Eclipse Waves, Earth Softens - You're Undoing, BeLight! & Community Updates

It's Lunar Eclipse week and intense emotions are flooding in from all over, illuminating where your values and integrity aren't aligned with what you're experiencing in your world. In the chaos, choose presence, go within and embrace change.

We talk about these intense, revelatory eclipse energies, and forecast what you're being prepared for in these last weeks of the year, that will set the course for the next 5-10 years.

Plus Sam shares an exciting update on the launch of the BeLight! Community that happened on 11/11. A sacred container of community and contribution... kind of like Facebook, without the noise and the powers that be telling you want, you can and can't see.

With Sam's diary almost booked out for Akashic Readings on Zoom in December, your personal audio recording delivered to your Inbox will be your best option for getting much-needed answers and guidance. Request this on the link below.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

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Episode Transcript

I'm Sam Lennie, healer, channel and conduit for celestial light. I'm the host of the Lessons from the Records. And with the help of the Dominion, who are the light beings on channel. I'm on a mission to help you to love and empower yourself, raise your vibration, shine your light, and align with your highest truth.

So, welcome to this episode. If you are inspired by what you receive today, please like and subscribe and comment on this episode, and share it with someone that you love on social media. Thank you so much for bringing your energy here today. And let's get on with this week shorty.

Hello, beautiful. Welcome to this week's podcast episode. It's beautiful to have your energy here. Hope you're feeling well, relaxed, calm, maybe clear. Just certainly the energy of November clarity, clarity, clarity that is brought forward by having a greater I Am Presence that present sense of being.

Although we are in Eclipse week, partial lunar eclipse, and yes, we've been in these energies for a few weeks now. And on the nineteenth I think depending on where you are in the world, we get this beautiful partial lunar eclipse. And so it is emotional. I know for me, I felt quite emotional this week, just emotions at the drop of the hat, really feeling like they're coming towards me more than one emotion in more than one experience. And it's pretty pretty, pretty full on.

But ultimately, it's to bring us to a place where we're so very clear on what we no longer want in our worlds. Last week, I needed a break, we had a week off of the podcast. And I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to do some things that I have been churning over in the background. And I listened to my messages, listen to the guidance, and I created some space.

So thank you for bearing with me for a week. And I've been hearing from many of you that, you too have been subjected to many changes coming into your world and they have been difficult to ignore is like that energy of it's come around again. And you were here five minutes ago, five years ago. But now it's here again, and this is the Eclipse energy, right? This is the Eclipse energy.

It's a powerful time for releasing for you know, illuminating the areas of your life that change has been long overdue. Okay. I'm noticing it in the community, I'm noticing it with clients and with my friends that there are areas of life that are fundamental, that we hold quite a lot of meaning on your significant things are changing.

This could be the shape of the tone, the energy of our closest relationships, our intimate relationships. I'm noticing that what may have been brushed under the carpet and you know, not given too much attention to in the past is coming out from under the rug.

These energies are just comet-like, they're on hyperdrive. They're on huge, huge, huge, rapid, rapid, intense. You need to look at this shaking up eclipses, energies that are all about shaking up. So it's no wonder that we're feeling emotional. Last week, I have to give you this news, I'm pretty Excited. The reason why there was space made last week without a podcast episode is because I've created and brand new, very new, it's literally seeded itself a brand new online community.

Some months back now, I forget how long I didn't get my journal out to double check the exact date. But for some while I have been, I guess erasing myself from Facebook, particularly creating a bit of distance between myself and social media. It hasn't been gelling with me, I love Instagram, right? You will still find me on Instagram, okay.

But where Facebook particularly is concerned, it was not gelling, I was finding myself being part of a community that it just was like having a item of clothing. I love the Dominion always give me analogies, it was like having an item of clothing that no longer fitted. Then there's brilliant, there's beautiful things happening on Facebook in certain areas of Facebook. And we know that there are other areas that that energy isn't.

So for me, I made the decision to step back from Facebook. The message I kept coming through was create your own community, create your own community. And I've been in and out of various platforms and things testing. And I've come to a point where on 11.11 I open the doors, I softly opened, quietly opened the doors to the BeLight! Community. This community is a sacred container where there is love, balance and equality.

Anyone is welcome to join us in this community, I'm going to put a link to the community in the show notes below. You are more than welcome. All I ask of you is that you come with an open heart. It's where the light hearted and light minded and come together, come with an open heart with your fullest expression of yourself.

The things you like the things that perhaps you don't like the whole thing, it is a platform for community. And it's a platform for contribution. It is my intention my objective that we keep the energies moving. It is a place where although I may well be at the helm because I created this beautiful community that is seeding, that is just not even grown into anything yet. It is there to be to be built, to be generated by the souls that are in that community.

We have a clean page right? We have a clean page, but the emphasis is on contribution is on witnessing holding space for whatever wants to be seen by any individual. So contribution is key. And if I was getting the messages, create something for yourself create something that you can feel is aligned with you and your community. You are this community.

I love you. I love that we get to share space here on the podcast. And on all the various DMs on social media, particularly with Instagram. We have the most amazing conversations week in week out. And another thread of this BeLight! Community is that we get to take those conversations into a container where we can converse together.

This amazing energy comes through on DMs, through Instagram to me, and I love love hearing your news. I love to get to collaborate together. But it's on a one on one basis right and quite often there's multiple messages come through with the same theme and it's amazing. So let's turn in what's typed into the container and learn Let's raise and uplift, our vibrations, the be the support for each other in the BeLight! Community.

So please join me if this feels like it is a part of you. I'm hearing also that there is some energies here around being seen, heard and understood, a rising up of the brilliant, bright light that you are that needs, warrants, and completely completely deserves a space where you can feel held and supported, but also give support and assistance to others who may well want to share how they're feeling.

We are in this beautiful times where we are creating tribes, we are creating a new type of tribe, an ascended tribe, a reminder of who we are, and who our soul sisters and perhaps brothers are within the community re-remembering coming back to each other coming back to self. And as we let go of the threads of the communities of the relationships that we feel that we're just done with.

Not for any other reason that then it's just time, we then make space for other communities to begin to form. This is what BeLight! Community is all about.

Now we're in this intense, this beautiful ascension energy. It's been running for a few weeks, we're now in Eclipse Season, we've had 11.11 portal last week, that beautiful gateway of uprising uplifting and becoming more conscious. And this is going to continue, there's going to be more and more people that are waking up that are wanting to discover more about themselves on a soul level.

So this time, up until the end of Christmas, into the new year. But particularly up from between now and the end of the year. We're in this very soft and open energy. Opening my records and opening my clients records, most recently. The theme has been pretty much about the fact that in order to be of service in order to be of service to self and service to the world to humanity, we need to go more within, we need to have a look within to look at what it is that we are experiencing on a day to day basis.

You're finding that there are many shifts and changes like creating polarity in your world. You know, if there's not enough disruption in the world, it feels like why am I getting more disruption. People are behaving differently when they one moment they're kind, they're open, they're in communication with you. And then the next minute they seem to go off the radar. They change the personality, they've changed their viewpoint or they literally just physically move location. And all of a sudden they've cut ties with you. Energetic ties, maybe communication ties. There is shifting Korea, maybe you're finding that it is time to move on to something else.

And you've let go of the previous role, previous job and you want to move into something else but you're not sure what to do. And you're feeling the pressure financially. You're feeling pressure through your immediate community, you know, parents, grandparents, relations, you know, your intimate other. And there's just this feeling of chaos and disruption.

Within that, within all of these things, there is a sort of sense of excitement and dynamism coming through. It's like, wow, there's this opportunity over here and there's it's a conversation I'm having over there. I'm being presented with new options, new things available to me that I hadn't seen coming. And I want to take it, I want to step out there, but I get the buts.

So the inner GPS systems going yes, it's, you know, let's go for it, this is amazing, I never saw this coming. And then the the ego, the mind comes in and goes, but it gives you the but, but you can't do this, or, but it's not enough money or but, you know, you might lose something, you know, you might lose face, you might lose company, you might lose relationships.

And so these aspects that are coming through now is those excitement energies, you have to follow them, pursue them, follow them, without any attention, or attack attraction, or connection, attachment to what they might eventually look like.

I'm seeing clients now, you know, because we've had this new energy coming through this year and with with, we're still in this warm, soft space where everything's malleable, and everything's pliable, and, you know, life at any moment has got, has got the potential to feel like it's collapsing in and crumbling.

I'm finding that supporting clients now. They're being supported differently, it's like their soul is being asked to be supported differently to what it was six months ago.

And it's because we have this malleability going on the earth, Mother Earth is softer, we see that in the volcanoes, we see that in, in the weather, you know, everything is is open to flexibility, it is undone. I'm hearing the words is undone.

And because you are part of this, you are undone as well. This softness between now and coming into the Christmas into the end of the year. You're being called to continue to go inwards to align with your energy system to align with your soul to come back to a place of loving yourself and trusting yourself.

Even though when you look at yourself, you might not necessarily know what you look like anymore. Or you might not necessarily have an understanding of how you got to where you got to. It's like you've done a timeline jump you taken a leap. And this came through in the November lessons from the records podcast. It's like leaps of faith, you've taken a leap of faith. That leap might be bigger, it might be small, it really doesn't matter what what it looks like and the size of it, or the size that you perceive it to be.

It's just that you the influence that's come through means that you have when you look in the mirror, you just don't look the same. Say yes to yourself, continue to say yes to yourself.

Whatever that looks like for you, however that comes up for you continue to say yes to you.

There will be elements of doubt. When an idea, when an inspiration comes through, when an opportunity comes through. There will be seeds of doubt this is natural, the natural thing to happen.

The doubt comes in and you think to yourself can I believe this? Does this have any any strength? Does it have any power? Is it robust? Is it something that is worthy of me getting behind? Is it worthy of me having that strong energy of knowing, owning and trusting what's coming through to you? Because there's a real value in this. It is worth your energy. So worth your energy.

And there's going to be an emotional attachment to whatever comes through for you these coming days, particularly in this eclipse season. But this is soul alignment, your inner GPS system has called this towards you, you have to trust it.

I know myself. Here's a classic example. I've been working with Sieveille frequencies now there's beautiful high higher high dimensional light. I've been working for months with Sieveille, it is having profound effects on me personally. It's having profound transformational, sledgehammery, obstacle removing effects on the people that come to me because they say, I cannot do this myself, I realized I can't work with my own energy, I need some collaborative energy to move through to have faith to trust that this is the path that I'm meant to be on. And to make more sense of it.

Sieveille energy has been coming through. I've been receiving symbols, I've been receiving it through light language. But I can tell you, there are still elements that are parts of me where I just don't feel like it is mine to work with, that it has this thing that's just huge. It's so much bigger than what I could even imagine it to be coming towards me. And it wants me to just surrender to it.

Connecting, working with Spirit working with soul, being in alignment with self with the next stage of self in the present moment. And I you know, there's doubt it's like, what is this? How do I use this? What more do I need to know about it? And I just get this, so is this simplistic message, it's like, you have everything.

Move from seeking, this seeking energy, to embodying energy, just live it, breathe it. You asked for it. And I did, I have asked for it. Please show me, show me something. Deliver in, allow me to receive something that's going to allow me to be of service to the world, of service to others who are have awakened, on their awakening journey that want more that want to align with their soul and understand themselves better.

And I suppose in a way it is about understanding the value that you are the value of what is coming towards you and how it can take you to the places that you want to go. How do you find safety and stability in the rapidity, the fast pace of what's coming in.

You have to go within, give it your full attention. Pay full attention. There'll be shifts, there'll be interesting downloads, there'll be revelations in your life. This cycle is going to set you up for not only next year, but five, ten years.

The time is now, embrace whatever the universe, whatever life is sending your way right now.

Let your gifts let the sparks of light that I'm igniting certain parts of you that you didn't know you had or you didn't know you were or you didn't know you are.

Let them ignite within you. You will be challenged for sure. The agenda, the mission is big. Do we want it Do you want it? It's like myself with Sieveille. It's like do I want it? Am I ready for it? I don't know there might be yes or no depending on the time of day and the time of week and the period in the month or whatever is like that constant, constant looking in. And ultimately knowing that if I'm wobbling, if you're wobbling, it's there for a reason is there because when you see it, and you look at it, and you're aware of it, and you acknowledge it, it brings about huge shifts, intense energies, gear shifts, gear changes, accelerations.

And what comes in as a result of that is just far more magnificent than you can ever, ever, ever believe to be possible. So how do you show up? What is wanting to be embraced? What changes want to be embraced for you? You know, deep in your heart, exactly what you need, exactly what you don't need. And even if you're not sure what you want, because again, we're in a bit of an energy right now where everything is loose, it's soft. You don't need to do any groundwork about what you want.

There's nothing necessarily there is required right now. Just one thing.

And go within you. Pay yourself lots of attention. And find your place of honesty, integrity and full, embodied limitless love for yourself.

So find some time this week to do a little meditation, bring in some ground in healing into your body. And if you need some support, please reach out.

Now, we're moving also almost into December. And if you've been meaning to have an Akashic Records reading with me at any time this year, then there is a small window of time in December. My bookings are pretty full. And I have no weekend sessions. Weekend and evening sessions are always the most popular.

But if you want to have an audio recording of a reading, feel free to send me one or two questions. I'll leave a link below for you to get in touch with me. And I'll be happy to support. Until next week, have a beautiful week.

Enjoy this beautiful lunar eclipse and I'll see you next week.


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