October 2021 Lesson From The Akashic Records

Welcome October!

Through the intention to embody more of the frequency of unconditional love, the universe will show you the areas of your life that this frequency isn't, and wants to fill. There's a powerful sense of boundlessness in the Akashic Records of the podcast community this month.

It's a month where relationships are the focus and your intuition leads the way. Re-assessing your in-tolerances, which could present in your physicality for understanding and re-balance. October is universal month 6 linked into the 3rd eye chakra... Been feeling unsure? the truth becomes much clearer to see at this stage, and it becomes easier to stomach the facts because you're feeling the freedom that comes with the frequency of unconditional love's presence.

Resulting emotions may run high, you're invited to let yourself to flow with forward motion with the energies, feel the expansion gift of this period and apply the energy and knowledge in your life with grace and humility.

This guidance felt different as it came through this month, simpler and lighter. However, it integrated in a whole other tone that a couple of days later, took me by surprise. Unexpected, dynamic, impactful, persuasive and quick shifting energies with some fast moving lessons and big realities coming through what is a period of re-birth and renewal.

I'd be very curious to know how the tone and vibration of this episode finds you and manifests in your world. Drop me a line on @samantha.lennie with your thoughts.

For more downloads on the themes coming through for October. Check out a recent IGTV in the Show links below.

I hope you enjoy the light, loving transmission and spiritual teachings of this episode.

Sam ♡

October 2021 Lesson From The Akashic Records
Samantha Lennie

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Episode Transcript

Welcome dear ones. I'm Sam Lennie, healer, channel, mentor, and conduit for cosmic light. I'm the host of the lessons from the records podcast with the dominion, the light beings I channel in my healings and readings. I'm on a mission to teach you how to know and interpret your energy. Cherish yourself, raise your vibration, Shine your light and align with your highest truth and potential in life and in your relationships.

You'll learn your energetic cords carry through scores of lifetimes and with many people, thousands, millions of experiences and connections picked up along the way, and all stored in your Metaphysical Library, your Akashic Record in the higher dimensions. The truth is, you are here on earth to experience it all and to grow, to feel, reveal, and heal, and to move from fear to love.

Welcome to this episode. If you are inspired by what you hear, and are inspired by the energy that you received today through this transmission, please like and comment on this episode. And please share it on social media. Thank you so much for being here today.

Hey, lovelies. Welcome to this week's podcast episode. I'm recording this portion on a Tuesday morning. And yeah, it's been lovely because I have had a long weekend here in Australia. And I channeled the October lessons from the records last week. And as such, we've had time to become more familiar with the frequency of the transmission.

Anyway, I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and that you are feeling into the energies of October already, it is coming through very, very quickly, intensely and deeply are the three words I'm going to say about this. So, I hope you are always coming back to yourself coming back to a place of love and compassion for yourself as these themes in your life, whatever wants to be seen, whatever wants to be healed, comes through for you.

So, I am going to, in this episode, we opened the records, the Akashic records of you, my community here, we are all a community. So if you are listening to this podcast, wherever you arrive here, whether it's your first time or whether you've been coming and sharing your beautiful energy every month, we are opening the Akashic records of you, the podcast audience, and I channeled through what wants to be seen, heard, understood and received on an energetic level, from your records is your frequency that comes through will come through today for you.

In this episode, I will caveat that by saying that it is a general meeting, it is not a personal individual meeting, you can obviously get a reading, book a reading with me at any time to go down on an individual personal level. This reading is a general theme of us, as a collective. So yeah, just to make that 100% clear to you, particularly if you're here for the first time.

Now, I would normally channel and then do a little bit of a review of the energies that are coming through. But to be honest with you, I'm not going to do that this week. And I am feeling not 100% today. It has been since I channeled the message, the channeling last week.

What happens with us you say everything's happening on an energetic level is happening to me, it'll be happening to you if you're listening to this. As the energies come through, they integrate into the body and what happens is is that we are shown our pains, our wounding that part of ourselves that we have hidden away, closed off, suppressed.

And what often happens through the transmit transmission because it's a high vibrational transmission. It's imbued with a beautiful, high loving light. And so if there is a frequency within the body that doesn't match the vibration of love, it will come up to the same. And it comes up to be seen in relation to relationships to career to old stories, old wounding, physical wounding, mental mooding, mental wounding, emotional challenges, it can come up in any way, but just trust that when it does, and it feels uncomfortable, it might feel like you're being bombarded with all sorts of challenges. They are all gifts for you to just spend a bit of time slowing down and having a look at and reviewing what it actually means.

What is the emotion? How do I actually feel what is that related to can I find the origin of that, because we are in Libra season, Libra is all about balance. So it's going to want you the energy is going to want you to come back into some equilibrium. We're also still in Mercury retrograde is all the rays reassess, release, rebirth, all of the rays will come up in in your life as an energy for you to actually look at, and sit with and learn from and transcend from.

So, as a consequence of the channeling, which was super, super, super powerful, it was super deep. And when you hear the the channeling, if you're a regular listener, you'll now receive it. And maybe you'll be like me, I channeled it and I thought, Oh, this feels this feels quite light-hearted. It feels kind of shorter, it's a little bit shorter this month. And it's it's just unusual, compared to what we're used to.

And as I've discovered, working and channeling is that quite often the the channels that feel a little bit light, maybe a little less significant, maybe, for want of a better word, often have the biggest pack the biggest punch, and this is the case.

So, however you receive this channeling, I hope it finds its way straight to your heart, receive it through your heart, listen to it intently, and sit with it for a little while after and just see what your highest self wants to give you what words it wants to give you how it wants you to feel as you receive the transmission.

And by all means write down any notes. Because through awareness, you can then what happens is you start the healing process, and it's really quite beautiful, not always easy, but always beautiful. Think of the bigger picture. So this is what happened to me this weekend. I, as I channeled it last week, and it will be on the end of this episode. But since then it's opened a few. It's like it's opened a few doors, windows, everything's kind of like opened up.

The energies have opened up. And I've been presented because this is what happens. I've been presented with some opportunities for reflection and to choose whether I am going down an aligned route, or whether I am going down a route that is showing me where I have wounds, layers of wounding that are yet to be healed.

For me, what transpired is a few things. So I channeled the records. I know what's come through, I then have two or three restless, sleepless nights. During those sleepless nights I was presented with some energies relating to my two boys, my two children. And this Libra energy is definitely done. Like drilling down, focusing down on relationships, for sure, the relationship you have with yourself but also relationships with other people.

And what I found was I woke up and One morning and I was felt really, really like almost nauseous, and a kind of sick feeling, which I believe is another symptom of ascension, a symptom of healing. So I knew that this message was coming through for healing another layer of wounding. And what happened was, the result of that is that I'm feeling a little bit nauseous, a little bit vulnerable, or a lot vulnerable and feeling very, very delicate.

But what it showed me without going into too much detail, because it's, you know, it's personal. But it showed me a, an image of, and it was at a period where my eldest son was just starting High School. And they showed me where my husband and I had gone on holiday during the week that he was starting school.

And, you know, he, logical, so let's take a step back. But we're not talking about logic here. We're talking about emotions. What happened was is he went to school had an amazing time, his day with my parents, both kids with our parents, while we went away for a couple of days, I think it was a week. But anyway, during that process, he'd gone off to school, had an amazing time, great, was perfect. But I had this incredible, like, awareness come through me.

The trigger was me, being shown that time of my life, in his life, and what happened what this emotion flooded through me that felt really sad, that felt upset that I'd missed it, that occasion, that maybe he was, you know, feeling a little bit unsure about starting a brand new school, which of course, he would have done. It all led back to me feeling guilty, feeling sad, feeling a little bit ashamed that I had chosen one thing when maybe I could have, could have or should have chosen another.

All of these energies, if I come back to the origin is yes, my connection with with him. And there's some healing still being done. It's like an ongoing basis being done around that reassessment reviewing that relationship, but really reviewing my relationship to that experience. Mercury Retrograde, right. Libra season balance balance.

What, you know, top line, perspective is that it's been through being shown that experience on an energetic level, it's helping me to reintegrate my wounding, which takes me back to the the mic, there's a core, there's a core lesson for me around independence. And I've come into this life to honor independence, because I've been very suppressed been at a very rigid, hard lives, to be more independent and freedom, going freedom, outwardly freedom, but also teaching freedom and teaching independence. So of course, there's duality.

There's two sides to every coin. And so I honored what I felt to be right at the same time, which was by going away. But now I'm reflecting back on that. And of course, you know, it's a waste of energy, looking at the past, because you can't change the past. But this is not the purpose of me receiving this dream.

And looking at this scenario, the purpose of it, is for me to go, okay. I accept myself. I accept the situation, I have compassion for myself for how I'm feeling. Let's review how I was feeling this review how I'm feeling now I have compassion for it, I'm healing it, I'm understanding it. But I'm also looking to him and recognizing that everything was absolutely fine.

You know, he had an amazing time. This is not the issue. The issue is me, feeling in the present moment, a sadness around the disconnection between myself and him.

There's healing on so many levels around this, but I you know, I'm so fully aware that if I am to continue on my path of peace, which I have, I have a level of peace around my relationship with him, which is obviously linked into that, as well as lots of threads linked into him, but I have made peace with that.

But I, on some level had not made peace with myself around the feelings that I had about that. And so this is what this experience is coming up for me now is on a deeper level, I've done the surface level stuff I've done the external healing I've done the coming to a place of peace and grace with it physically and externally.

This is a deeper layer links into my soul path, which is calling for independence. It's calling for freedom, and it's calling for leadership. And it doesn't always make it easy. It's never, never, never, never 100% easy to live the life that the soul wants us to live. Because there are so many other factors that we have to deal with on a daily basis with other people, with situations, with experiences.

But it's through those feeling those experiences comes the lessons that we then transcend. And we ultimately come back to a place of love and of acceptance and compassion for self first and foremost. To be okay, with no judgment, no guilt. This is the integration of all of the aspects of me, you'll listen to this, there'll be aspects of you that you're relating to us, as you're listening to this, the reintegration so you can come back to love, come back to love and just the knowingness that there is, there exists in inescapable, constant perpetual connection, movement and existence between self and others.

And those relationships ebb and flow and they have meaning. Everything has a meaning, it all has meaning. And so on a physical level this week. So what's happened is that I've integrated and I've come to a place where I feel, I just don't feel well this week. So I'm going to have a quieter week, I've got clients, but apart from that, I'm going to really be kind and gentle to myself.

And this is what I'm inviting you to do as well. Because the universe is really putting situations in, in your view, in your experience, this October, to test to reassess to review, whether you are staying on the path that you've already chosen. And whether you are adding your beautiful new frequency, contributing your new frequency to that path.

This weekend, we were invited out to a neighbor's, we have had a long weekend. All amazing, beautiful people we have a really good, neighborly. It's very thoughtful, very happy, very joyful experience when we all get together. We're all very considerate of each other. There's no idiots say in the group, it's amazing.

These guys like to drink, they love to drink alcohol. This is not a judgment. This is an observation. This is how the pattern is. Soon as the evening comes, the weekend comes, they have a glass of wine. And we all get together. Now, more often than not, I don't participate because I don't want to put myself in that energy where I where I've got to think of and put effort into whether I compromise how I feel about myself when I drink alcohol. I'm intolerant to alcohol.

I know I've spoken about this in the past so extremely intolerant. That's not to say that I don't have a drink every now and then if there's an occasion. But every time I have a drink, I'm told I'm reminded I'm just drilled in my highest self asked me the question, why are you doing this while you're doing this?

This weekend, I was called into this scenario with the neighbors. I had a choice. Everyone's drinking, of course I don't have to drink. But something within me said ego probably just this one's just this one's just this one's just having one and that's what happened. And it was, it was just a pathway to me feeling and feeling into that self inquiry around the physical saying to me, I feel rough. And how that came out was various ways.

But anyway, the body was not liking this alcohol. And I've already decided many moons ago, before retrogrades, I've lost count months and months and months and months and months ago, I decided that I wasn't going to partake in that energy. And it wasn't as if I was trying to keep up, you know, or I'll fit in is not even a fitting in energy. It was simply a, let's just try this once more.

And the universe, my highest self, my physical body has let me had it has let me have it today. Yesterday day before, I do not feel good. And so, alcohol is a lower vibration, it vibrates at a lower frequency than my body does. It's as simple as that. So there has to be some kind of meeting point. If I partake in something that has a lower frequency to the frequency of my body, something has to shift, it shifts anyway, it's energy that something has to give, the frequency of the body meets the frequency of the alcohol, and then you get a whole different level of frequency.

This is where we get the disease, that's where we get the discomfort in the body, is because we are another expression for this coming out of alignment with self. Alignment is your frequency. Whatever your your your alignment being in alignment with being in your middle space with is your place of equilibrium, which is at a certain frequency.

So we get to choose, do we change our frequency, the one that feels aligned and balanced Libra season? You know, what do we carry on with that? Or do we go and partake in food, experiences with people, bad energies, if you want to call it bad energies, but energies that don't resonate? What happens? Your frequency shifts, and it shifts in a way that isn't conducive to your health and well-being.

It might be a story, it might be a story that you're that you're that's looping over and over and over and over for you. That doesn't resonate with the frequency of your body anymore. Because you've upgraded you're up-leveling, you're up-leveling, your up-leveling. And what happens is a lot of stuff has to go. There's no wrong there's no right. It just is. It just is.

I had this personal experience with alcohol this weekend. I've had this personal experience in relationship to my eldest son, and the areas of my being that I'm not fully wholly accepting an integrating because there is a wound there. This season, this energy is asking us to break down the illusions. The illusions that the stories that are in the way of your ultimate healing and freedom.

Love the divine self that you are the remembering of who you are. And it's, it's like bullets. It's like you know one of those paint guns that's what I'm seeing the shed spirits show me a paint gun that boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop Oh, but there's lots of examples of your highest self, the energies of this moment, calling you to review and reassess.

And it will be linked into your relationship, your relationship with yourself, and your ascension. And anything related to that, but also your relationship with those people that you choose to spend your time and effort and energy with?

Is it graceful is it light? If it's no longer graceful and light, maybe it's come to an end, review and reassess. So in the spirit of reviewing and reassessing this week, I'm listening. And, yeah, I just feel like I don't need to do anything else this week. But to open the lessons from the records for you.

And to yeah, share this beautiful energy And I hope you receive it in the way that your highest self wants you to receive it because your highest self will filter the information for your highest good and highest potential depending on the frequency that you hold.

And none of what you receive will go to waste. And you may receive a lot you may receive a level and you may even come back to this lesson and review and receive something different than next time.

Whatever way, it is a high vibrational loving healing energy and it is the energy of you, of your soul.

And so without any more stalling, any more hesitation. Take a moment to close your eyes. If you are able and in the place, in a place where you can. Close your eyes, and I will now open the records for October.

Be the light we say, be the light.

For the light has no boundaries, it is boundless, it is infinite.

The light is in, within you, and the light is in, around you.

The light is the infinite divine love that you are, boundless and infinite.

Look at your life with eyes of unconditional love.

And your world will open to more and more potentials.

You will hear the wisdom, whispering slightly

You'll hear the wisdom, whispering gently deep down inside of you.

That wisdom, it lies in every cell.

Take your place now in society, in the full expression of love.

Take your place.

Your individuality, let it creep through

Through the pores of your skin

From your eyes, with your eyes.

See love through your eyes.

We watch you, this spirit,

It's me, it's you, it is I

We are of the same.

We reside in the same.

We originate from the same.

Re-birthing, reviewing, being presented with woes

The woes, our presence

But don't just tip toe.

The soles of your feet, to your knees, to your hips, to your hands.

Allow your woes to form the greatest and most magnificent syrup for the soul.

It's so yummy, you see.

You learn how to taste it.

You may not necessarily enjoy it at first, or second or third.

But taste it, absorb it, let the lesson engulf you in its wonderful magic.

Transcendence, you see is the beauty.

Is the dream, is the actualisation for you, in this moment, in this second, in this day in the week, in the month

For life is a treat, when doused in love and grace.

Come out, come out, let's not avoid the light.

Do your work bathed in love, the frequency of unconditional love.

Take your time, for that which wants to fall into place.

Falls into place through love and grace.

The simplest message more challenging to grasp

Woes and challenges will come to pass

Through ignition of love, and joy and fun

Don't look here. Look there, look up, look up.

Let light, like rain, wash away your fear.

Water so golden.

A caress, a cherish

What rains on you, reigns within you.

This much is true.

Be in allowance of you, to love through possibility.

Through your expanded and beautiful soul

Re-assess what is true

What is true for you?

What is your truth?

The truth is you,


You are divinity.

- The Dominion, October 2021 Lesson From The Records

I give gratitude to myself and the audience of the lessons from the records podcast for entering the records. I give gratitude to the Dominion for lighting the way. I give gratitude to this space for the comfort and love. I give gratitude to my highest self and the audience of the lessons from the records podcast highest self for leading us here. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen.

So that was a powerful, very strong, deep message this month. Simply observing it and witnessing it in myself as I close off the records there. So I'm going to leave you with a question to contemplate and maybe do a little bit of journaling on if that feels good for you. So, this month in relation to your relationships How can you be with your deeper emotions this month and hear what they have to say and not try to dismiss them or change them in any way.

So I hope this episode found you well if the information related to you if you found it deep within you, please share it with your friends, tag me in it @samantha.lennie. If you share on social media, and let's just spread and beam out the light and help others to get to know their emotions more intimately without judgment or any other lower vibration energies.

So until next week, have a beautiful week. And as always, I send you my love.

Thank you for being here with me this week.


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