Sam Lennie Sam Lennie

May 2022 - Lessons From The Akashic Records

It all begins with an idea.

Welcoming May energies. Whoa I didn't see this psychic development theme coming, although I never do!! 😲 Must be the eclipse corridor offering access to higher frequencies and the incoming Scorpio full moon that is helping us to shed layers of old coding and story, because upgrades are coming in. Tap into your inner light power, follow your activated psychic nose (Clairsalience), go deep down that chosen path (like never before), follow the course, interpret the truth. Keep going! ✨

Tell me your thoughts as you receive what you're working with this month, let's keep the energies moving


Channelled wisdom:

Your senses are heightening, your senses are heightening now, can you feel this through your nose as you consume the air around you? The scent around you?
Can you notice how it is bubbling and fusing and working through your nose?
You sense that something is different. You sense that your life is switching. It is turning around, it is flip flopping about.
The constant in this is the scent of what you know is right for you.
That's scent and sense.
Allow your nose to move you, to drive you, to allow you to follow the path if it smells like a good thing, if it intuitively, as you breathe it in, as you inhale it.
It wakes up your sensation of fun, of joy, of excitement of palpable possibility.
Maybe you have been feeling a little bit bunged up, those nasal passages feeling blocked, feeling inflamed, not allowing the air, the breeze, the clean, purified the clarified, newness of the breeze.
If your nose has been unable to ingest, inhale and receive the information let it be known now that this is easing, your nostrils your airways are opening up.
They are expanding in order to allow more sense, scent and since you will information through.
What is the Clair? The Clair that indicates receiving a smell. Consuming it through the nose.
You're like a bloodhound, an anteater. Notice how this psychic sense is being worked upon. It's heightening, its building and creating new psychic intuitive connections.
We hear the sound, the expression "I can smell a rat".
You know when something isn't true, you can sniff it out. You can, like a degustation menu, select many intuitive scents and smells and be able to depict them, depict where they come from and what is the meaning behind them.
This is being heightened now. Breathe in, open and expand, breathe in, open and expand.
Allow in more energy through the tubes through your your Clair, the Clair of the knowingness of a scent, the knowingness that this is where you are, the scent feels good or the scent is a "What's this?"
Watch out your discernment will become more palpable, stronger. You will know you will know.
The expression "I can smell a rat" Rats are canny creatures, very smart.
When you smell a rat the illusion falls away. And you sense the truth and the reality that is free from the stories, free from the past thoughts you had about it. If you didn't smell the rat before you certainly smell it now.
All illusions are dropping, breathe in breathe in. Notice it now clearing clearing clearing, mastering the ability to sense, to follow the scent to notice the scent and to master your ability to scent things out, to follow the scent.

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