October 2020 Lesson From The Akashic Records

⁣In this episode, I share some post equinox vibes. A story of following the breadcrumbs from spirit to learn about Lucid Dreaming.

How an Iceberg (and the syncronistic message of Penguins and Lucidity) symbolically represents the familiar and unfamiliar parts of you, how much more there is to explore about yourself under the surface of the water, where most of you exists.

Learning about Separation… you are evolving at a faster pace than you have ever been and making the connections with all of yourself; from child self to this moment and beyond, leads to integration, greater awareness and healing from harmful patterns in this life and previous.

I channel from The Dominion, the energy for October; cornfields and a Practice of how to strengthen the connection to all of your senses, to your middle space so you can listen to the messages that align to your highest potential.

I truly hope this episode inspires you.

For now, let me leave you with the audio:

If you prefer to read the channelled message, here it is below. I really hope you enjoy it and integrating the energy into your life this month:

This month brings more whispers of knowingness in the breeze.

Can you feel the atmosphere, it's so light, so light. It's dancing, floating light.

The air is so thin. The atmosphere is so thin.

The Evolution of all things, all creatures, all living things.

There's more upgrading more upgrading this month. It's almost as if the stars, the planets, outer space.

And the frequency of these cosmic elements, reaching down into the Earth's atmosphere like paper planes, gliding in the breeze.

Like feathers, falling down from the trees.

Reach up, reach up, feel the difference in the air, at your fingertips.

Touch the cosmic sky, feel the connection that runs through your fingers and down into your arms, down, down, down into your body, down into your feet, and into the ground.

Can you see the connection? Are you aware of the connection? Can you feel the connection between heaven and Earth?

The space between is not so vast. Reach up, reach up. Touch the stars.

50,000 evolutions later.

You arrive here at this time.

This is magical. It is a privilege.

This is a voyage of greater discovery for you.

You've been here before.

You've looked under the rocks of yourself before.

As the world continues to slow right down.

This pace will continue, we promise that you won't drown.

We say this often, it is so important to trust yourself, to trust the process, to trust in The Evolution.

How you are evolving, what you are evolving into?

Don't fear, any differences in your expectations, compared to what is revealing for you.

That is all perfectly aligned.

Go within, go within, go within,

The illusion that there is separation.

This is melting away,

You're beginning to see yourself on a much deeper level that you are oneness.

To see separations in your timeline, is an illusion.

For you are deeply connected to the baby that was you.

The child that was you.

You see, the baby that is you, the child that is you, the adolescent that is you, the adult, that is you, the elderly person that is you, all resides within you.

Collect these energies into the center of your heart, bring them in, bring them in.

You have your conscious mind. The mind, that is you in your daily life, moving through the things you have to do.

And your unconscious mind, the deeper depths reside deep within your brain.

Deep within your heart that lie with you, while you're in your dreams.

This is a whole other world. But it's still connected to you.

Let go of the idea of separation and embrace the truth of connection.

There can be times when you struggle to find a moment, to find the time to slow down, for life bothers you in so many ways, here, there and everywhere.

We know it can be difficult to come back to your center, come back to your middle space.

You have this beautiful golden thread running through your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, and beyond into the ground, coming up from the heavens and the ether, down through the body, this golden thread.

Be still. Be still and feel the thread, bring your awareness to the thread. Like jack in the beanstalk, see this golden thread coming down through the clouds, down to reach your crown.

It follows the path of your spine, down through your body. Down, Down, Down, Down, through your legs, down through the feet into the Earth, deep, deep down into the core.

This is the simple truth that you can connect, you are automatically connected to God, to source, to the divine, to your body, to the Earth.

This uninterrupted channel, thread.

This golden thread is the brightest gold thread, you can ever imagine.

It’s beaming brightly through you.

Lighting you up. The brightest golden flame.

Use this technique to bring yourself back into yourself, connected to all that is.

An uninterrupted pillar of light, pillar of information, the super highway from heaven to earth and everything in between.

It takes just a couple of minutes to remind yourself of this super highway, and your presence within it, an endless supply of information that is within you, is mirrored around you, above you and below you.

Trust this connection. Trust your middle space.

The thread running through your middle space.

Trust what you are receiving, trust that whatever your senses are providing you with, that this information is coming from the aligned you.

It's so simple but we very much over complicate things, being human.

But you are ultimately a child of the universe.

Infinite soul. In this fleshy body.

The air is thin, the air is light. The atmosphere is very light and bright.

You are closer to the cosmos, than you would have yourself believe.

Make this practice your friend this month, enjoy what will be revealed.

Honour your spiritual practice this month. Honour your mindfulness, honour, yourself,

We bring you to an example of trust…

You are in a 20 Hectare cornfield. The corn is high, it reaches up above your head.

You can see the sky, you can see the clouds.

You can see the birds fly by.

You are in the middle of this cornfield.

You know that there is a way out. You know that, whichever way you walk, there will be an exit point from this beautiful cornfield.

So you question yourself, you question your judgment as to which way you walk.

Will I go left? Will l go right? Will I turn 360?

Will I walk one way, then walk another way, then another way, and then another way, zigzagging through the cornfield?

You trust yourself that you will succeed in finding the edge of the cornfield.

You trust that this is the case.

But you question how long it will take.

You know which direction you need to go.

But you have no idea which direction this is, for you can see nothing ahead.

Nothing to the side, but a huge expanse of beautiful corn.

And then you remember that you have your instinct.

And then you remember that you have the sun too.

You remember that you can trust the sun.

As much as you can trust your ability to step in the right direction.

You have a feeling. You have a knowing.

This is trust.

So you decide that you are going to follow the sun.

Following the sun and the path of the sun, you know that you will be walking West.

So you begin to follow the sun, step by step, moment by moment, minute by minute, hour by hour you follow the sun, until you reach the furthest point of the cornfield.

And you know that you are true West.

You recognize that this is such a beautiful example, of the gifts that trust and being able to trust, provides for you.

And that ultimately you are taken care of.

Even though you don't know what is in front of you, even though you're not sure which direction to take, you know that as day is followed by night, and night follows day.

That there are indicators, measures, intuitions to trust and follow.

Loving you this month. As you continue to build your intuition and trust your senses and connect with the whole of yourself.

The Dominion x


November 2020 Lesson From The Akashic Records


September 2020 Lesson From The Akashic Records