How To Feng Shui Your Desk, Akashic Records Style!

Welcome to this weeks episode.

You never know how the channelled messages for the energy of the month will land in your life, for you and for your highest potential. It's always a surprise!

The August lesson is no exception.

Just a couple of days after Sam channelled the themes we can expect for August, she was in her own Records for guidance on what she should focus on for that day. Telling the story of taking action on the directive to set her desk 'True North', she followed the guidance step by step and ended up shifting her workspace and the energy of her Spiritual HQ.

This opened up the flow of new clients and a clearer mind with less uncertainty. It is evidential proof of the magic that inevitably happens when you trust the messages and commit to following them. It always leads you 'true north'... i.e. the path of ascension and evolution.

The story is also a reminder that every action has a reaction, so it's important to make all actions positive and soul aligned if you are to transcend your current reality for something far more amazing and transformative.

As with all Dominion communications, a life enhancing teaching comes through. So, in this episode they share 9+ strategies for Feng Shui'ing your desk space, Akashic Style!

It's perfect timing given that an ever increasing number of us work from our home spaces.

I hope you enjoy the magic and the tips.

(Desk before and after pictures are below)

Sam ♡

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Face True North

Face True North

Desk - Top Left

Desk - Top Left

Desk -Top Right

Desk -Top Right

Episode Transcript

I'm Sam Lennie healer, channel and conduit for celestial light. I'm the host of the lessons from the records and with the help of the dominion, who are the light beings our channel. I'm on a mission to help you to love and empower yourself. raise your vibration, Shine your light, and align with your highest truth. So welcome to this episode. If you are inspired by what you receive today, please like and subscribe and comment on this episode, and share it with someone that you love on social media. Thank you so much for bringing your energy here today.

Hey, lovelies, welcome to this week's podcast episode. How are you doing this week? hope you are well.

We had a week off last week, my husband and I, so it meant there was no episode last week. And to be honest, it was so, so needed. I believe that when you reach a point where it feels a bit like wading through treacle, when life feels a bit like that, it is just one of those signs among many where it's time to take a period of rest.

And we were due to go further north, to Far North Queensland but it didn't happen because we found ourselves in lockdown just for a week, which I'm really grateful for, we were pretty lucky that we aren't on lockdown for any longer. But what that did mean was a blessing in disguise, to be honest with you, because we got to hang out in our home.

And this is the first time since we've moved that we got to spend any length of time just being present here enjoying the space, pottering around, going to the beach with no agenda, no task list or anything. And it was beautiful, although my husband got a little bit sick. Anyway, so whether or not he would have got sick if we'd gone away, because you know, who knows, these things are delivered to us just when we need them and with divine intervention. But if he was ill while we were away, then we probably wouldn't have enjoyed it to the same degree as we could have done if he was feeling well.

But anyway, I had a week off. And I'm so, so grateful because it gave me a chance to rest, reconsider, recalibrate, realign, and just enjoy, enjoy life, and what life has to offer. But now I am back this week, and I wanted to share a little story that is linked into the channeled message for August that The Dominion channeled a couple of weeks ago.

And as part of that story, I wanted to give you a little bit of a teaching as to how being in your records will lead you on a path. And I thought that this was a perfect story to share with you, to give you a some idea, some context of how being in your records can literally shift, change, transform your life for the better, for huge, huge, huge benefits for you.

A couple of days after I channeled the August lesson, I was doing my regular meditation practice. And I sat down, I lit some incense, I did all my rituals, dropped into my Akashic Records. And generally the first thing I do when I go to into my records is ask for for guidance on what I need to know for my highest potential.

And then what comes through I either record it on my phone as a voice message, or I might write it in my journal, it depends on what I feel guided to do at the time. If you are a regular listener of this podcast, and you're a regular listener particularly of the channeled message at the beginning of every month, this channelled message is an energetic theme for the month. So the kind of energies, the kind of themes the kind of topics that you can expect to be running through you, and be in your energy field for the month. That is your vibration, if you are a listener, it is my vibration, is the vibration of the collective members, the people that listen to the podcast. So I call in your energies, and this is how the message pertains to you.

Now that message can reach you in many different ways, and how it reaches you and how you perceive it will be different to how I perceive it. Because we're all individuals. What happens is it might be one line of the channeling that piques your interest, that aligns with you, that is highly relatable. It might be that the overall theme of the channeling itself is relatable. There are no set hard and fast rules for this.

So for me on that morning, just a couple of days after I channeled the August lesson, I sat down opened my Records. And the question I asked my highest self and The Dominion, was "please give me guidance on what I need to focus on today".

And immediately, straightaway, I got "pull a card". Okay, interesting. I'll pull a card and I'm thinking, what card should I pull? I've got lots of Oracle card decks here, just behind me.

I looked up. And the first card deck I spotted was the StarSeed Oracle deck. Right, I'm pulling it from there. So I shuffle the cards. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle on, and one card jumps out. And the card that jumped out was "You're not for everyone. Embrace your weirdness and face your true north".

Now when I read "Face your true north" I immediately connected that to one line in the August lessons from the records. And immediately I was like, "Oh my god, I'm sure that statement was a line that I've just channeled in the records".

So I go back to the records channeling. And I read it. The Dominion said, "My inner compass as the guide, brings me on the path true north. While some experiences may make me wobble and fall, fulfillment is the measure that helps me stand tall. How do you know when fulfillment is found? when you've experienced life and its ups and downs, from that is how fulfillment is found. You are an energetic being with an inner compass that aligns you True North, due north. Fulfillment will come and go, it will ebb and flow the changes you see are necessary. And let what you think fulfillment should be and allow fulfillment as a place to be"

Now, when I first channeled this lesson, I didn't have any idea that spirit, that my highest self, the Dominion were going to take me back to this channeling now, I had no idea. This is the magic of receiving the lesson from the records as a listener because it's your vibration as well. It is my vibration as well. I'm opening the records, but I'm opening it on behalf of everyone that listens.

Anyway, so I'm looking, I'm thinking, "Oh my goodness, the card matches the lesson". So I'm sitting there, and I made a little note of this in my journal. And I'm thinking, What am I now meant to be doing with this? And I'm sitting there and I'm sitting there and I'm listening and I'm listening. I'm just being very present, being still just listening to what comes through.

I'm tuning into the words. I'm not sure if I shared this on the last episode, but I've been feeling a little bit like one minute I'm feeling really insecure, and other times I don't, it's been really, really sketchy. There's gonna be lots of ebb and flow and there was lots of ebb and flow. And although I was feeling all of these different energies, I was finding it challenging to kind of be able to articulate what was going on within. So I'm sitting there and then all of a sudden, I get another statement. What came through was "Move your desk". It's like somebody shouted to me, in my left ear, "Move your Desk". I sit there, and I think, Why? And then I received back, "It needs to be in a better spot".

So I'm like, okay, where?

Then I get "Put it in the same position as it was in the last house". And I'm thinking, Okay, where was it in the last house? And immediately? In my mind, an image in my mind, like a clairvoyance is that "boom!, okay, I've got the picture of exactly where my desk was in my old house".

So then I ask the question, Why? And before I'd even finish the word, I feel this shouting back at me, "Because it's true north".

So not only had I channeled the words true north in the August lesson. That morning, I've also picked up a card... it's flown out of the deck, "Face your true north".

And then I get a message from my Records, saying that I need to move my desk true north.

And I was just blown away. I know I do this every day, but I'm still blown away at how messages come through, and the nature of the messages that come through and how they benefit.

They might not always make sense in the moment. But at some point, all of the pieces come together, and it creates this beneficial, aligned, highest potential offering that can't be ignored.

So I jumped out of my meditation excited as anything is that somebody ignited a fire inside my belly is like something, somebody switched on this energy, this motivation. I jumped up, thanked The Dominion, closed my records, and then set about changing my room.

I moved my desk into exactly the same position as it was in our old house. And it's facing true north. This is just one example of a daily practical guidance that can come through when you open your Akashic Records.

These are simple instructions, do this, do that, do this. It was in my field already when I channeled the August lesson. And so therefore, if you're a listener of these channellings, somewhere within each of these channels, there will be a resonance, something that's highly relatable for you that you can take forward into your life.

It is a reading and a teaching and an action taking instruction, all in one channeling each month. So not only does it give you, it can give you, bear in mind that we all have our own freewill. So you don't have to take action on anything that comes through your records or through the channellings for sure.

But if you do, it can give you so much, because you are accessing your soul. This is your vibration.

It can give you daily practical guidance just like that one for me. But it can also give you bigger picture messages relating to your life purpose, relating to whether you're on the right path, guidance on your relationships or your career.

It's like having your soul displayed in a diary. And as you happen to turn to the chapter that talks about life purpose, you read the dozen, two dozen, three dozen pages around life purpose, and it tells you word for word, exactly what you need to do in that moment for your highest potential for your highest good about your life purpose.

This is what it means to be in your Akashic Records, to channel information from your akashic records. So, I moved my desk. And before I'd even finished it, completed the job, I could feel this intense realignment happening, I felt more motivated than I felt for a while, I felt accomplished, there was all sorts of creative ideas spinning out of my head, it was like turning over a new leaf, it's like closing off one chapter/aspect of self and moving forward onto something, a whole more, a load more exciting. This is an example of how practical it can be to access your records.

Now, I'm thinking that I'm on a roll here, on a theme, So, I'm just going to continue with the energy, in the flow of this. And so I asked the question, I went back into my records and asked The Dominion. "Why am I facing true north? What is the importance of me facing north, of this desk facing north"?

They said to me, North equals growth, it equals ascension, it equals evolution. It also equals you facing and being more connected to your higher self. Higher being up, they said to me that facing your desk north, helps support your growth helps with productivity, but it also aligns you to your highest self to source and your connection outside of your five senses.

So it's a very powerful position to me. And so that got me even more curious. And I was thinking, "Can you imagine how useful that would be for a lot of people?" You know, a lot of us are working from home, we've changed the way we do our day. There's so many more of us now that work from home, on a desk. "And how cool would it be to optimise how we work, the place in which we work, and to have a positive influence?". Because, you know, we spend a lot of time doing our life's work, our souls work, acting on our life purpose.

So there were a few more things that I asked The Dominion through my Records, in order to further optimise this desk, and I wanted to share it with you now.

Feel free to take these techniques, take this guidance and bring it into your life and see how things change for you. Particularly when it comes to your work, your career, the time you spend making money. Being of service, helping others. Wherever you have your desk basically.

Here are a few tips and techniques via The Dominion that you can implement yourself.

The first thing they said to me was; Make sure you have a clear desk.

Now as a colour therapist, I work with colour. White is a colour of clarity and efficiency and purity. And I love my desk to be white. So already I have this beautiful clean white space, there's no clutter. The Dominion say get clutter out of the way because it's a distraction. I'm a little bit OCD anyway, so I don't have too much clutter.

I cannot channel and I cannot do my healings as effectively as is important to me to do, to be at the highest service, if I've got lots of clutter, so anything on my desk is on there because it has a purpose or it's something that I love with all my heart.

So I said to them. "Where where am I putting all of my items?".

They basically designed for me, the optimum places to put things on the desk, for the optimum flow of energy, for success, for abundance, for connection, for healing, for opportunities, creativity, and for channeling.

So we started with the top left hand side of the desk. I was just intuiting by myself before this exercise that what normally went in that spot was crystals.

And so, The Dominion said; You should have something that's living and growing, because that corner relates to growth, it relates to abundance, it needs to be something that is going to grow and evolve. So I put a plant there, I put the plant there, and The Dominion again shouted at me; You need to re-pot that plant.

So I'm not really halfway through this exercise, and I run downstairs and I find a larger pot and I re-plant the trailing plant that I intended to put in that corner. So now this plant, it has more room for the roots to expand, emulating the intention that I have for myself.

In front of the plant I have two crystals. I chose an Amethyst cluster and a Citrine cluster. I like things in threes. There's a reason for that. Number three is related to the solar plexus chakra. And this is the your centre point. This is your power point of your body. This is the centre of your energy, the centre that relates to your willpower and relates to empowerment. So it's a very strong, dynamic, healthy, vital, chakra. And number three, carries the resonance/vibration of the solar plexus. So that's a reason why I put things in three's.

The Amethyst, I love because it is incredibly healing, very balancing, but it's also what I would call a strong spiritual crystal. It's a great all-work all-rounder, it balances it harmonizes it's also very soothing. So if you are an anxious person, if you have a tendency to stress, if you have a job that's very stressful or it's quite demanding an Amethyst on your desk is a very good crystal to have with you.

I put a Citrine crystal next to it. A Citrine is a stone of success, growth and abundance. And it's also has a masculine energy. So it balances out the Yin, the feminine energy of the Amethyst and provides us beautiful balance. And because it's in the growth success and abundance corner, it kind of doubly, triply influences this growth. I might change it in future though. But for me, that feels really good right now. My Records say that that's good, so that's what I'm calling in via the top left hand corner.

On the top right hand corner, it has a different energy. This corner is all about the heart. It has this strong, loving, nurturing, caring energy. What I've put in my corner is a vase of flowers. It's pretty, it looks pretty, it smells amazing. I've got Eucalyptus here at the moment. So that pungent smell of eucalyptus just is amazing. It smells and looks fantastic. So it's aesthetically beautiful. It lights up all of the senses and it makes me feel good. So this corner feels to me again, according to my Akashic Records, is the place that's all about love, is the place that you could, for example, put a photograph of your partner, or your family, things that remind you of love, or make you feel loved, or carry the energy of love.

I've also got a Laboradite sphere there, and it's the size of my hand. Labradorite Crystal is one of my favourite crystals. It is a crystal that promotes transformation. It is a good stone for promoting good communication as well. For me, it is associated with the third eye. And it's also associated with the throat chakra. It promotes psychic abilities, clairvoyance, clairaudience, it is calming, but it's also stimulating at the same time.

When I look into it, it's like I'm looking into the world. I think because it's round as well. I'm looking at the globe and as I look into it, I see like these pools of bluest water, and slightly green water. So there's something very exciting, expansive, a crystal that promotes possibility and positivity. It's also a stone that stops you from feeling stuck.

So I'm putting that stone, that crystal in the love area of my table. The Dominion said; Put it there because when you feel like you are stuck on a project, or stuck with indecision, or stuck because you feel uncertain about something, it's because you are out of alignment with your own self worth. So let it help you support your intentions.

Then we've got the middle of the desk at the back in the middle of the desk. I've got my computer there, again, that feels right for me, because I'm facing true north. And so I am looking and taking action on the future on the possibility, and I'm encouraging whatever wants to come forward to come forward towards me.

And then at the front of my desk, where my chair sits, this space, I keep as clear and as clutter free as possible. The Dominion said there has to be enough space for air for energy to circulate here to keep your ideas flowing to keep the energy flowing, to stop any stagnation. And also what I've been doing every night, when I leave my desk is to clear the whole desk but particularly clear this area right in front of my chair, just to allow for that flow, just enhance the energy.

On the front left side. Well, this was interesting because sometimes I have my laptop here. And other times I have a journal or client notes. If I'm channeling in the Akashic Records, then I'll have the prayer to open the records here. So this area at the front here is like it helps me to do my job more efficiently more effectively. It's like the knowledge area. I can dip in and out here of information. So I might have written something and I'll go back through my notes and source some piece of information there, that helps me to do something else. It's the same if the computer is there, it is the same if the prayer to open the Akashic Records is there. It reminds me of being a key to a lock. So if I turn the lock there, it opens up this knowledge, this information, this wisdom. I suppose you could look at it as a kind of toolkit. What goes here helps me to implement.

Then, lastly on the right hand side at the front right, I really had to go deep into my records to feel into this area of my desk. It's a little bit jumbled, it's like, I can't seem to stick to one theme on this area. And so what happens as a consequence is it's a bit of a dumping ground. So I might put my iPad there with some music on or I might have two or three card decks milling around, or some aura colour sprays or whatever. So it can be a bit of a dumping ground.

So I tuned in to The Dominion and they said; This spot here is an awesome spot to put anything that represents expansion. So I'm like, "What do you mean?" They said; Put your grids for your healings and your channellings for people in this area. So this zone relates to the person, this might be you as a person, or related to the people that you help. Again, I was like, "What does that mean? What does that actually represent?" It represents dreams, it represents the bigger picture, limitlessness, shifts support, support from higher beings from angels and guides from highest self, and even human beings.

So it is like the conduit from which you can shift and expand, but still be supported by other at the same time. So for me as a healer, as a channel, that just makes so much sense that it's linked into collaboration with people, and working towards, traveling forwards towards a better outcome, a positive, or the delivery of a positive outcome. But doing it together, human to human, or doing it in collaboration with your spirit team. So that was the desk area.

And they gave me some other tips...

You also want to be able to see the door to the room, without you needing to look backwards. So don't place the door behind you because you can't see who's coming through the door, you can't watch your back. And you can't see the opportunities, the energetic themes that come through the door. So you have to have the doorway to the room on either side of your being. And if you can put the window on the other side, so one side window and door on the other, then that helps you to get a feel for the outdoors, for space, for nature, but not be distracted by it. So this is an optimum position.

Now your desk is going to probably be looking at a wall. And it certainly is for me as I'm facing true north. The Dominion said put something inspirational on that wall, or something that makes you feel aligned and in flow. And that simply symbolises and represents the authentic you and represents the truth of who you are at your core. So that could be a motivational message, it could also be a picture of you, or your business, your company, or something that represents your business or your company especially if you have your own business and you employ yourself. So it's something that inspires you to be the best you.

I've got some crystals there, and for me that reminds me of nature, it reminds me of the Earth. It reminds me of light.

And the last suggestion that the Dominion made, and this came because I said to them, "We're not all the same... this might be a great suggestion for me and people might, you know, take this guide, as they see fit, but how do people use their own authority, trust their own intuition, when it comes to creating the best, most harmonious working space?"

They said to me; You must love everything about your desk, on your desk, and anything that you add to it. So if you're not attracted to your physical desk, maybe it's the wrong colour for you. Maybe you need to be to choose a desk with a colour that you're highly attracted to, that feels good for you, that's a good place to start. But also the things on it. If there are items on there that are dusty, that are not in great condition that haven't been looked after, haven't been cared for, or that you just plain and simply just don't like, then please don't put them on your desk. So you have to pay attention to what you love. And if you don't love it, or it doesn't serve a useful, effective purpose, leave it off the desk.

And then the other thing that came to me also is that the desk is energy, everything on it is energy. It has a resonance, and therefore, it has a feeling. And therefore it is affected by the energy and the feelings around it. And so it makes sense too, to bless it, to ask it to look after me, to ask it to support me, to ask it to work with me and my energy for my greatest good and for the greatest good of the people that I serve.

And so once you've got your desk complete, and you've set everything out, just say a little prayer onto it.

Just close your eyes, hand on heart and say these words.

You could say…

"Thank you desk for the work we're going to do together,

thank you for supporting me and my dreams and my intentions.

Thank you for being here with me, as I fulfil my life's life's purpose,

as I go forward and support other people to live their best life and to align with their truth and with their heart and soul for their highest potential.

I'm grateful that you are here with me, guiding me supporting me.

May we work together in harmony.

And as you look out for me, I will look out for you too and keep this space, clean, tidy, and treat you lovingly and respectfully.

And so it is and so it is and so it is.

My desk has been like this for a few days now rearranged, zhuzhed up, and it feels amazing. And I'm just thinking about all of the positive things that have happened. Since I've changed my desk around, let me give you example. One is that I have much more clarity on the plans I have for myself moving forward. This is all career, life's purpose and business related, is like someone's flicked a switch inside me and the areas that I was having a little bit of a wobble and uncertainty over, I've let go.

And I realised that through this clearing and cleansing and shifting that I've become an attraction point. And so as a result, I've had new clients and new people come as a result, it's invited new clients, new people into the work I do. And that's created obviously more abundance, more prosperity, and allowed me to help more people.

I literally feel like a new person and it's really difficult to find the words to describe why, it just is. It's just a brand new knowing. And I'm a bit of a zhuzher anyway, I have a bit of a habit of, of changing things around, I absolutely love giving things around me a new look.

But with the help of The Dominion and being in my Akashic Record, it's taken the guesswork away, I've just followed their prompts, followed the information, followed the messages coming down and just implemented, implemented, implemented, implemented. And it's been nothing but productive, efficient, and abundant as a result of just trusting the process and going with it.

So I highly recommend that you go into your Akashic Records to seek guidance on this small practical thing. You know, this is not a groundbreaking task, but whether it's just daily practical guidance, or you get messages that are bigger picture that are more life changing, that relates to big things in your life, it doesn't matter. You know, I know for sure for myself, but in opening the records for others and following the prompts, that people have healed, they've healed chronic illness. They've improved their well being, they started businesses, they changed their jobs, they've moved locations, they've taken control of their lives, they found their voice, they've developed deeper connections, deeper bonds with family members, they've met their life partner, they've healed arguments.

I mean, there's so many, so many, so many things, and the vibration of the Records, when you open your Akashic Records, it's your vibration. And to me, it's like you've come home, it's like I come home with a clearer mind, but also a full heart because being in your Records is reassuring. And it's also thought provoking.

Even spending only 10 minutes in my Records, and getting all of this information about how to properly locate my desk, you know that that was 10-15 minutes. And so if you think about the amount of information that can come through during an hours worth of being in your Records, is enough time for a lot of information to flow through, for you to receive.

And then when you link the information that comes through to energy healing practices, it's like you open a whole new portal. And you begin to undo all of those things that you thought you should be. All those things that you were told to do. Through the energy work, you begin to release what you thought you were, so you can become who you are, you let go of everything that you created, that you thought was your identity, to become the real you. So you can choose to be you. The real you at your core.

You can take yourself onto the right path for you. You can overcome anything you want to overcome by being in your Records, and have faith in your intentions have faith in your abilities.

The August lessons from the Records, the theme was about fulfilment. And I guess in essence, when I think about it, now I've done this exercise with my desk that was really fulfilling. I feel fulfilled, I feel like my cup is full, I feel much more capable. Any areas of self doubt and uncertainty I have have been raised just by going into my Records, receiving the information then going into the August channeling (as directed!) and really reminding myself of what came through and taking action on it.

Being in allowance of whatever it is that comes through, whatever wants to be seen. Because as The Dominion said in the lesson, fulfilment comes in the most unexpected and exponential ways. So it's been a pretty interesting week.

I just felt compelled to share this with you. The Dominion giving me teachings that I know can benefit you all. And I hope that these techniques can support you in rearranging your desk. If it's not a desk, maybe it's a room, use the same principles to rearrange your room. If you have an altar, and somewhere where you do your spiritual rituals, the same thing is for that too. You know, only place on the altar what brings you joy and what brings you love in the moment. And open your Records, drop into a place of stillness, of meditation where you can listen to your messages, listen to what placements, location, direction of the objects and the things, where they need to go for your highest potential.

Let me know how you go if you take action on these tips, I'd love to see your pictures. I'd love to hear how you go. I'd love to hear what is relating to you.

And if you've received something different from the August lessons channeling and that's filtered out into your life this month. It's always so awesome to hear your personal stories.

So, I hope you have a beautiful rest of your week, whatever you're doing.

I'm sending you so much love and highest blessings as usual.

And I'll see you again soon. Take care

Sam x


Know And Work With Your Root Chakra Energy Centre


August 2021 Lesson From The Akashic Records