Whale Spirit, Tones, Photosynthesis & Vaccines

Last week’s episode hiatus was a much needed retreat back within, even though there was a moment or two that I tried to push past it.

When there’s a lot of purging and emotional processing creating fatigue, something physical has to give and it’s in those moments that you must make room and prioritise your health and wellbeing with evermore intention.

I’m back, feeling rested and well, talking this week about my 4 weeks of physical and energetic encounters with Humpback Whales who are the animal gatekeepers of the Akashic Records (the syncs were off the charts!).

I opened my own Akashic Records and they channelled through me to share with you, a wonderful chant that you can tone to bring forward their high frequency energies. The Whales assistance is steeped in Lemurian wisdom linked into soul and human journeying into the unknown with assurance and enjoyment.

Plus, The Dominion offer up an analogy about Photosynthesis, the function of light into your body and interdependency with the plant world.

It wasn’t in my plan to talk about the Vaccine on the podcast, it’s something I chose to avoid so as not to add my voice to the noise and keep this space clean. I received an update from my highest self last week and help from a family member in my dream state that I didn’t see coming and I couldn’t ignore the shift it brought. I share this timely teaching, linked into a vaccine date of 28th October 2021, which just happens to also coincide numerologically with my life path 28/10/1. Of course!

I hope that this story reminds you of the importance of only ever trusting yourself and the breadcrumbs of messages that arrive down for you. When we take a back seat from the outside world and give ourselves space to receive the infinite wisdom from our soul, we find softness, peace and clarity. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself.

It’s true that October’s energy is lighter yet it still begs you to be purposeful, active and intentional with how you use your sacred energy. Be brave, back yourself and let flow.

I really hope that you enjoy the variety in this episode and that it brings you peace and grace.


Whale Spirit, Tones, Photosynthesis & Vaccines
Samantha Lennie

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Episode Transcript

Welcome dear ones. I'm Sam Lennie, healer, channel, mentor, and conduit for cosmic light. I'm the host of the lessons from the records podcast with the dominion, the light beings I channel in my healings and readings. I'm on a mission to teach you how to know and interpret your energy. Cherish yourself, raise your vibration, Shine your light and align with your highest truth and potential in life and in your relationships.

You'll learn your energetic cords carry through scores of lifetimes and with many people, thousands, millions of experiences and connections picked up along the way, and all stored in your Metaphysical Library, your Akashic Record in the higher dimensions. The truth is, you are here on earth to experience it all and to grow, to feel, reveal, and heal, and to move from fear to love.

Welcome to this episode. If you are inspired by what you hear, and are inspired by the energy that you received today through this transmission, please like and comment on this episode. And please share it on social media. Thank you so much for being here today.

Hi, everyone. Welcome back. Welcome to this week's podcast episode. And today, I feel I believe, is the first day that mercury has gone direct. So we're finishing up closing off the reviewing and then restoring and the inner exploration that we've been having for the last few weeks. And can you feel that the energy has lifted for me for sure.

You know, we're always evolving through our experiences transforming, you know, moving through as best we can, with any situations, new experiences, new perspectives. And certainly this retrograde period has given us the space and the room to do those reflections.

And it's not always a joy. But from a higher perspective, higher sense, it is a joy because the soul wants us to do the reviewing of the past period to in order to learn and to grow. And for me, I'm back, I took last week off, it was much needed to not create a podcast. I know, for myself, when I need a rest, one of the messages that comes through comes via my thyroid.

Having had a hashimoto's diagnosis a few years ago now I know when I need to retreat, and to rest up and be closed for maintenance if you like. You know, you have to in any moment just recognize your own energy. And to just let go just release the reins and take the time you need.

Now I feel like I have so much to share with you in this two week period. And yeah, it's exciting that so much has come through me in the time that I've had space to myself. There's a lot of ideas and potential projects in the pipeline.

Also, I have had the most amazing experience with the whales with whale energy. And I want to share that with you because there's a beautiful message that comes through that got channeled through me this month, and also a tone, a language that you can use to call in to invoke the beautiful whale spiritual energy. And it's such I don't know it's very difficult to explain how just amazing and very high vibrational this energy was from the whales.

I just hope that and trust that on some level you'll receive what they have to share with you as well. You know, we're very much in this season of getting to know and becoming more aware of our own inner gifts. But re-remembering the gifts that we have brought forward into this time when the frequency of the world allows us to tap into skills and tools that, you know, have been lying dormant for many, many years, centuries, and whatever we bring those through from past lives, we can access the information, more detail about that information via our akashic records.

And I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again. And the whales have taken this lesson through this month, is that you have so much more sense wise, higher sense wise, available to you that is creeping through it's evolving, it's growing is expanding and becoming very, very real and present in your lives and light language toning, using your voice, you know, making the most of this beautiful voice box that you have within you, just like the whales do, to, to communicate, to communicate to our higher power, your higher self, but also to, to support the revealing of the gifts that you that you have. And you have had for a long time.

So back in September, on the 17th of September, my dear husband and I, we had our wedding anniversary, and he took me away for a surprise weekend, we went down to the Gold Coast. And one of the activities that we did was a whale watching tour. He had booked this, I didn't know anything about it. And it wasn't till we got there that I became aware he told me that that's what we were going to do.

Now that set off a catalyst of events, step by step events that at that point in time, you know, it was just an occasion It was just an experience. It was a situation that I was was in and it was enjoying. But step by step by step putting all of these coincidences which are no coincidences, it's all divinely guided, putting together led me to a, you know, a big, beautiful connection and information coming through for the whales.

So, it's not until you have come to the other end of the experience and look back in hindsight and seeing all the the ideas, the the energies falling into place that you realize, actually what was going on. And this is, you know, really how energy works and how, when you listen to your messages, even in isolation, they might not make sense at that point. But put them all together, take the time, take make the room to put them all together and to see the connections and the links, you then get this beautiful picture that makes so much more sense than it did when you first started.

So, we went whale watching. The weather was beautiful. There's a little bit of swell. We took our seasick, that sickness tablets, because I not that that's something I normally do. But again, I listened to the messages, and it felt good to take some medicine, because I knew that on some level, I knew that my intuition my higher self was saying, you know, this is like an important moment for you.

And so, you know, everyone around me had just kind of designed this and I was, you know, energetically present but it all just fell into place. We went out into the water and the sun was beaming down, it was beautiful. And we saw, you know, stunningly graceful, amazing creatures and they were breaching and having a conversation and they put the Doppler down into the water and the microphone so we can hear their calls.

And I was overcome with I don't know so much love. That's the only way I can, the only word I can use to explain how it felt so much love. And I took myself into that moment and was gazing out onto the water and they came quite close there was dolphins and things as well but they came quite close. And so much Grace is huge, huge animals but but graceful at the same time, and I found myself signing some light language on the deck and it calling, invoking their energies as calling them forward.

I could feel it in my heart, I could feel it in my throat, I can feel it in the depths of me. And you know, we're talking whales here and they live in water. They're, you know, they're water mammals. And the water element was very prominent water emotions.

It touched me so so, so deeply that whole experience and I have seen whales before I've been well watching before this was a whole other level it was it was higher guidance coming through. It was I was there for a reason. Everything's for a reason, of course, but there was a very specific task at hand here.

So I was calling in and signing some language and is having a conversation with them. Anyway, so that was the 17th of September beautiful. We then came home. And on the 29th of September, I recorded a podcast. It was the 29th of September edition, with Kirsty Traill on so if you've not listened to the edition with Kirsty, again 29th of September edition, she goes through a forecast of an astrological and Tarot forecast for October through to December, what came up what was one of the cards that came up in that reading was the whales.

October was ocean, card that came through his ocean. And in December, the card that came through was whale and breach. So we are this isn't just applying to me, this is for you as well, this is a message for you is that the whale energy is present in the field, it's they want to communicate, they're here to help us and whales are connected to the Akashic records. They are the animals that are said to be the gatekeepers to govern the Akashic records.

So again, it's just opening a whole other layer of knowing and frequency of light of wisdom that was at this point, unknown to me. And so it's just brings me so much pleasure to be able to share with you. That then led me on to the 10th of October, just a week or so later, I was invited again, just by divinely, divinely, in the right place at the right time invited to the most amazing women's circle run by a lady who channels the whales of Lemuria.

Now I, everything is linked, everything is related, right? So if you're listening to this, then you will on some level somewhere in your being of have a history of being in Lemuria or moon as it's known.

And it's like I have, I'm having this whole new discovery, but encounter with whale energy. And it's yet another example of how we are all interconnected, we're connected, all organisms are connected, we're connected on the star level, our origin is is of the same place. And what we're being shown just brings us closer to understanding more about ourselves, our inner compass, our messages, our growth that are sold in evolution.

Also we can raise our frequencies so we can, you know, be of highest service to ourselves but of service to others as well. And so we have this beautiful women's circle and that was on the 10th of October so a 10-10 again, I was called into that somebody invited me and I just felt very, very guided right. It was a very clean, very insistent, yes you must be there was a stunning evening.

The following week. We live on the beach near the beach behind the beach and we witnessed three whales through on three separate occasions, going south to with their babies going south to feed in Antarctica, which is what they do. Each time we saw them, the whales were different. They were behaving differently. They were moving differently. Each time the waves were different, the swell was different, the weather was different. But yet the whales were still there. Navigating going with the tide going with the movement, knowing that they're in a compass that no GPS was going to take them to where they should be where they ought to be.

As I said to Den, can you believe this, so we've seen the whales again, and I, every time I look, trying to look out for them, they just speak so so to my heart. If you've not ever gone whale watching before, and you have the opportunity to I really encourage you to go and do the hat, and just experiences for yourself. Now, two days after the 10th of October 12 of October, I open my records, my Akashic records and received a download from them.

They also gave me a tone, a chance to invoke them. And this blew my mind as well. This is the whole, another level of information. And I want to share it with you now. And I will also write it down in the show notes so you can actually see it written out.

They said to me, use this tone. The tone that you make when you say these letters put together resonates with us. It is bah nee ka la sa na kaw, bah nee ka la sa na kaw, bah nee ka la sa na kaw. I'll put it in the show notes.

When I heard this, it took me to what I believed what I still believe is the life that I had way back in the beginning of Lemuria. The Forgotten wild way deep down below the sea. And I know from being in my akashic records that I was there very early on, when it first became established, and other souls came to that place. And I know that I was an early adopter in that Lemurian time and the purpose for the whales and receiving and connecting with them at this time is not just for me. It is also for you.

I am the messenger as I share this with you, you receive the frequency. Your soul connects with the knowingness of this information. And it has an activation of your central core of your ancient history and wisdom as well. It just is. It just is. So I sat down on the 12th after receiving that toning, and then they gave me a message.

You called us from the sea from the boat and now we are here. Listen to our songs, our whale voices, watch us playing in the way. Do you recall the joy you felt witnessing this. We have a sudden journey to make of thousands of miles. And we haven't forgotten what it's like to enjoy the experience. We are in no rush. Our ancestors through our being remind us this journey is millions of years old and the journey becomes more rewarding. Without inner reserves of wisdom. We know it all. Whether we are young or old, we trust our participation.

The innocent gathering in the vast waters of the seemingly murky waters of the unknown. We've seen everything we know everything. Yet, there's still space to know and be more a message to trust yourself and your own journey.

Trust in the greater divine timing. As you reach your destination, another journey is revealed. And the experience calls you there. It may be longer or shorter than the last voyage you took. Can you hear your soul calling? Do you hear our calls? As we have learned to embrace the hidden depths, and allow the currents to flow with us and carry us we trust, will you.

As I share that message with you, I can feel the lightness in, I can feel the wisdom that that message holds. And I can feel how it dials up has a direct line with my own soul, my highest self. It teaches us to be aware of our own energy. It teaches us to be aware of our heaviness or our lightness. It teaches us that we are so much more than the physical body that we currently have present here on time.

It reminds me that even though the whales are miles and miles out into the ocean, that we only see them at a short time every year before they go back down into the cold waters, to feed, they're never that far away. And it reminds me that we are interconnected. There is no separation. And that we can take so much guidance and take the lead from our animal friends. It teaches us that just like the whales, that we may travel alone, on our own destination, with our own self-sovereignty standing on our own two feet. But within that we are part of the ocean, and part of the planet and part of the universe. So ultimately, though we may feel and we are encouraged to lead a pathway that is only ours and truly honest to ourselves, we are still part of the full picture. And we are never ever alone.

There's so many wonderful things happening. When we feel like we are not supported. We can always find ways to support ourselves and find support from elsewhere. So, if the whales are calling you really listen to the channeling in the way that they have suggested or in any way that you choose to as well.

Another message that I had coming through me just this week, is that the Dominion gave me the word photosynthesis, arrived just as I woke up. I think it was yesterday morning, actually, when I think about it. Yeah. And as always, there's always a question mark after anything that they share with me. And so I asked them, What is it about photosynthesis? What is it that you want me to share? And I feel and it kind of ties into the fact that we are connected to all organisms, the whales, you know, we are all of one within the universe. So we're never alone.

But what came through was a message around helping you to understand your role, your part of the involvement in raising your frequency and taking care of your physical body in order to support your growth and evolution. So we're photosynthesis is concerned. I'm sure you know, we've all done biology at school was it biology might even be may be chemistry. It was a long time ago.

But the process of photosynthesis is where plants convert the energy of the sun. They bring it into their, their bodies, their plant bodies, and convert that into power in order for them to grow and to breathe. And I was thinking that why why Why is that relevant to us? What is the relevance of this to us and energetically, we do the same thing.

This is why it is crucial to ground into nature, we need the plants oxygen, the oxygen gets taken out of the plant, it brings in the carbon dioxide and then throws out the oxygen which we need. So we we can't do without each other. But on this other level, it's like, it's so important for us to get out into nature and to feel the sunlight on our skin.

This could be sunlight, it could also be high vibrational light, you know, when you receive in, through energy healing. I do this through cvl, through through any higher dimensional light, when you call it in, you're receiving it in and it comes in through your skin. And it gets converted, it gets converted into chemicals into a substance that our body loves and needs in order to survive, in order to operate, in order to grow.

So when you're fit feeling into your own growth and evolution, I love it when Spirit gives me analogies, because we we as human beings understand the symbols and analogies really, really easily. So go out into the daylight, make sure that you are allowing your body to receive to be open and surrender to receiving the energy of sunlight, but the energy of higher dimensional light, when you understand that that's coming in, and your body is translating that it's it's creating, it's changing it into a chemical substance that your body can then use to help you to evolve, but also to grow. You can kind of understand and get a very good picture as to why you photosynthesize, just like plants do as well.

When mirrored in the plants as we're mirrored in the whales. When we receive this information into our body, whether it's sunlight, whether it's information from our highest self, whether it's information for the whales, it's received into a so that we can have different experiences, so we can feel the change in the body. So that we can allow ourselves to move into another state of being.

Now not only do we get that from plants and whales, we get that from people as well. We spend time with people that reflect back to us the very things that we need to learn that teach us what it is that we need to grow. And people just like whales will use their sonar or will echo back to you the things that you need to work on yourself, to change within yourself, to be okay with the change that's happening within yourselves.

And this change is happening on so many levels. It's just not on a physical level. It's on with opportunities that are coming into your your, your being. It's the bread crumbs of information that when you put them all together suddenly become like oh wow, I've got the full picture now. It's not a picture that I know and understand you have to let go of not knowing about certainty and just moving with the information, going with the flow surrendering to what it is that the universe wants you to move towards.

There's a death and rebirth involved in this. Last week, I had this happened to me. You know, I knew that the word energy had come through, I knew that there was a reason for that to happen. There was an upgrading of my energy field there was energy exchange and exchange of information that my physical self, my brain says, Why do you want to share that what what is what is the importance of you sharing this unit, but I know that I received this information for a reason, and that it is here for me to share it.

This is me honoring duty, the tasks that I've chosen for myself on a soul level, in order to help you to be your self sovereign, your sovereign self, for you to help you to process and get clearer about the energy and the information that's coming through you. Because you are energetic, you're here to experience every emotion under the sun, to acknowledge what emotions you have to notice when you are being influenced by others that might take you away from your central core or your central knowing people will turn up to give you lots of different experiences. And there will be a common thread through those experiences for you.

Anyway, before I go forward and talk about the vaccine, and my journey that I want to share with you. I just want to run through a quick note to housekeeping note, akashic records readings are open, readings with me in October, they are still on special offer, there was a spring offer that came through September, and has continued all the way through out October, I was guided to extend through to the end of this month for a 20% off your akashic records reading in October with me.

So if you've not gone into your akashic records before, maybe if you've had a psychic reading, or some other guidance is a toad guidance. And you feel that at this point, we're a real tipping point in October, a lot is changing a lot of death and rebirth is happening. If you're feeling like you would love some more information, some guidance from your soul, to take you to the next step to take you down a fork in the road.

And you are wanting a little bit more clarity and certainty, then take 20% off your akashic records reading, I'll leave a link below with the code SPRING in capital letters in the coupon box at the checkout. For 20% off this October, only, I've been guided to close it off at the end of October, and it will go back to normal price.

There's so many amazing things happening. Let me help you to feel unstuck, and to create a bit more flow in your life. And to help you to really lean into your soul see. So if you're feeling a little bit alone, a little bit unsure, a little bit anxious. I can promise you that all of those feelings will have shifted by the end of your session, no matter what it is that you want to know information about.

Whether it's about the vaccine, whether it's about your career, whether it's about your soul purpose, whether it's about a new relationship, whether it's healing relationships with your family, you can ask any question you like. It is your records, we open your akashic records, it is your beautiful frequency. So if that feels good for you do reach out with the link in the show notes.

Now I want to share my story about my vaccine journey. And I'm sharing this with a little bit of trepidation. Because I know that there is a lot of noise out there. And all of us have our own perspectives, opinions on the V. The purpose of me sharing this with you today isn't to talk about the V per se. It is to talk about the energetics and the reason why you must love trust and honor and connect to yourself in order to make your own choices and decisions.

So I want to take you down a little pathway road around my particular journey up until this point. So for me, for the record, I have never been pro vaccine or anti vaccine. I am, however, totally against coercion. And I'm totally for having the ability to make one's own decisions. Like many of you, I'm sure, I've gone backwards and forwards, looking at information, doing research, and hearing the opinions of others. Those opinions haven't always been clear and clean. Some of them have been wrapped up in fear and judgment.

I had a period of time probably, I don't know, I lost lose track of time really. But for a few weeks now, I have deliberately not listened to anything online or in the media about the V or the say. The reason being is that I wanted to ensure that my container was completely clear and neutral and balanced. And from a place where I could listen to my own highest selves messages that they were completely unfiltered, that they were completely pure, not tainted at all, by the choices, the decisions, the opinions, the judgments, the standpoints of any side, or anywhere between the argument for or against.

That was a choice I made. And it has stood me in really beautiful stead last week, I had a message from my highest self to get prepared. Because my energy was about to change around this topic. Up until last week, the message was just sit back, watch witness, observe, go into yourself, listen, listen for the next piece of information, your information. And it's been like that for for many weeks for probably over a year. I lost count.

But this week, something different come through. I had a visitation in a dream from a family member. This is a family member that is still alive. And I'm not going to share the details because they are still alive and is is pretty personal. But they visited me. And we had a conversation while I was in my sleep state. This person was somebody that in waking hours in reality wouldn't have come forward. It was a complete surprise to me when they came forward with a message while I was taking time out to be silent, be still and retreat.

And they visited me and they put their arms around me. And they told me not to worry. Now when I say worry is not worry about the V or the C, it was a worry about that was that was bothering me about what the potential future look like between me and them.

And they come very close. And as I say they put their arm surrounding which was unusual, is unusual in the real world. And they said to me, just keep a lookout for the next set of information. Because your energy will be changing and you'll choose again. But just know that whatever you choose is is perfect. It's exactly how it's meant to be and you're made the choice because you will have listened to yourself. So it's a bit like a comfort blanket.

Really it was a comfort, comfortable, comfortable message and when I woke up, I was a little bit shocked because of the nature of the message, but also the nature of how that person was showing up.

Anyway, that then sent off set off a trigger of events. That morning, I meet a neighbor, she tells me that she was getting the vaccine this week. And she had some information. She's relatively new here, in this area, she doesn't have a doctor. Her friend advised her to go and see this particular doctor that we're offering the Pfizer jab. And she was going to go and do it. She talked about how her friends said that they were really good people, you know that the energy was good in there. And so she booked her appointment.

On the same day, Den and I had a conversation about family, and about where we currently sat in our choices, and we both recognize that the energy shifted, is shifted in my field, it shifted in his field with stepped away from the noise, as I say, and we both really consciously done this.

The next morning, I woke up after having another dream. And I woke up with just the the hugest compulsion to go and Google Search the name of the doctor surgery. Found it straightaway. So first, the first website that came up page one Google search, I went on, click the appointments tab. And it took me straight to a date that date 28th of October. As I landed on that page, I got an intense vibration through my body, like a hell yes, statement.

That's how it feels like to me. And then I realized, why have I been sent these breadcrumbs to come to this point. And to look at that date. I wasn't meant to do any mass searching, any push to make decisions. I didn't need to do any of that I listened and followed the instructions. Just sit back, just sit back, just sit back. The reason why the 28th of the 10th 28th of October, arrived in my being at that point. And when it hit me, I realized all the stars were aligning to this point, the 28 28 10 is my life path number.

Every year on the 28th, October, something pivotal, significant happens. Positively, pivotably happens every single year. And this was it. That day, I was due, always lined up to have my first dose of Pfizer, on the 28th of October, the time that they had with also perfect as well. And looked at the diary had nothing in at that time. I booked it straightaway.

Now I know that this is the right choice for me. And it was a choice that was made from my central core without any, any need for validation conversation, influence from the outside world. This is me having my conversation with my soul with my highest self and agreeing the contract for the 28th of October. Why am I sharing this with you? I'm sharing this because I know for many of you. And I know that that there's some of you here listening that are clients of minor now that we've had, you know, some deep conversations about the pressures of the choice making around the V. I'm sharing this as an example of what happens when you listen and only ever listen and trust your own intuition.

Now I'm not saying it's always been easy, because yes, I turn the TV on. Yes, I have conversations the people that have strong opinions one way or another. I'm in groups with people that have strong opinions on one way or another. I have always sat in my middle space, and in the middle ground as an observer.

And I trust and wholly trust myself. I've also never judged anybody for any of the choices that they've made, or any any position that they hold. And I just want you to know that it isn't easy, but you are a sovereign being, and you are energetically sensitive. And only you know, what you need to do. Nobody else can tell you what to do, or how to influence you. Remember that everybody has their own agenda.

And there may be people that feel and think and energetically know more than what you think you know. But I have to just remind you just to come back to yourself, because the moment you make decisions and choices outside of yourself external to yourself, which means having been influenced by others, or seeing things or putting yourself in a position where you feel like you've got to justify yourself, not justify yourself, whatever.

That moment in time is a time when you must come back to yourself and prepare for yourself. And for everyone around you, by coming back to yourself coming back home to yourself. Transformation starts from within. And to be honest with you, I'm quite nervous about the appointment on a physical human level, I am not looking forward to the process. When I drop into meditation, or I go into my Akashic records, I know that all is well.

And so, this is an invitation for you to go through that process of understanding where you're at on a physical level. And what your highest self, your soul, where that is, what the message is, by being in that energy, just do your best to honor. If you're still uncertain, and you're still feeling anxious, or you're worried, or you're unsure, or you're getting pressure from loved ones, from society, from people simply know that the more time you spend with yourself, and connecting into what you need, and working through and processing and understanding what's beneath the worries, the fear and anxiety and getting to the root of those emotions.

The more time you spend there, the more healing you will do and the more you will be able to feel like you are making choices from an empowered place.

Decisions like this aren't easy. But they become far easier when you stand in your power and in your middle space. So if you would love some help and support with processing your decision making, please do reach out. And I'm sending you so much love and wishing that you take all the time in the world all the time that is necessary for you without any pressure.

So, that's it. That's all I have for you today. Next week, is a different week. And it already feels like it's going to become lighter. Lots of forward momentum, forward action, and even more opportunities to listen to self and to be informed surrender of everything that wants to come into you now for your highest good and potential. So until next week, have a beautiful week and reach out if you feel paused. Have a beautiful week. And I'll see you soon. Take care.


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