March 2023 - Lessons From The Records
It all begins with an idea.
Welcome to this month's energetic forecast and message for our collective.
The key themes coming through from this channelling of your soul:
Humaneness, living situations and your community are changeable, journey’s, explorations, rides, faraway trips never experienced before, … the journey not so much the destination. New energies and experiences involving movement, that you have yet to experience.
Enjoy the channelled message and thank you for watching.
As always, in the comments I welcome your personal interpretation, the ways you’ve received this offering, the codes and frequencies into your being and what this message is personally telling you, for you be AND to take action on this month.
Sam x
00:01 Hey, beauties, welcome here to the March, 2023, Akashic Records Reading Forecast, reading the pulse, the Energies for March. And I'm recording this while we're in already in March.
00:22 So as always I follow my guidance. So that can mean that recordings happen outside of what we might normally record them. You know, I don't set any plans these days apart from setting up my biggest vision and then aligning my energy there, and then every morning just tuning in and asking.
00:56 What are we gonna do today? And I receive the guidance, and then I act on the guidance. And so that's basically my philosophy.
01:05 So here we are today opening your records, the records of this Belight members, community.
01:16 So if you are here, you are a member and you will be receiving this information from your soul.
01:26 So I open the records of the collective of us, for the intention to receive divine guidance for our highest potential, in our highest favor.
01:38 And those messages can be so varied, they can feel really subtle and maybe not so obvious, or they might feel like they're not for you because they don't really make logical sense. Or you may get from this reading a complete aha moment and clarity of what is being received as it pertains to you in your life. SAnything that you receive, if it's a subtle message or it's not quite clear, it may take a little bit of time to come through to your awareness over the hours and days.
02:20 I always recommend that you listen more than once, but obviously as you feel guided, because you know, energy's always moving.
02:30 You are always moving. Your situation is always in this perpetual state of movement. So what you may listen to today, if you were to listen to it in a few days time, you may get a completely different message.
02:45 You know, it's this, multi-dimensional scenario where you can be feeling different aspects of yourself and, you are always in receiving even if it doesn't feel like you are getting any information or clarity at all in your life.
03:08 So, yeah. So you're listening today. A beautiful welcome. You may also feel guided to go back and have a look at previous recordings as well, because as I say, if you are receiving your messages, you're listening to your messages and you're acting on your messages, there may be a message, "oh, go back to March, 2022" for example. Who knows? You know? So always follow your guidance. You know where to go because your soul is leading you there.
03:40 And these readings aren't linear, they are quantum. So yeah, there's always something to receive if you are being led down a pathway.
03:56 Anyway just a whole lot has happened in my world. Both freakishly scary and warm, fuzzy and wonderful. And I've had everything in between since the last month when I sat here and recorded these readings for February.
04:20 So yeah. Death and destruction, rebirth, planting new seeds, and there is so much changing in my world, and therefore I know in your world and us here in this community, and community energies are really, really strong this year, even more strong than last year. Our soul needs community. How that community looks, I don't know. And how this community will look and what I share, what I'm able to share with you through this portal may change.
05:03 You know, I'm really, really learning to adapt and ebb and flow more deeply. So how, how has your month been?
05:15 How have you been feeling? What have you been receiving in your world? How have you been navigating life? Have you noticed how there's this real insistence in the air in your field to want to embrace the change, embrace whatever changes are being, being thrust, I wanna say thrust, drawing towards you in life, in your work, you know, in your relationships? Adaptability is a really strong energy because through adaptability we are you know, letting go of the reins of what we know over the past, our behaviors, the way we process things, how our attitude to people, places things is, you know, really changing. And we're picking up new ways of enjoying life, of getting the most from resources we have available to us.
06:23 I know in myself, you know, we have this community portal here on circle but I've been drawn to look at, for example, opening Voxer.
06:39 So I opened the Voxer messaging service for the Attune Awaken, Accelerate Mastermind, and that is a new tool, a new technique, way of communicating.
06:48 And so being invited to try new things is certainly the, and has been the energy this month, over this last month. And, and I'm sure it's gonna happen more, moving into March as well.
07:01 But how have you noticed that that new intelligence, body intelligence, highest self intelligence, soul intelligence, but also technology is wanting to be interweaved into your life, to make your life two things easier, more fluid, more flowy and, you know, a break from, from things being clunky, but also have to create more fun in your life, more joy in your life, just a bit more play, I guess. And playing with these tech things without attaching any meaning to the way that they, they are operating.
07:48 It's been very interesting month and just, you know, CVL frequencies for example, for me, they're finding these new channels opening up within me where these DVLfrequencies are finding their way inside and around that I've not even seen before.
08:09 Now maybe I wasn't ready for it. Maybe the timing, you know, it's just all in the timing of how that was to be introduced.
08:14 We introduced the frequencies into the vagus nerve in AAA, which is the largest neural pathway of the body, that is the motor for the parasympathetic nervous system, and that came through in our first AAA call last week.
08:30 And, you know, to remain open to see, to be able to see what wants to come through so then that can be shared.
08:40 You know, it's just amazing. CVL really does speak to that loving mindset, this loving capacity, it's like whatever I'm being introduced to comes from a place of love, it comes from a place of "this is important work" for your highest potential for what you are here to do in life. You know, a lot of us here are, exploring our purpose and mission more deeply and moving along that pathway.
09:21 And that's really exciting. And through that process, we, we find speed bumps. We find our obstacles and we have these scenarios where we are feeling fearful of what, what we are we are being asked to do next.
09:40 And those, those invitations, those requests are only ever fully embodied in love. And if we can't see the love in it, we can't see the opportunity in it.
09:53 It's because there is fear, and fear is to be embraced as well. Because fear is an aspect of the human self that is an important energy cos it helps us to know, navigate where we are actually going.
10:18 And if we are avoiding the feeling of fear, then what we're saying is that we are avoiding an aspect of us, of oneself.
10:27 So yeah, I feel like part of a mission that's coming through for me in my work and in supporting you is to just be able to take more notice of the humanness of self and just noticing that wherever you are and however you feel and whatever you're doing, none of that is wrong. It's part and parcel of who you are. And learning to not avoid those painful aspects, those fearful aspects of self that cause us to question ourselves.
11:16 So integrating, embodying that. So yeah, it'd be interesting to see what comes through on this reading today and how that might pertain to what I've just shared.
11:33 I've done very little prep work. I, got the message, come in, now let's record.
11:45 So it's very spontaneous and that's how I prefer to work anyway, rather than not too much overthinking it, and over trying to prep and plan.
11:56 And so Yeah, the energy is much lighter this week. A lot has shifted through. And as a result there is this lightness, this sense of awe.
12:11 Literally anything opportunity wise, possibility wise, could drop into this message today, it's encoded with a healing frequency. And, also an activation frequency cos as I'm opening the records, I'm opening your, your soul records.
12:27 It's like your soul's opening the door to me and saying, come and have a look, rifle through the files and I'll help you pick, select a piece of information out that's really important for you to see at this point in time, on this timeline.
12:46 So it could be anything <laugh>. So yeah, I'm feeling the lightness. And the space that's been created at the start of this week for more downloads if you like, or just clarity of downloads or just a download to you that isn't, isn't mixed up with any heavy energy.
13:13 Yeah. Okay. As always, you can join me in opening the records if you desire, just follow along with me, say the words and you can open them with me at the same time if you wish.
13:28 So Thank you for allowing me to open your records. Okay, I'm gonna close down my eyes, taking a deep inhale, an exhale, and I'm gonna open the records with a pathway prayer.
13:47 We gather together in light. We gather together in love. We gather together in knowing the messages from above through the Akashic records We understand our greatness, through the Akashic records we understand our wisdom, through the Akashic records we understand what's there, this prayer will help deliver us there.
14:11 I wish to know the members of the Belight membership in the light of the records. Help me to see the members of the Belight membership through the light of the Akashic records.
14:22 Bring me to feel the members of the Belight membership through the light of the Akashic records. I wish to know the members of the Be Light membership in the light of the Akashic records, help me to see myself and the members of the Belight membership through the light of the Akashic Records. Bring me to feel myself and the members of the belight membership members through the light of the Akashic records.
14:52 And now the Akashic records are open. If you're with me, let's take a breath and just listen and receive any sensations in the body, maybe a knowing maybe a sensation, a particular sensation buzzing in a certain as certain area of the body. Take note of that.
15:27 Just allow yourself to be available for what wants to be channeled through you. At this time, Let me see, let me see, let me see.
15:52 Through the fog, through the mist. Let me see what is appearing at the end of the pathway. Can you see what it is?
16:03 If you open your eyes clearly, open them wide, open them bright. Where are you? That is you. Where are you?
16:13 Where can you be? Let yourself see with wide open eyes this dot that is you on the landscape ahead of you. On the vista, through the tunnel, through to the end, right to the end of the portal.
16:30 Do you see? Do you see? You are looking out. You are looking out over the vista, on the top of a hill, across the glade, across the glen, across the green fallow land as you wander through your energetic mind viewing the land in front of you.
17:12 You are in this experience where travel and movement, travel movement flow in the body. Taking a trip, a an exploration to other lands, to other experiences it wants to see, it wants to discover.
17:45 Allow the mind to paint for you, what that scene looks like. The scenery, the sky, the scent, the vision.
18:10 It will show you, your mind will show you. Envision, envision, envision the journey, the trip, taking yourself and your beautiful vessel from here to there.
18:27 And when you get there, it will feel like you are everywhere. Mm. Make a wish. What is the desire? Can you feel it wanting to be rooted within you?
18:46 More tangible; so you can taste and sense and smell and see and hear and hear and hear, that is beautiful.
18:54 That is lovely. Just notice, just notice. You float over there. You float over there. The movement of the body will show that you can be here and you can be there.
19:13 Allow yourself to ride and flow. Take the trip, skip, skip, skip. This may be some permanence or just a wee trip.
19:32 Taking the chance as it lands and allows you to do things, maybe differently. This March energy will take you far, far through the mind, far in the heart.
19:53 Destiny, destiny. Destiny is where you flow. You see taking yourself across and into the seas and the valleys and the chatter and the fun and the joy and the laughter, the connection as well.
20:16 The connection as well. Where will you go? What is the mind showing you? Where would you like to go? Book the ticket.
20:38 Jump up and down with the excitement and the anticipation of the journey for the journey is so special. It is so special.
20:51 You see, yes, you are going to go there, but that journey, tiptoe, tiptoe, step, toe, step, toe, step and toe.
20:59 Step and toe is where the excitement is, don't leave out the journey. Make the journey long in terms of your energy, enjoying every moment and moment and moment and moment and moment and moment.
21:17 It feels long, wthen you are squashing that down in quantum time, when you will move far into history. Maybe you see, visit, revisit, let your heart as it beats setting the pace.
21:53 Let's see where you go. Take that trip, that journey. Let your heart and soul be free. Let your mind be free.
22:11 Planning just a little, just a little planning, but mostly flow, flow, flow with spontaneity over the hills and valleys and the glens to this spot and that spot transit shining from place to place.
22:36 Feeling excited and fill, filling up, filling up through the cup as you journey through your mind and through your heart and through your physicality.
22:47 Moving from location to location. It is fluid. It is fluid. You see, it is fluid. Mm.
23:20 Okay. I give gratitude to myself for entering the records, I give gratitude to the members of the Belight community members for entering the records. I give gratitude to the dominion for lighting the way, I give gratitude to this space for the comfort and love. I give gratitude to my highest self. And the members of the belight memberships highest self for leading us here.
23:39 The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. Okay, I hope you enjoyed that.
23:57 Take from it whatever feels good for you. If something feels cold, cool and unavailable to you, that is not meant for you, then just put it away, throw it away, chuck it away.
24:12 You can always retrieve it if you feel you want to. It was like a visionary energy.
24:30 It's like, what else is out there? What else is possible? It felt like, you know, this, theme of traveling and journeying, it felt as if you were moving into uncharted territory.
24:50 Your mind hasn't organized it for you. So when, when the talk of visualization came in, it's a visualization from the soul.
25:01 So as you visualize whatever that vision, whatever that journey is, it's not gonna be a journey that, you know. If you do know it, it's like a really early doors like journey.
25:19 You know, one of those things where you know, in a deep sense, you know, it's like pie in the sky stuff.
25:25 I would really like to go and do that thing. And you might have only thought of it once, or you may have thought of it before, but you've just parked it so far away in the distance, in a box because it never felt possible or it, you know, wouldn't ever feel possible.
25:42 It's like me going, oh right, I'm gonna go to the moon tomorrow. I'd really love to do that. You know, it's just not possible.
25:49 It might be in a few years time, but do you know what I mean? It's like, it's that where the logical mind goes, that's just not possible.
25:55 So when you visualize it's gonna be something that you either barely know about. Cause it's something that you might have thought about in the past and then just parked it completely and then you've forgotten about it.
26:08 Or it might be something really new and you're like, Ooh, I didn't know that I wanted to visit Panama in three months time, or whatever.
26:17 Do you know what I mean? Or Panama was calling me. Yeah, heaven sent, soul sent journeying, But I'm just getting this sensation, this real deep sense that it's new.
26:34 It's a brand new journey, location, destination. Like you've not done it before. Interesting. Okay. All right. Let me close this down.
26:50 Enjoy how you received this. I'd love to know if this is already percolating somewhere you've been getting signals, thoughts and situations that match up to what's just been channeled through for you because it is from YOUR soul.
27:10 And because your soul is multi-dimensional, it may maybe picking up something from a previous lifetime or a lifetime that's about to come in, in some point in the future in terms of linear time.
27:26 Or you may just be being called somewhere in order to see something. You know as light workers we are, you know, often called to other parts of the earth and other planets to deliver information, to pick up information, to seed information or just to be in the energy of something.
27:49 So it feels very spacious. Today it talked about earth and valleys and whatever, but it, it just feels it feels bigger than that.
28:04 So maybe there's something coming through where your extra sensory, your psychic senses or something are being called forward more prominently to explore where you've not never explored before.
28:21 So exploration, journeying, flow, fluidity, are some of the key words. All right. I hope you enjoyed this. I'm feeling a little bit spaced out.
28:38 I'm gonna go and get some water. Sending you so much love. As always, thank you for being here. Thank you for listening and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and reading your comments.
28:46 Take care.