#Shorty - Relationships, energy, know and trust your process

In this weeks shorty,

Mastering and interpreting your energy is a lifelong process of discovery. 

Mastering your interactions with the outside world (and in relationships) from your Middle Space is a blessing because when you're centred and balanced in your feelings and emotional state, the choices you make, the things you do, the thoughts you have and the words you speak come from a balanced and considered place too.

When you really know your energetic state, you can take appropriate action. 

Showing up in action that's loving, honouring, accepting and compassionate. 

Action that takes you towards what you DO want rather than DON'T want. 

You are a powerful creator and magnetiser. 

Awareness of your energy will bring you back into your middle space and into alignment with yourself, even when you're feeling stuck, lost, scared or uncertain

YOU create your world around you.

See your energy system is basically your inner communication tool. Your energy is always interacting with your physical and mental body.

Trust the process of understanding your energy in every moment, trust YOUR process of understanding, interpreting and acting on your own energy place.  Learn and Master this for yourself.

Simply focus on you, don't rely on anyone else's process because it will be different to your own.

Your stories and feedback is most welcome.


Highest blessings
Sam ♡


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Resource Links:

Connect with Sam on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samantha.lennie/


#Shorty - 6 Weeks of Cracking Open, Estrangement, Soul Expansion & Learnings


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