U10. Base/Root Chakra connection & Healing Technique Demonstration

Learning to embody our dreams and desires fully in your body. ‘Fully’ meaning integrating your intentions right into your 1st energy centre, the root chakra because this is where you can become frozen in the thoughts and feelings about doing the steps to move towards. 

Triggering fearful emotions crop up here and keeps us in a false sense of security and stability. The key is to embody the feeling, let it be fully present within you. Fear shows us where where our soul is asking us to grow, it’s leading us into a new timeline, a venturing onto a new pathway.

Pain in the body is the body’s last attempt to get you to take notice and to bring your awareness to the moment, because it is handing out a message for you. Pain also shows us where we are being asked to grow and expand. It is often about movement… taking oneself out of one situation and putting oneself in another. One step, then another step, and another.

You’ll know the message (you shared that message on the Live call), it’s the moving of the physical body into the world that’s the challenge to overcome. Fear will be present on some level, always. Let that be the gift, instead of the limitation.

The beliefs you have about your fears, rooted in your inability to love, trust and be worthy of yourself and your capabilities, despite the feelings of insecurity and a need to survive to make it through life, are always open to change. Allow, allow, allow.

Triggers are mirrors that reflect back to you what you believe to be true about yourself, life, your situation and the universe. They reveal the parts of you that are yet to be witnessed, acknowledged, accepted and loved.

The root energy centre aspect of safety, survival and security feeling alive and present in your body are old paradigm, low frequency energies. Even though your body is wired to prioritise survival, it is possible to shift from this way of thinking and feeling, and open up to the new paradigm of receiving, where you get to make money and experience passion doing your life’s work and having happy relationships, simply by being the fullest and most authentic version of YOU.

In working with the pain body and the root energy centre to reveal and heal, the 3 questions are:

1. Name the physical body pain you’re currently experiencing, and where is it?

  1. How does this show up, in what circumstances is this pain created?

  2. What are the thoughts you have about the pain and the circumstances? Ask the body part/the pain to tell you more information about this.

Write down your findings and ask your divine energy within you to soothe this painful area and show you a way forward.

Other ways you can clear and balance your root/base energy centre: dance!, physical exercise and movement, energy healing, bringing awareness, feeling and making peace with any difficult feelings you have about your past, breathwork.

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