February 2021 Lesson From The Records

In this month’s channelled teaching, The Dominion double down on the theme (and energy!) of Uncertainty.

How familiar has uncertainty been in your life? You can expect that to continue to feature prominently this month and beyond.

They also talk about Birds, Friction, Fear and the energies of the amazing soulful artist, Dusty Springfield make a beautiful entry, right from the beginning.

The lesson is so perfectly delivered during this Aquarian sun season as well as aligned the collective age of Aquarius.. Where expansion IS the energy. The way you work with your energy for your good is also for the greater good of the collective. How magical is that?

The Dominion share how you can be an active participant in and master intuitive of your own energy field.

In noticing on a whole other level, the ‘run-in-the-family’ unhealthy patterns and the stories that you created as a child. All are consciously being revealed and broken up for you and your inner child to heal (and that of your Ancestors, who are Cheerleading you on)

Plus navigating, reading, interpreting managing your energy as a living practice, now you’re naturally stepping more into your power and the ancient files of knowledge and rememberings that lie within the akashic field and within your soul. Yes, you are remembering so much now. It’s unfamiliar, which breeds uncertainty, yet it’s perfect and divinely orchestrated.

One final thing… Please subscribe on your favourite podcast directory. Take a screenshot and share this episode on social with anyone that you feel could benefit (these transmissions take time, love and connection and are supportive and applicable for so many other people).

Sam ♡


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Your jounaling enquiry prompts for this episode:

When I have the feeling of fear, it feels like…

When I have the feeling of uncertainty, it feels like…

I step into and honour the unknowingness of life by…


Prefer to read the channelled message from The Dominion. Here it is:

Wishing and thinking and hoping and praying.

If only you knew the answers. Knew what to say.

If only you knew how to act and how to behave, if only you knew what was on the other side.

You're being asked to let go, let go, let go and surrender.

To the unknown, and to the joy that is and can be found in the unknown.

What use is knowing?

What use is knowing when to NOT know, means you're open to the opportunities to land for you, that are unforeseen.

That you couldn't never, ever dream for yourself.

That weren't available to you.

If you knew.

If you had all the details of your plan.

The minute details, the teeny tiny pieces and parts.

The steps.

The timeline.

No, no, no, no, embrace the unknown.

Release what you feel is necessary for you to have, to feel complete, to feel safe, to feel in control.

The energies that are serving you so highly now.

Are the energies that haven't manifested yet.

That are divinely designed, that are designed outside of your senses, that are designed according to the way the wind blows, to the way the cosmos is laid out, is aligned according to the consciousness of the collective.

For energy is moving, it's always transforming.

It moves it transforms, it transforms and it moves, it's always moving, moving, moving.

It is unfaltering in its movement

To align with these energies requires you to be very, very, very cautious about fixing anything.

A path, that's fixed is a path that is rigid, is a path that keeps you safe in your zone of comfort.

That is tried and tested.

That is familiar.

No no no this is not the era, the energy to place yourself in.

Free yourself, open yourself, expand yourself into the realms of infinite possibility, of living and being in the moment.

Do not design and co-create your future with your past, co-create with the joy and the excitement of building all that you don't need to know, or cannot simply know.

This is what it is going to take for you to flow with the energies.

The energy of the universal forces that are present in your field and in the field of the collective.

You take flight like the birds swooping, flowing with the breeze.

Yes yes yes they know where they're going, they know what tree they want to land in, but they don't bother themselves with trying to decide, trying to fix, trying to definitively estimate what branch they will land on.

Oh no, no, they stay flexible, they stay open to the tides of the breeze, the formations, the pressure of the atmosphere.

That's all they know they need to do, is just glide glide glide, with the natural forces of nature.

Birds don't fight against it.

Go outside and take inspiration from the birds that are taking flight. Gaze up at the tree.

Notice the flexibility, the choices the birds make in every moment.

Be adaptable, loosen your grip, relax your body. Love not knowing.

Love uncertainty, make friends with the certainty of uncertainty. For that is all there is. That is all there is.

Delight in the energy of unknowingness.

For unknowingness, your creativity enjoys.

For you will discover parts of you, creative places within you that wish to be seen and can only be seen and enjoyed and birthed, and truly, truly enjoyed and loved when there is no fixed and rigid framework.

A framework that is created from what you've ever known to be in the past.

The framework that has been built from your history, not from your potential.

Can you feel how your body has got used to not knowing? Feel it, really feel it.

The mind doesn't agree, and that's okay. But the mind have its say that's okay.

But really feel your experience of not knowing. The experiences of your recent past, the deliveries of the unknown that have created this energy of adaptation that has birthed a new existence for you. A new knowing within you, a level of being that is unknown to you.

It's not a pre-recording, it is a new new new new knowing, based on the unknown.

Feel it. Sense how it fits. See, it's actually quite beautiful after all.

A frameless existence is serving you now, let it continue to serve you, so that you may create, and jubilate, and be in awe of all that you are.



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