88 Portal Activation Experience


Thank you so much for joining me, it was an absolute pleasure to guide you and connect with you all. What we created here together, it’s IMPORTANT work… for humanity, for the uprising of the collective.

The 88 corridor and energy in the run up to today, has given us the opportunity to notice and access higher wisdom and states of consciousness, to really dream big intentions and receive uplevelling abundance across all aspects of our lives. To naturally become more committed to the love we give to ourselves in equal measure to the love we give others. This was a key message. To love and appreciate oneself and the journey which has taken place so far, what a blessing!

For those of you watching the replay for the 1st time, find a warm, comfy spot where you won’t be disturbed, free from technology and notifications, and allow yourself to be present to receive.

Multiple watches of the replay will compound the benefits and continue to shift your being, bring all parts of you into divine union, and reveal more easily, any blocks that are wanting to be cleared for your highest good.

Thank you so much for being here, it was so wonderful and so enjoyable.

Sam x