Scorpio Season - Don't Take Yourself So Seriously & 'Fun' Activation

Just a few enlightening days into Scorpio season and there's a message from spirit about 'play', having fun, laughter, and bringing through your inner innocence to balance out the intense emotional Scorpionic healing work that's taking place.

"Don't take yourself too seriously".

Those shadow aspects coming up to the light can run very deep. This energy can be heavy if you allow it to envelop you.

Notice where you might have been forgoing fun and innocence for a belief and a behaviour that is very serious and perhaps a little brooding. Which has lead to the thinking that you need to show up a certain way to be taken seriously or putting too much pressure on making a commitment to yourself in a non-aligned way.

As you begin to own and grow into the new ideas, new creativity, new ways of being, your life's purpose becoming more active, new spiritual pathways and new educational pursuits that are calling your name, you're going to notice the transition between old-style rigidity and a sense of playfulness and you'll feel emotionally aware. Let go and enjoy your unique creative expression as you transform.

In the words of Joseph Campbell... Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.

Scorpio Season - Don't Take Yourself So Seriously & 'Fun' Activation
Samantha Lennie
Fun Transmission
Samantha Lennie

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Episode Transcript

Welcome dear ones. I'm Sam Lennie, healer, channel, mentor, and conduit for cosmic light. I'm the host of the lessons from the records podcast with The Dominion, the light beings I channel in my healings and readings. I'm on a mission to teach you how to know and interpret your energy. Cherish yourself, raise your vibration, Shine your light and align with your highest truth and potential in life and in your relationships.

You'll learn your energetic cords carry through scores of lifetimes and with many people, thousands, millions of experiences and connections picked up along the way, and all stored in your Metaphysical Library, your Akashic Record in the higher dimensions.

The truth is, you are here on earth to experience it all and to grow, to feel, reveal, and heal, and to move from fear to love.

Welcome to this episode. If you are inspired by what you hear, and are inspired by the energy that you received today through this transmission, please like and comment on this episode. And please share it on social media. Thank you so much for being here today.

Hi, lovelies, Sam Lennie here. How you doing? Welcome to this week's message. I'm doing a little differently this week. My podcast episode, I'm also recording on video. I had a really strong message to be with face as well as with voice this week. How are you doing? Scorpio season, we are now in it. And there's a real strong message that wants to come through today about having fun.

With Scorpio in your chart, Scorpio, Sun ascendant, I'm a Scorpio ascendant, with Scorpio in my 12th house, have a look at where Scorpio sits in your chart to get an idea of the theme and the angles that you're looking at this month.

But anyway, Scorpio is all about death and rebirth. It is about the unseen realms. And my goodness I am just feeling mega mega serious. I can't seem to have some consistency with feeling light and playful. I mean, it's just got so bloomin serious.

And, you know, to the point where I was overthinking about what I was going to share today. What was this episode gonna be like? What was the topic gonna be like, and you know, I got such the message. It's just have some fun, have some fun, have some lightness in what, how you show up, and how how we share how we share as a community.

So, I just need to bloody well lighten up and I every year this comes around every year, of course, every 12 months this time of year. Things just get so darn serious. And how are you feeling? Where are you feeling this? Where things are suddenly, not suddenly, but things seem to have got more strongly less childlike, less innocent and less playful and more responsibility, more burden, more seriousness.

And generally that kind of starts with self is like taking self too seriously. And your life we're going through this perpetual change. It's just a series of continual change, continual evolution. And cause we have to have these more serious areas these times as well as the more playful times but they're just just saying to me today.

It's like, have a look at where you are conducting play in your life. Have a look at where in every way that you express in everything that you express, you know, all the ways or does that look like? Has life suddenly become more you know what had a more rigid, more structured has life suddenly become more self critical, particularly when we're in these vibes of change.

And when we're moving out into exploring maybe new areas of spirituality, areas of personal development, maybe it might be around education, learning new skills or wanting to further those little bouts of creation, creativity and inspiration within. And this, there's this kind of restriction going on at the moment.

That's how it feels and with Scorpio energy, this, this energy of the time is going to bring up the things, the patterns of yourself, the beliefs, the structures, the conditions of self, that are really deep, the things that are unseen, that shape your current reality, and your past reality, that are coming through now to be cleansed, shifted, healed, so that new possibilities can can come through.

So the theme is play. How have there been things where, have there been times where what once was playful, or, you know, any activities you did that were for fun, that were for joy, that were for innocence, that have gone by the wayside, maybe it's time to review what they were, and just check in and say, Well, you know, what, why am I not doing that anymore? You know, what, what got in the way, what, what deemed to be more important, more of a priority more serious. That feels like the message that's coming through is to review that.

And, you know, I noticed myself as I say, I'm in this 12th house this month, it's, it's so deep, and if I get too deep, it's like I, the deeper I go, sometimes the heavier it feels. And the whole purpose of going deep is to yes be in the presence in the experience of how it feels to be down there.

But to then transcend it's a bigger picture thing is the transcendence is to bring lightness to bring more possibility, more opportunity aligned with the soul's intention. And so there's this disruption that happens when the deep work is asking to be seen.

Scorpios very much like that. It can be heavy, it can be serious. So where can you bring play into your life? I met with a friend this weekend and we hadn't seen each other since August. And then I woke up on Sunday morning feeling like oh my goodness, that was great. You know, it was so nice to get together.

And then Monday came and I was I realized that I had I had prioritized many different things apart from the one most important thing which is me, to stop putting me third or fourth in in the queue in on the task list. I always lower down on the priority list and one of those those things is to tasks is to create more joy and to have more fun and to be less inchler, to retreat less.

So yeah. As I was thinking about what to share today, I stumbled across this quote from Joseph Campbell. Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.

And so so wherever there are restrictions, wherever you're restricting, the fun, the joy, the laughter, the play, the moving your body, the smiling, the creative expression, the physical expression. This wants to be more visible this month because we have to have the balance, right?

While we're doing the deep work and it's all serious. And it's this, this has so much value. So does this playful, easeful, smiley laughing joy even crying, you know, that's, that's as that's an expression in itself that can be, can be playful that can, you can explore and embody, in ways that you never have, you know, we're we have these, these, I want to say strict, but automated ways of, of expressing ourselves.

And it's, well, this is the way I've always done it. Or this is, this is what I've been told, is the way I express myself. And so just play with that self-expression, and the inner child is really featuring in this as well. And that's one aspect of, for me, I believe Scorpion energy is that when we're looking at the subconscious, yes, we're bringing through patterns from previous lifetimes from other lifetimes.

But we're also reviewing patterns and how we felt, what we denied ourselves, what we denied in childhood, or how we modeled ourselves based on our experience in childhood is also coming back through for review, so let's create balance.

Let's bring some joy and lightness to the proceedings. And follow your bliss because then you're, you're letting go of rigidity and you're opening yourself up to more possibilities as you continue to change through this period.

Yes, so as you act on your feelings, act on your feelings from a place of with fun, with joy with lightness, and you hear this voice or hear the voice going stop taking yourself too seriously think when we when we give ourselves a role and we give ourselves a task it's like I'm throwing myself into that we create so much importance around it and significance around it and then if we don't match up to the significance that we think that that it should hold or that we should, the way we should show up with it it's that what what what what precedents am I setting myself as I move into this new period of change and this decision that I've made these choices I've made all of a sudden we can go oh my gosh, I've just created this rigidity.

And then there's no fun and then there's no joy energies that are at the forefront it becomes very adult-like. Yeah, so I excuse me, so why found as I couldn't say, that just grabs the work you're like cards, let's just pull a couple of cards.

These are the work your light oracle cards by Rebecca Campbell. I've have had these out probably for me. I think literally every day. I've wanted to flick through them and just see which card wants to jump out of the pack first.

So let's just ask the question What do you want to share with us around the energy of play this month in this Scorpio energy that is deep that is all about the unconsciously that which we cannot see that is going to be reveal for our highest potential. How do we build more play into the day, the week and create more lightness and joy. And I guess show, allow us to see where we can be more creative with our energy for our highest good, our highest potential.

Okay. The card that has come out of the deck transformation, transformation, things are changing at a cellular level, deep healing, Scorpio energy, it's like a spotlight on the depths of your being on your DNA, on those little cells that are jumping around and rearranging themselves perpetually constantly, ever-evolving, ever moving.

And whether you're conscious of your transformation and you're actively working on it, and moving through exercises and getting support, getting healing, meditating, accessing your Akashic records, getting out in nature, taking time to relax, as the other thing is, while you're transforming this is happening behind the scenes, and you're starting a new journey death and rebirth, the dissolving of the old the patterns are stories from childhood from previous lives karmic healing, as you're moving into a new realm, a new project, a new, this new creativeness within.

This is happening automatically. There's deep healing taking place. What does fun and lightness look like to you whilst this is happening? So that other aspect, heaviness, lightness. I'm going to read this card transformation.

Yeah, it's an activation card of the suit, we'll see if anything else wants to come through in a moment. But you're not who you were a year ago. And we're not even two years ago, three years ago, four or five.

So, you know, you can consciously release the old ways, the old patterns. And with that the old judgments that you have for yourself that that strictness that rigidity is that if I'm deciding, I'm going to commit to this project, this creative endeavor, this new career, this spiritual path, let go of what it needs to look like.

Let go of what you feel based on your previous program. This is the way I've always done it. It's like, I'm going to be serious, I've got to be really serious, because then people will take me seriously and then I'll take myself seriously.

What happens then, where's the fun where's the lightness. Our childhood patterns are rising up to be healed as you allow yourself to observe them and feel them without attachment. They loosen their grip, and they fall away. You're being called to find new ways to self, self-soothe, relax, relax, play, have fun, meet with friends. Online, in the physical, go and have lunch ride a bike, jump in the sea.

So, I'm quickly popping into this episode. In case you're hearing anything that is getting your attention and you feel like you're ready to begin your journey through your past and present life towards greater worthiness, confidence, and epic transformation. Now you can dive right in and use the code light, all caps L I G H T to receive 10% of your first in a relationship and beyond session this month.

Dynamic healing, channeling and intuitive coaching sessions, you'll be guided one on one through a major transition, healing and complete body upgrade, and conscious up-leveling, helping you to locate your blind spots and reveal your gifts in this incarnation, you'll go from feeling anxious and fearful, to love and calm, gain complete clarity on what you want, how to get it to become more magnetic, and then manifesting it into your reality.

So, no matter whether you are calling in deep love, more income, knowing your life's purpose, or having greater harmony in your life, experiencing an inner relationship and beyond sould session, you can heal and truly believe what's possible for you. Again, the code is light, L I G H T, in caps at the checkout for 10% off your first session this month. Check out the show notes to discover more about our offerings. And now let's get back to this episode.

A look at the last three months. Where have you chosen serious structure priority? Over play fun Joy lightness and strictness. It's like, that whole this whole aspect of because I've always done it this way. And because I feel the pressure, the social pressure, the familial pressure, the ancestral pressure to do things a certain way because this is part of my identity right? This is how people know me.

Maybe you forgone play, joy, laughter, fun, innocence, through adhere adhering to the way it's always been done. You may need to review your relationship with your body. Perhaps shifting your diets, shifting your exercise routine, starting a new exercise routine. Getting energetic healing support. I have countless hundreds of people that I've worked with over the years now.

Just taking yourself out of an environment into a new environment. Shifting, waking up one morning and deciding that you're going to shift your body in a different way, you're going to move a different way. Maybe you once did, you know maybe weight weights, you know, strength exercises, HIT is the way that you've always moved your body. Maybe it's calling for dance. Maybe it's calling for expression in a way that you've not seen in decades that you've not experienced in decades.

Follow the prompts maybe you're seeing different ways of moving and expressing yourself online. Little snippets of information, these synchronicities that that drop in for us to show us, spirit shows us, our highest self shows us, gives us the prompts, give us gives us the assistance and the support to try something different. puts things in into our mind's eye into our gaze into our dreams dreams dreams. Dreams at the moment are very very vivid. Take notes take action.

For sure. A rethreading is happening. A healing at the deepest of levels. There's going to be confusion as you find you try try try try to find clarity in this moment. In this time, that might lead you to feel anxious maybe stressful.

What is the antidote? Fun play? Take yourself away. Yes, of course do your work. Do your healing work, commit to the rituals. Commit to going in. But then take yourself out. Take yourself out, shift yourself, shift your location, go and move the body listen to your body listen to your highest self listen to the universe What's it whispering to you at this time and let yourself go, don't take things too seriously let's do a little healing.

Let's bring through some energy of loving energy of fun, of playfulness, of joy as an activation energy if you like, let us let it speak to your soul and to activate your energy, your field to encourage you, to assist you, to look at and exploring where fun, laughter, playfulness, innocence may be missing or you know lacking in strength in your life and let's our spirit to support you to branch out and be brave you know we've been indoors for quite some time now to lesser or greater degrees and that can make us quite you know understandably a little bit unsure, let's change the routine, change the environment and bring joy and fun and laughter and movement into your life.

So, let's see what wants to come through. Let's take a deep breath, with me here, relax your shoulders. Bring your feet either through intention or physically bring them to the earth beneath you feel that energy of Mother Gaia your physicality in this present moment and your energy in this present moment.

Coming Soon..

That felt so good. Where did you feel that in your body I could really feel like in my third eye and in my heart and you know the dominion for me, you know in my world in my personal world where you know my capacity to re-remember What is deep within that the soul wants me to, you know, be more aware of in the physical tangible and work with and you know there for me it's bringing in more movement through my channeling, through my energy work, through healing is, you know, they showing me another way.

And this way is movement through the body. Just feeling the pulsation of light through the body is happening in a different way. And as I say that I can see a fork in the road and the fork in the road on one side, one side is, you know, you have this new information you've received this, this new activation in the body? What are you going to do with it? Are you going to take the old roots and just leave it to one side? Just forget about it?

Or are you going to expand it and grow it, and play with it, and just have some fun? And remember that the essence of this is love, and it's joy, and it's happiness? And what is the mission? What is the mission, the mission is to assist, and to assist humanity to assist you to to create this love, joy and harmony and fun and lightness, and spread it out to the world as lightworkers as ever-transforming souls on this earth at this time, as we've chosen.

So changing at a cellular level, can manifest itself in deep emotions into those what is seemingly harsh realities. It's like, Oh, my goodness, you know, I'm in for a bumpy ride. What do we do with that? We bring joy, we move from that sticky resistance energy, while acknowledging it while being okay with it, while knowing that it's part of the journey, it's part of is essential, it's essential to life.

Let's bring gentleness and joy into that as well create this beautiful medicine from which you transcend this month. Yeah, we are beings of light. We are here to listen to our soul's voice and to create, to be aware, when you're feeling a little lost in faith of yourself, faith. Faith in circumstances we can lose faith due to uncertainty.

And when we have things that are, you know, thrust upon us. And they feel so seemingly heavy and that can energy of failure. What is actually happening is that when we operate in this energy when we experience this, it's in our best interests in the longer term, is in our best interests.

So while you're transforming this month, certainly this week what is play? What is fun? What is smiling, what is laughter? What is lightness, bringing more lightness, to proceedings look like for you.

Maybe it's a revisiting of something, some funds, some plays some laughter that has been long forgotten, that you absolutely loved, go and do it. Go and do it, enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it. Or maybe it's you know, looking out for those little synchronicities those subtle, subtle nods and winks from the universe that show up in your world and invite you to try something new, something different, something that might just make the world of difference in your life for you.

I leave you with this card. Of course. Yes. Just say yes, we just love it. All right.

Thank you for listening. Let me know what fun you meld into your world this coming week or month and enjoy this Scorpio energy. And I will see you again soon. Take care.


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