November 2021 Lesson From The Akashic Records

Welcome lovelies, happy November!

It's the time of the month when I open the Records of you, my podcast audience, and download the energetic tones you'll be feeling throughout this life-changing period.

Just when we felt like the rate of growth couldn't be any more dynamic and rapid, November will be a month of experiencing profound cosmic activations while freeing up space and stretching your 'presence' practise. Take this right into your heart this month, honouring your infinite worth. Connections will offer clarity and teachings, courtesy of the people that are here to help you know your Worth in a fresh new light.

Really embrace a new level of presence because we are going to experience a powerful planetary up levelling in December and you'll be grateful for having committed yourself to your practise.

November is an 11 master number month and numerologically a universal month 7 - you'll be doubly and fortuitously working with your crown chakra, focused on developing your connection to your highest self, to source and the divinity of you. Trust yourself as you take a physical and spiritual leap of faith in the forward direction of your dreams and loves. The net WILL appear.

I hope you enjoy the healing activation transmission and spiritual teachings of this episode.

Sam ♡

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Episode Transcript

Welcome dear ones. I'm Sam Lennie, healer, channel, mentor, and conduit for cosmic light. I'm the host of the lessons from the records podcast with the dominion, the light beings I channel in my healings and readings.

I'm on a mission to teach you how to know and interpret your energy. Cherish yourself, raise your vibration, shine your light and align with your highest truth and potential in life and in your relationships.

You'll learn your energetic cords carry through scores of lifetimes and with many people, thousands, millions of experiences and connections picked up along the way, and all stored in your Metaphysical Library, your Akashic Record in the higher dimensions. The truth is, you are here on earth to experience it all and to grow, to feel, reveal, and heal, and to move from fear to love.

Welcome to this episode. If you are inspired by what you hear, and are inspired by the energy that you received today through this transmission, please like and comment on this episode. And please share it on social media. Thank you so much for being here today.

Hey, lovelies. Welcome back to the podcast. Thank you for bringing your energy here today. And if you are new, then welcome, welcome, welcome. It's beautiful to have you here, too.

Now we are in November. We finally arrived, it's almost the end of the year. It's just crazy, even just thinking about that. But yeah, we are in November. It is numerologically a 16, 7 month, so a seven month and seven is well, It's all about having trust, trust in the divine trust in the universe, trusting your connection with source and trusting you and enabling you to take leaps of faith.

That saying as I'm showing that I'm getting that same leap, and the net will appear. And this month is definitely about you having a deeper connection with the knowingness that when you do take that leap with a heart and body full of faith that all will be well and you will land exactly as you are meant to, with perhaps a new sense of ease and grace and more willingness to take that leap.

So, love and have faith in yourself this month, seven link to crown chakra. So you're really going to feel the, I don't know the connectedness, of what you're moving through at the moment.

Draw wisdom, draw connection from your highest self, to remain in alignment to bring yourself back into alignment. You're going to, I guess have a bit more of a dynamic movement this month.

Because you've put in a lot of work to get to this point. And the energy has shifted, the Earth has shifted. And Nothing ever stays the same. And so you're going to find that you are I guess more open and willing and surrendering and having faith in your connection to the gifts that you have already.

And I'm not just talking the guests that you've maybe had through learning through education in this lifetime. But, ancient ancient gifts was still in Scorpio season. It's the depths. It's rebirthing as you let go of everything that you've been working through, and transversing through this year.

In this astrological cycle if you like your are going to have more clarity, you're going to come from a place of clearer wisdom, more knowingness of the gifts that you have within you.

And that's going to give you do a sense of, this desire this faith to want to bring them forward. And in that you expand us and you grow. You grow into a feeling more balanced, feeling more content, with life having, done the work, overcome challenges, maybe you're still in the midst of, you know, transiting through a current challenge.

And just as you connect into the divine through your crown chakra this month, really be in the presence of be very present with knowing, with seeing with comprehending that you have always been held, always kept safe.

And that your connection with your soul, your connection with your highest self has grown, it has developed. And there's a certain serenity and peace attached to that knowing. Now, this time of the month, I open the Akashic records for you, my podcast audience, your soul shares, the energies of this coming month for your support to assist you to help you to align with whatever comes your way these energies are your energies.

When I open the records, they have a certain, a beautiful higher frequency, this frequency is from the upper dimensions. So when you listen to the words, it's really helpful to be present, as a strong energy of presence coming through this month, this month healing transmission and Akashic Records reading, the more present you can be, you're actually in allowance of receiving the frequency of the message.

So, the words hold a vibration, they hold a frequency, and that is one layer of receiving. But as a whole, it's the theme, the intention, the loving intention of the transmission that is gonna speak straight to your soul is happening on a, you know, in the field on a like a quantum level.

And in that, with that reason, it is not necessary to overanalyze the words your soul is going to give you immediately going to translate to decode to you exactly what you need to hear for your highest good on the timeline that you are on, within the frequency that you can, your body can handle.

And so it's all very intelligently delivered. And yeah, I highly recommend that you just sit and listen and receive and feel the frequency as well as hear the words as well as getting a knowingness of what is coming through.

So I'm going to open the records just in a bit. But before that, I want to share a little update. Have you noticed that time is stretching? The Dominion showed me the elastic band, and they showed me this elastic band extended out.

And so I'm holding this band and I have control, I have choice as to whether I let the band in or whether I expand the elastic band out more. They showed me that this is happening on an individual level as well as on the collective because micro macro, but this take this symbol into your being and into your experience.

An elastic band has a choice as to whether it increases or decreases in width. And that is decided by you. You are the conduit for that stretching and flexing and time is doing this for all of us right now. We're in this amazing time. You can extend time. And the way that you can extend time is by being present.

Presence creates timelessness. You are a multi-dimensional being, human being, you have the capacity to create more time, or create more space in the day, if you like, at will. And the way you do that is by being very present, consciously present in each and every moment.

I experienced this most recently on Sunday, Halloween this was. Salem Beltane Day. And I noticed that the morning was going slowly and I, I didn't actually recognize it until I looked at the clock. And the clock confirmed what I was kind of feeling. But I would got to almost midday, and I felt like we'd already done a whole day. So instead of it being just before midday, I thought, you know, it's nearer to four o'clock. It was incredible.

And so in being present creates timelessness, as I was saying, in that you're simply not observing the clock, you're not looking at your watch, you're not checking your phone. And in that experience, you're actually feeling the connection you're having with yourself.

And as you recognize that you're having it with yourself, you're having it that experience that connection with all that is with the universe. And it kind of like feels, like an almost like a sense of suspending this when you choose whether you want to take a shorter amount, or a larger amount of experience in that present moment.

And it's only that we look at the clock, because we have to find some way of identifying what the time is, and associate our perception of whether it's been stretched or compressed, because time, it can be compressed as well. We have to find some way of articulating it. And it's the clock that helps us to do that.

So there's a very strong theme this month of present awareness, being very, very conscious, as you move through this month, you will have done a lot of work going down into the depths of your emotions.

And you will have recognized through doing that, that time shifts, that it stretches, it squeezes. And within that itself, you will have realized that you are more powerful in being able to move through things but being able to resolve things feeling more powerful than you ever have before. And that's because through this Scorpio energy, we go very deep down into the deeper sense of ourselves to unpick, to kill off, to die, the trauma, the pain, the wounds.

So we come back out into I highlight having healed, having we're illuminating those those dark spaces just by going there. But we transcend them. And we are then ready to move forward in a whole new way with gifts that we haven't recognized in ourselves before.

So it's a beautiful month for being very, very present. And for recognizing that anybody that comes into your field is there because they are reflecting to you. Those very things that they are saying, that they are doing, the way they are behaving, whatever that relates to. They're there and they're showing you because they want you to see that within yourself.

The seven energy again because it's Crown Chakra. The universe is this huge, great mirror on which when we connect in and look up and look out into it with all of our senses, it will reflect back what you need to see the truth of what you need to see.

And that's obviously on the macro level, but in the micro level people will be doing this as well, you will have been experiencing this for sure. This month, that pace is going to quicken.

And the Dominion has shown me another image linked into clarity and linked into presence being very present, consciously present.

Imagine, just think about a body of water. And when you stand in the water, you're moving about, you're moving the water around, that water creates ripples. And then it's very hard to get clarity. When there's movement in the water, you can get kind of an idea of what the reflection is, but you're not 100% clear what it is.

However, when you stand may still and just let the water find its level. Very, very still. That is presence. When you are right, still and present, this being an observer of the reflection, as you look down in the water, what do you say, you see very clearly, what is reflecting back out again.

This is such a supportive energy this month, where you can just simply find yourself in isolation. When you're separate from what has been before, when you're separate from the thoughts or what's coming in the future. When you're standing present in the moment. Let's think about this. Water, the still water serve as like images to you might like images to help you to get some context. When you're still in the water, you're very present in the moment. This is what is going to support you to flow, but flow in an active way. In place of surrender.

Particularly when you take a leap this month, the more presence you can add to your Leap of Faith taking which will require you to slow down anyway to be present in it. You'll notice that you become part of an everything of the whole your present moment is the future moment is the next year moment is the past moment. You're simply suspended and you notice that you are completely taken care of, the net is very clear beneath you. You feel connected. You open yourself up to a sense of complete awe and wonder of the miracle that is about to happen.

But within that you have everything with you. Simple, beautiful suspension, pure loving and infinite existence. This is your practice this month for November. We're in universal five year, truth telling, illusion dropping expression complete clarity and you're going to find this becomes just the most amazing experience for you, for your ascension, for your growth and your evolution.

When you suspend yourself in the present moment knowing that everything is all well and good. It is so exciting. It is so exciting. I'll linked into this as you connect to source as you connect to do the math to the divine. I want to talk about the change on earth, the change that is going on.

I was shown in a dream. Like Scorpio season, the veil is thin, connection to spirit, connection to ancestors, connection to source is really, really, really easily available. And it's no surprise that I had been this dream on Halloween evening. I say it's a dream, kind of because we're multi dimensional beings. And so, in dream state in theater state, you're in this subconscious state where you will travel. And so for me, I'm calling it a dream. But it was a form of travel.

And I was shown just it's so epic how these things synchronize. Bearing in mind, we're in a five year, five years, rapid change, rapid ascension, just complete transformation. And I had this dream. And the Dominion showed me while I was there, because I was actually in the dream, doing the things with other people. They showed me what's coming up in the not too distant future, but it is a future thing. So I've kind of time traveled from it.

They wanted to show me the connection between technology now, technology that's coming that is built by humans, and the intelligence of humans, but also ancient technology that is coming up and through as the energy shifted, as the as Earth shifts, the frequency shift as frequency of our atmosphere has shifted, it's changed, it's up-leveled.

We are through this self worth throwing or doing all of our work, month in, month out, surrendering, coming back into alignment, learning the lessons, we are accessing them more of the truth of our ancient selves, they showed me it was just an incredible experience.

They showed me I was in a company, I call it a company as we would know it, there was no status. So there were no bosses, there were no newbies, everybody was on a level, equal part. And everybody was completely respectable that fought for and above everybody else.

And I landed in this company, and the energy was so beautiful. We had roles to do. But we didn't know what we were doing. As we learned as I landed in this space, it was rooms we were traveling through rooms, and this camera landed in my hands. It was a very small camera, it was a video camera.

I didn't know it then because I think I was seeing it through my present human experience. I wasn't really sure what this camera, the extent of this cameras capabilities, but I knew that I would be in for a surprise. So I held this camera. And there was a few other people and they were all, they all had other pieces of equipment arrived into their hands, into their being.

And this technology was new photographic technology that's going to be built some point in the future. And the amazing thing was, is that I didn't know how to use this, my human self didn't know how to use it. And as I looked down at it, literally, I had this wash of energy through my body, I can even feel it now just thinking about it as I recall it back.

And I knew how to use this technology, this camera, this video camera. And I didn't need to read a book. I didn't need to go to school or learn some education, do some online learning or anything. The moment my hands met this piece of equipment, I could create a film. So I was going around creating this film. And it was just moving, it was doing its own thing. And it was tapping into the core of me and I was accessing this ancient information. So it was happening spontaneously and didn't need to do any thinking or anything. It was simply connecting with my body with my field and it was working and doing its thing.

And then when we finished the filming, I didn't need to go and take any memory cards and stick it in a computer and then create a film. Literally, it just it was like another movement and energy movement in my body. And all of a sudden this beautiful film got created. Just by me intending it, is that right? I'm finished. Now let's have a look.

And it was happening with all of these other people as well. And they were as were as surprised as me that they could just be experts at whatever piece of equipment that we're using. And we were traveling, I was going up into the mountains, and it was snowing and it was expansive. I don't know if it was on earth, or it was somewhere on another planet. But I just don't know.

The point being was that, they were showing me that, there is going to be no separation between technology that is coming in that is built by man, and the intelligence of man and the innate ancient technology that we already have within us.

There is going to be a merging and alliances with the two, there's going to be no separation. And when this happens, I have no idea. But the point is, is already coming through because you are noticing that you have skills within yourself that you, you know, perhaps you didn't even know or were even aware of. Or maybe you're just going off to learn now, or going into a space where you're spending more time connecting to your higher self connecting to source maybe connecting to your records or whatever.

This is happening with more urgency, with more desire, with more love, and it's that Oh, wow. I've just it's like you've spent a lifetime learning new skills, and then all arrived in one place at once.

This is what's happening in this time. And it's going to extend going out to next year, I had a conversation with a dear friend and client earlier. And we were talking about how the Earth has moved, of course the Earth's crust has moved, we know that there's many things going on in the land and in the environment across the world, that there is a new light and new intelligence that is bursting through the earth.

And it is connecting automatically with you, it's spontaneous, and it is connecting with source, it's connecting with the universal powers. And with that, there is a lot of releasing and letting go. The way to navigate that is to keep doing your inner work, to keep coming back to presence, keep coming back to into alignment, into connectedness with yourself because when you're connecting to yourself, you connect to all of these other frequencies, other operations, there's other things that are happening on the external and this is it, this is how technology is moving, we are melding within it and our ancient technology is as important as but will be just as much used and and utilized and respected as the technology that humans create as we move forward.

And within that, I was shown that there will be no need, it will not exist, education, schools, that learning structure that we know about will not exist in the way that we know it, it may exist on some energetic level, because we we will definitely connect into each other on an energetic fashion and share ideas, share energies, but we will not be going somewhere to specifically learn something on Earth, the education structure will crumble because we have everything within and we will know where we need to navigate to on an individual basis in order to find out, to discover out to activate something within us that we already know, that we just have not brought to the light yet.

So, all of the wisdom sits within and I feel like they're showing me now you know we're in this month seven of the year and it's crown chakra its connection to Source, you are going to find much more connectedness, much more clarity and much less misunderstanding, less confusion, less stuckness by being very, very, very, very consciously present.

If you want to ride the wave of this beautiful change and to see the growth, experience the growth, experience your your expansion. Feel more love within, experience more harmony in your relationships and have this just a stronger sense of knowingness of yourself and what you are creating and finding the alignment and the pathway to bring in that creation to life.

The present moment being present existence is where you're going to need to come back to is such a beautiful month, every month is beautiful. But there is an amazing unlocking that's happening this month. So, lean in to the energy of and the vibration of number seven. Connect your crown with the universe. Listen and receive, take action and enjoy the conscious present moment.

So on that note, I am going to open the records for this month, and maybe it will find you in your crown chakra. Maybe it will find you in your heart wherever it finds you and just take note - Simply be present in this moment. For you have everything you need. The net is beneath you. So let's open your records for November.

We gather together in light, we gather together in love. We gather together in knowing the messages from above. Through the Akashic records, we understand our greatness. Through the Akashic records, we understand our wisdom. Through the Akashic records, we understand what's there, this prayer will help deliver us there.

I wish to know the audience of the lessons from the records podcast, in the light of the Akashic Records. Help me to see the audience of the lessons from the records podcast through the light of the Akashic records. Bring me to feel the audience of the lessons from the records podcast through the light of the Akashic records.

I wish to know the audience of the lessons from the records podcast in the light of the Akashic records. Help me to see the audience of the lessons from the records podcast through the light of the Akashic records. Bring me to feel the audience of the lessons from the records podcast through the light of the Akashic records. And now, the Akashic records are open.

The night is dark and the day is light,

Wherever you are, whenever you are, you have the potential to see the love that you are, to see the love that is portrayed in those you meet, in whomever you speak.

Whatever way you do, let yourself be visible in those souls who wish to be in and around your being, for they bring such skills and learning and strong energy.

It may be dynamic, it may be less than, perhaps a little challenging, maybe a little tricky.

Let them be, let yourself be.

In allowance, allowance, allowance.

Listen up, open your eyes, open your ears, open your mind.

The 'presents' are large, tied up with bows, they may be blinding, so blinding, so you retreat and go back to what you know.

Let those souls show you, let them hold the reflection so that you may see the anger, the guilt, the shame.

Those reflections are divinely timed and divinely guided you see, they are special so special.

Hold steady with both feet, balance yourself as you receive.

As those emotions are surely felt, notice they are covered in sprinkles and stardust.

Are these friends of yours? For sure they may come in disguise, but don't worry they're kind; their soul speaks to your soul.

Dive into the reflection and receive, receive, receive.

The gifts come, they are love, soul-love, heart to heart, Soul to soul.

So lively, vivid, vivacious the energy right now.

Can you feel The Earth has moved as you have moved, as the world has moved.

You're sensing so differently now. What you perceive has shifted now.

The ghosts of previous times and previous lives and previous existences; what once was and so familiarly felt, gone forever and is no match, has not been a fit for this time.

Like apples and pears and black and white, the story is different it is lighter and it is bright.

These goofy old stories coming back out to play, that's okay, that's okay.

There'll be gone in a day, gone in a week, gone in a month, gone in a lifetime.

You choose, you say "I don't want these anymore. I am healed, I am done. Thank you thank you thank you".

Jump on a star and fly, the air is different there, the air is different here.

No more you see, winding round and around.

Place your feet on the ground, be kind to you and to me, to everyone, you and me.

Everyone's presence is a need for all of us to some degree. Unified, respected, loved, these words are becoming so refined.

Look after them, look after you, treat them with respect, treat you with respect and see that magic.

It's a different feeling, your mastery of this. Your soul connection is clearer than it has ever been.

This time you'll remember where mastery was once refined, as you drop in and out of experiences, not times.

You may be here, you may be there, but you are everywhere.

Follow the signs from which you'll design your life in this moment and that moment and in every single moment in time.

For time is no more.

Time is measured in your presence, the presence, the presence, the presence.

Your presence covers the course of all times or lifetimes, existing in this presence, this present being time.

- The Dominion, November 2021 energies

I give gratitude to myself and the audience of the lessons from the records podcast for entering the records. I give gratitude to the Dominion for lighting the way. I give gratitude to this space for the comfort and love. I give gratitude to my highest self and the audience of the lessons from the records podcast highest self for leading us here. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen.

I give gratitude to myself and the audience of the lessons from the records podcast. For entering the records, I give gratitude to the Dominion for lighting the way I give gratitude to this space for the competent love. I give gratitude to myself and the audience of the lessons from the records, podcast, highest self for leading us here. The records are now closed, amen. The records are now closed, amen. The records are now closed. Amen.

Oh, that was just absolutely beautiful. As I received that through, I can really feel the warmth in my heart and the love that and the support that is available. By simply being present in your awareness and knowing knowing knowing on a much deeper level the power that you are, it was so wonderful. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you. Let me know how you go with this lesson this month. I love to hear how you journey with it.

This month also, I would love you to leave a review to like this episode on Spotify, iTunes podcast, wherever you listen to your podcast. I really really would appreciate your support this month. I don't normally ask for this. But I am asking from the depth of my heart.

If you enjoyed this please like or share. Certainly comment. And if you loved all of this, either book a reading and Akashic records with me or no Come and have some energy work to shift and transform and take you onto another timeline.

Particularly as we are clearing up and creating the shifts and changes that we need in order to move into 2022. How incredible. So reach out. You know where I am, for all of my offerings on my site, and I'm sending you so much love today and every day.

Have a beautiful week and I will see you soon. Take care.


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