AAAM. Activating The Vagus Nerve & Solar Plexus

Respond to & journal these questions:

* What are your goals and desires for being in this AAAM Container?

* To what percentage do you believe you are currently embodied in these goals?

* The space between is what we will move through together.

Identifying with your thoughts in terms of those those thoughts being the reason for the goals not being in the physical/tangible right now.

Double down on these questions to come to the root. For each answer, ask why, and then when you have the answer, ask why again.

  • What do you believe is stopping you from each goal?

  • What do you believe has to happen / has to be in place for those goals to happen?

  • Who do you believe you have to be / person you have to adopt / identity you must have, in order for those goals to become your reality?

"If I believe I am not good enough for something, then I'm identifying with the story that something is wrong with me and I feel this feeling that I'm not good enough in this world, I don't just attract things/experiences that match this, I actively create things/experiences that reflect that". This is so important to get yourself around.

The secret to accomplishment of your desires, feeling the passion, and to have a good life? Discover that which you love and discover the courage in yourself to go ahead and pursue it.

Post your musings, downloads or questions in the Voxer thread. 


The Vagus Nerve - Physiopedia
The Vagus Nerve - Forbes