishment, you're gonna feel really empowered. And you're also going to feel like everything, and anything is possible for you. The rewards are infinite.
And the universe, if you've chosen to lean into that lesson, to making that change, the more you'll receive opportunities to work through that lesson.
More and more and more and more, because energies just layers, right, we're just removing, removing, overcoming layers, the more you'll receive opportunities to work through the lesson, but also to take you to where you want to go. Knowing enough about your past life around speaking up or not being able to speak up. And understanding why you have a fear around speaking up, will give you a lot of clarity, about how you can now work through that. And how that lesson can help you evolve.
And when you do that, you take back your strength, you take back your power. And it's very, very, very, very rewarding.
Not only that, when you learn to speak up, which is what you're meant to be doing, if you have a fear of speaking up, that's the very thing that you need to be doing is speaking up your soul wants you to speak up. It wants you to overcome the feeling of fear so you can speak up. When you speak up. You're not only honouring yourself, but you're honouring other people's presence. In this scenario, in this experience as well.
We can be led to believe that if we stay small, if we don't speak up, if we stay quiet, we're doing everyone else a favour, by just toeing the line. Or by staying small or by keeping quiet or by feeling like our opinion isn't wanted, needed, necessary. Or we will judge ourselves for what it is that we want to say. And so we'll stop ourselves from saying it.
The trouble with that is we don't give others the opportunity to receive us, to engage with what we're saying to fulfil, on some level, the agreed terms of that relationship. Because on a soul contract level, we are bringing to the table a certain set of energies, parameters, communications, boundaries. That is the intention. And so if we are holding ourselves back from overcoming that which we know we need to overcome, we're not fulfilling our side of the contract and allowing the other person to respond with their side, their position within that soul contract.
Because by speaking up, you make a stand, but you also create an energy and a boundary around your truth, which then enables people to make a decision on whether they meet you there.
"I agree with this. I don't agree with that" It enables people to see you for who you truly are. There is so many, many, many threads to this, but that was what was really coming through strongly for me. And then I felt to share about that today.
The next question, the second question. I had this question quite a lot. And I'm not sure whether I have really sort of spoken about it, and sort of shared some thoughts about it. Hence me speaking about it here.
"How do I achieve a higher self connection and be able to trust it?
To be able to trust the highest self connection, you need to trust yourself first. The other thing I've noticed is that there is this perception that the highest self, is separate to the physical self. And it's really important that you don't see them as separate. Bring them in; the self, the highest self, its one of the same thing.
So there's this belief that to achieve high self connection, it's like I've got to try and connect upstairs or to try and go higher up for myself to make this connection to, to create this channel.
BUT it's much much, much, much easier than that. When you can visualise your highest self, sitting within your physical body, there's not this outreach, and then it's like you're immediately tuned in because your highest self is you. And then it's just a matter of trust.
It's gonna take a little bit of time to keep tuning in, and asking your higher self for information, asking them for guidance, listening to the answers, listening to what comes down. It's going to take commitment, it will take discipline, and it might happen really quickly for you. You might feel that it's taking a long time to be able to make that connection. Just know trust and have a belief of absolute certainty that whether or not you feel anything is coming through in terms of connection. You have to believe that it's coming through because your messages, your connection to your higher self never stops.
It's a superhighway, and the highway is always open. The biggest challenge you have is not listening to the internal mind chatter. The brain chatter around whether it is or isn't working. The biggest challenge to you trusting the messages to trusting the connection to your higher self is any fears and anxieties and frustrations that you might have Have around your ability to channel that, to connect to that. Or a fear around what you might hear, or fear around whether hearing any part of information might be strong enough for you to change something big in your life. All of these are aspects of the ego mind. And while the ego mind is really helpful, in some respects when it comes to trusting and connecting to your highest self, the ego has no role in this.
And so I asked the Dominion. I asked them to channel a response to this question.
I asked them to give us a tip, so I will share with you a tip on how best to connect to your highest self.
Here is their response to this question.
But first, I'm going to ask you to close down your eyes and just receive this message. Let the energy of this message move through.
You achieve highest self connection by first connecting to your heart.
Allow yourself to soften and to recognise that your heart will transport you to other dimensions. Allow yourself to feel into the energy of your heart space.
Go there,go there, go there.
Now breathe into it. Rest into your heart. Allow the resonance of your heart to take you to other realms outside of your place that you reside, and outside of your physical body.
Your heart will always show you the way. When you are in your heart, you may ask yourself to connect. You can do this through gentle whispers. You can do this using your physical voice. You may do this in your mind's eye, you may ask your heart to guide you to your highest self in any way that feels good for you.
Ask your heart to take you there. By aligning to the resonance of your heart, you are engaging with your highest self. Be in your heart first. You may see your heart now as a container from which you may explore other dimensions of yourself.
Like a baby requires a bassinet to sleep, and to feel cocooned and to feel safe, and to be able to sleep soundly. The baby trusts the bassinet to look after them and to be the support.
This is the purpose of your heart in this respect. See your highest self resting in the bassinet of your heart. For your highest self is you. It is all of you. It is within you that your highest self rests in your heart. Become familiar with the sensations of this. Become familiar with how that feels.
However, this feels is perfect for you. Now listen to your highest self answer your question.
It may be humming softly, it may respond by making the tiniest sounds. It may even be trying to converse with you with a sensation in your body.
Take the time to listen to it now. In any of these ways. You may now know this as your highest self connection.
You may also call this your inner self connection. It is one of the same thing.
So that was a beautiful response that really went straight to my heart. And I just hope that it did for you too.
But it really is, I guess, just so important to keep checking in with yourself. And just understand that whatever you are going through whatever you're learning whatever lessons are coming up for you, whatever support, whatever things you're reading, whatever tools you're being given, that as you move through your experience of living this life, just make sure that it all resonates deeply with you, with your soul with your inner knowing.
Because when you learn to resonate with your soul, what this is becoming is the highest expression of love that you have for yourself. Because when you have, and you embody the fullest expression of love for yourself, you're then able to be that in the presence of others.
So thank you for those two questions.
I'm really grateful that you come to this podcast, you come here, and you find this as a safe nurturing space. And it's a place where you can enjoy your soul journey. And it's the community, the type of community that makes your heart sing, and that it's a place that you feel comfortable in.
So I think that's all for today. So thank you so much for being here.
Thank you for sharing your time, your energy, your space here. And if you gained anything from this episode, anything you found inspiring this, please share a screenshot, share your thoughts, send me a DM on social media. Certainly, tag me @samantha.lennie
If there was something that you learned, something you wanted to share, please do, because it brings me so much joy to hear your responses and read your responses, these little messages on dm it's just yeah, it fills me with so much joy.
And it's wonderful to be able to create with you and support you.
So until next week, send you so much love. I'll catch you soon.
Take care