AAAM. 5D Codes on Resources & Resourcefulness

Channelled Codes

When you tune into the words resources and resourcefulness, what's your first thought and impression?

Where was your intuition taking you? Write those down.

See, there is wounding, sitting in the energy field, in the subconscious, in terms of family ancestry.

There is an energy of limitation that energy equals a small number of resources, limited resources, and limitations.

And then on the other side of the coin, there is an expansion and limitless energy that comes through galactic ancestry, that comes through the portal of you know, infinite, infinite possibilities, infinite potential, infinite resources where everything is available. It is limitless.

So there is opposites, if you like, there's this contrast going on, which we're going to clear so you can move onto your next iteration and level of desires you’ve been calling in.

What may not have been possible in the olden days in terms of level of resources and, you know, maybe not being able to be resource in terms of what was available through the family lineage, through ancestry, you're now bringing this forward for clearing.

There's a bridge now between the two and a cracking open. As you surrender to the alchemy, and surrender to that which you have already cultivated as you call home all of your resources.

So calling home your resources on a sole level, on a multi-dimensional level, your energy, your skills, your wisdom, your experience, the tangible and the intangible.

So the now, and the then through the lineage, but also in the quantum where everything is available and everything is there to be, every resource is there to be fully resourced with.

We are tuning into the resource blocks and the resourcefulness blocks that represent or come through as a belief that is the old paradigm.

So a perspective and lens shift, and an alternative to making do, we can flip that, create a new perspective and introduce a new perspective to our neural pathways.

So the shift is, instead of making do, we're making more of what you have and making more from what you have. So building and creating from what already exists, money, love, time, relationships etc.

Witness the expansion that has occurred to this point, which has been created, seeing what you have, knowing what you have.

And that whatever you have already, being in the mode of expansion, it's ever increasing circles, ever increasing expansion, and you continue to create from there.

So this is the true meaning of overflow, because whatever you've created is in perpetual, ever increasing and expanding motion. You're always creating from there.

The subconscious, the ancestral beliefs, the pattern in the programming, etc, would have us believe that "a little goes a long way, and how far can we stretch stuff?"

It comes from a place of lack, of limitation. Because it's an old paradigm piece, it doesn't come from the energy of limitlessness, that the galactic energy would.

As I bring forward these codes, we're having a mindset and belief shift. That is formed from the knowing that everything is taken care of, and that you're always growing into deeper creator energy, deeper creator self, which can only create more, which is perpetuated through the keep coming back to your true and authentic self.

Sam x