September 2020 Lesson From The Akashic Records

Dear friends,

Beautiful September vibes and with a new season comes a few changes. Within ourselves, there’s no doubt about it!

And I’m excited to share some changes with the format of the monthly Lesson from The Dominion, with an audio recording as well as the regular written transcription of the Lesson that you have been used to.

The extended recording (approx 30 minutes) features a new integration element, like a kind-of-a- learning recognised from the lesson.

Within it, I let you into a little secret, as I acknowledged to myself recently where I was deliberately keeping myself small in one particular area.

Like, when I followed the prompts from my higher self and started to channel the Akashic Records earlier this year, I didn’t know how this was going to be part of my business or in fact if it was something that I would only do for myself personally. There felt like so much risk when spirit said “JFDI”. I had to trust myself.

My own Records constantly share with me “Shine Your Light” and I cleared a specific lie around ‘hiding and self-criticism’ by simply committing to record this audio for you. Even though I felt chronically sick inside, that’s what it takes to invoke change… Doing the thing and proving your physical self otherwise.

This recording is the start of something that will surely develop further in the coming months, but for now, I don’t have any plans about what it will look like. Simply starting it is the magic at play.

I hope you enjoy this extended recording and the Lesson.

Please, please, please share your feedback on the audio below and share on social media, it means so much to hear what you receive from it.

And if you would like to receive your own personal Akashic Records Reading, to fill in the gaps of your knowledge and discover more of your own soul blueprint in this life and lives before, book Here.

The Monthly lessons will be published on the 1st of every month.

For now, let me leave you with the audio:

September 2020 Lesson & Integration
Samantha Lennie

If you prefer to just read the channelled message itself, here it is below. I really hope you enjoy it and integrating the energy into your life this month:

In September, is there no place that you're not prepared to go?

New possibilities, unseen possibilities opening up for you now.

How will you witness these? How will you receive these?

How you receive, speaks to where your mind is at, what lens you see life through.

Do you dare to dream bigger?

Do you dream, farther?

Do you dream in brighter colours?

Do you believe in angels and fairies?

Do you believe that you are worth more?

Do you believe that more is infinitely possible for you?

And transitioning seasons offers up more of you, to dive into these new beginnings.

As we turn the page on the season, we turn the page on the chapter.

We begin again, you begin again.

Only this time you have more available to you.

Do you want to see it?

Or would you rather stay where you are?

Your Ascension isn't a minute possibility.

You are rising, you're ascending, you're growing into your divinity.

It's your birthright.

Don't look away now, just as things are getting interesting.

No one said that things wouldn't be a little bit uncomfortable.

We're not saying that.

Nobody ever says that when the gifts of magic and opportunity and positivity are knocking at our doors.

Your minutes are changing. your hours are changing, your days are changing.

You are changing, your thoughts about things are changing.

Let's trust yourself.

For what you are experiencing, the change that you are experiencing is nothing but positive.

Your higher self wants you to know that it is nothing but positive.

To the degree that you grasp this information and flow with this information depends on whether you would rather listen to your heart, to the wisdom of your heart.

Or the old recording on your mind, the old recording in your mind.

Future possibility or rigid history.

You get to choose. You always get a choice.

What are you choosing?

This month offers up many opportunities for healing.

Healing of the small things such as stubbing your toe or fixing toothache, walk alongside big healing opportunities,

Moving home, fixing relationships, honouring your creativity in ways that you have not even looked at for a very long time.

There's a fire stoking within your heart, you will be moved by the heat. You will be moved by the sense of urgency.

You will be moved, one way or another.

And we speak to movement.

Movement does not equal speed.

Movement equals flexibility, adaptability, being open to possibilities.

To the nature of possibilities you may not be used to.

And that is okay.

There is so much to be learned from slowing your pace, letting things evolve, letting things transform, allowing the skin to shed.

Time doesn't exist when you are in your heart.

Be aligned to your heart.

Decide what you are going to have in your life and what you are going to let go of.

Like a snake sheds its skin, as more of yourself is revealed in this moment.

The newness, the readiness.

You may ask yourself, "How does it get any better than this?"

Let the universe honour your openness for more to receive.

You are exactly where you are, because this is where you are.

It's nowhere else, you are due to be.

Breathe into this new season.

As the universe gives you tools.

These tools are available, readily available.

For those areas in your life you want to change. You have to use them if you want to see the change through.

This is not the time to worry, this is not the time to be scared.

You have so much love and support around you.

And tomorrow is another day.

Tomorrow is another day.

Deepest blessings to you.


October 2020 Lesson From The Akashic Records


August 2020 Lesson From The Akashic Records