Q&A On Earth Awakening, Minerals To Support Children At This Time

With the last episode for November, The Dominion suggested we open up this week with a Q&A. Members of the BeLight! Community asked for The Dominion's response to these questions for individual and family support at this time:

Question 1

What is happening in relation to the awakening and opening of the Earth's forces right now and how to make the most of this time and receive. Is there a sense of timing around this?

Question 2

Is there a particular mineral that our children need at this time for some extra support. Could be a Vitamin but I felt it was more a mineral. Is there one for adults too?! It might be different to the kids.

I hope you enjoy this episode!


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Episode Transcript

Hey, lovelies. Welcome to this week's podcast episode. How are you feeling today? How have you been traveling this week?

I hope wherever you are, you're just simply finding space to just be you, to be focused on surrender, and calm and presence. When the world is chaotic, I'm sure you'll agree that that is how the world is feeling. Chaos from chaos comes the next stage and the doorway, the entryway into birth, something being born new life, new opportunities, new energy.

So with anything that's new, new beginnings, we often get the chaos just before that actually happens. And I'm certainly feeling that it's been a very strange feeling November I'd love to know how you've been feeling.

Anyway, coming this week to this podcast episode, after myself having, I had my second jab earlier on in the week. And I wasn't expecting the time that it is taken to recover. And I'm still in recovery mode. Yeah, completely floored me, my energy, I could really feel my immune system having to work diligently and I guess overtime and I'm so grateful that I have an immune system and that it does what it does so effortlessly without me even having to think about it, there is so much to be grateful for.

And this energetic addition to my body is having an interesting effect. On the tangible I spent quite a lot of time in bed sleeping, which naturally that rest and renewal relaxes the nervous system. And you're in a space of allowing. And yeah, just having this sort of sense of presence, and allowing at that kind of time when you're resting in bed.

And I was acutely aware of my system, I could see bit like the branches of a tree or the roots of a tree. I just had this sensation, this awareness that the this stuff was moving through my body and going through all of the channels. And I guess it's a bit of a gift but as I close my eyes, I can see, I see quite a lot of color. And as I close my eyes, whilst resting yesterday, I could see the green ray. And green is a healing, is the color of healing, is the color of restoration, renewal, rebalance. Green is a very healing color. I mean, just think about nature, to be out in nature is very healing.

And I could see as I close my eyes, and you can do this as well actually you try this yourself is by closing your eyes, literally looking at the inside of your closed eyelids. And if you gaze there for long enough you start to see color.

You might need a bit of just a bit of practice to do that. You might find that you need to make make some adjustments, maybe in your eyelids or just in your ppatience for doing that, and also, I find that I can see colors better, you know more clearly, if I'm not in sunlight, because when you're in sunlight and the sun's beaming down on your face, all you can see is red, where the sun is sort of lighting up the eyelids.

So anyway, find a dark spot, away from the sun, sunlight, if you want to do this, so I could see this green ray flooding my being and healing. And you know, I want to say, and obviously, I'm speaking for myself here, but it's it. And I've talked about our bodies upgrading technologically, on previous episodes, but I could really sense the technology upgrade going on in my body.

At this time. You know, I don't know what that is going to look like moving forward. But I just felt I really felt this sense that there was a new operating system, I was some tweaking some wires being adjusted yesterday while I was in recovery mode.

Anyway, the other thing also I noticed is, as we were in the clinic, in the car park, there was a car. And it's number plate said 999. And yes, this is my second job. So there was an element of completion completing that chapter that cycle that choice. But there was a greater meaning when I tuned into my Akashic records. They told me, what I received through was that it is a completion of I want to say the inner chaos that has been going on.

It's like a completion of the chaos is like the cells in their body have been doing lots of moving around lots of readjusting, and they found their equilibrium, they found their are optimum spot placing time in my body at this point, in order to carry through, take myself through to next year.

You know, there's a lot of awakening, we're all Awakening on some level, to the next level to the next stage to the next pathway to the next timeline. And in order to do that the body has to in its own time, you know, we're not we don't all work the same, it's not like we were we have the same routine the body, the body is going to receive what it needs to receive, guided by the soul, guided by the highest self, in order to transcend where you are now to move to the next level to to prepare.

And so this 999 was a sense of closure of having the second dose, but also, it was a marker in the sand for the traveling that is going to be required next year. And this is a break as I said, this is a personal thing.

And already this morning, I've woken up, yes, of course, I've made space for recovery, and did very little yesterday just rested. But it's like many things right? And I'm going to give you an example in a minute. But when you change your routine, you free up space to allow more information to come through.

And so listen to your heart, drop into your heart, listen to your soul, listen to your intuition, for it will always be guiding you, it'll always give you the information that that you need for your next level, for your next step.

And, you know, yes, injections are one thing changing your diet could be another but another beautiful example of things coming in maybe expectedly or unexpectedly these synchronicities. You could call them coincidences but synchronicities in that, you know, sometimes we might have an accident, that could be stubbing your toe, it could be you know, bumping your car, who knows.

But the point being is that There's always a divine higher plan. And when these things happen, it is a message, an activation, from source, from the universe, from God to get you to take action to get you to become aware, it's like and hear that expression when your kids are not we're knock some sense into you. It's almost like that as you knock yourself through an accident or whatever, cutting yourself, stubbing your toe in, it knocks you into another state of being, it knocks you on to another, maybe another timeline, etc. And so just lookout for that as well. Because those are very profound, profound times.

Yeah. So there continues to be a lot in store coming up. This time between now and the end of the year, the more you can open yourself up and surrender and to not have too many plans to just go with the flow. You're going to be riding this wave, this energetic wave, you'll be aligned to this energetic way.

There's no forcing required, there's no, you've just not got to make any concrete decisions. Try test sample things. Don't create rigidity in your life, at this moment. Just let go and let flow.

So, this week, I received a note from the dominion to open this episode up to a Q&A. And so I asked my members of the BeLight! community to offer up some questions that either I can ask or answer or the Dominion can provide an answer to. And so that is what we're going to do in today's episode.

So I'm quickly popping into this episode, in case you're hearing anything that is getting your attention, and you feel like you're ready to begin your journey through your past and present life towards greater worthiness, confidence, and epic transformation.

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Again, the code is LIGHT, L I G H T in caps at the checkout for 10% off your first session this month. Check out the show notes to discover more about our offerings. And now let's get back to this episode.

So the first question was a question for the Dominion. And the question is, it is along the lines of what is happening in relation to the awakening and opening of the Earth's forces right now. How do we make the most of this time and receive? Is there a sense of timing around this and the effect on future timelines?

So that's a beautiful question. Thank you for that question. So I'm just going to tune in when in here from the Dominions first and see what they want to share with us on this. Any sense of opening and awakening in the earth for this is true, this is happening in the earth, and it is happening within you. This sense of opening and awakening of the Earth's forces are mirroring the opening and awakening of the forces within you.

To make the most of this time, you must become more of you, when we say you, we mean the truth for you, the real you and if that seems a little obscure, then notice where there is an undoing and unwrapping and unfolding of the areas of your life and the sense of you and your being, which are breaking and crumbling away.

As the Earth's forces break through the crust, from deep underground, from the deepest layers of the earth's core. So, this is what is occurring deep in your core. For if this is what is happening in the earth energy, then, it stands to reason that this is what is happening within you.

The perception that the earth is awakening and the forces of the earth are having an impact on humanity on the collective. It is because you are perceiving deep down within you and you're very core that change is happening and it is indeed happening for good for evolution. Even if it feels unsteady, even if it feels like you are being shaken to your core, it is because you are becoming and the earth is becoming what needs to become all that is oneness, to ascend, to grow, to expand, to develop.

The effect on future timelines is uncertain. To a degree since it is up to humanity and more importantly to you, to do the work of unpeeling and uncovering the layers of patterning, pain, untruths, struggles in authenticity so that the real you can be revealed.

For any changes that you see on the outside in the world are reflective of the changes that occur within you. So start with you and be the change and know that you have the choice as to whether you participate in your change. And so, therefore participate in the change of the earth.

The Earth's forces are your forces, they are one of the same do not attach yourself to timings and time windows, your role as is the Earth's role is to become more present and to focus yourself and your energies on the presence and on the uniqueness of you and the love the infinite divine love of you.

It is time to unravel and unshackle all of those chains, those energies, those layers of your being that are covering up the love within, this is what the earth is doing. Eliminating with grace and with the love for it sees that there is a higher purpose and potential and your soul, your heart, your highest self. The limitless you is following this thing. Okay, thank you dominion. Do I want to add anything to this, I guess.

This is my perspective. This is my belief system. Of course, this is my belief. As human beings, we are pretty resilient. And when we just think about all of the things that humanity has been through was suffering challenges, we still find a way to move through that, overcome it and come out of the other side with a new perspective, with a new energy, and we have like this reset.

And I think, we, as people have an opportunity to reset ourselves. And even though the world's the stuff going on around us in the world, that we may may or may not feel that we can have a saying or help or whatever. Ultimately, we know that we're always taken care of. And that ultimately we know whether we have a choice, we do have a choice as to whether we continue on this plane, or we leave this plane.

And that we know that the only thing that we have control over is ourselves. I think just to add to what the Dominion is saying is like just keep working on your light and love. Keep working on revealing and standing in your light, standing in your uniqueness and living by your truth. Because the world's going to carry on anyway, the world is going to continue to shift change, evolve and grow on a planetary level in the earth's core and in humanity.

It's just as human beings, we like to have certainty around timings, uncertainty around your wins, how can we maximize things? How can we, you know make the most of opportunities is that the opportunity is to go within the opportunity is to become more present with self and to live by the truth of self as the only job we have, in my opinion. So yes, thank you for that question.

Question number two is a question for the Dominion. Is there a particular mineral that our children need at this time for some extra support? It could be a vitamin, but I felt that it was more of a mineral, and is there one for adults too? It might be different to the kids. Okay

Dominion, what mineral can be helpful for our children at this time so the first word that comes through is sodium. And sodium in potatoes, in plants that are rooted in the earth. So vegetables, potatoes, sweet potatoes, root-type vegetables and I'm also I'm also feeling copper. Copper when I'm thinking of copper ores, I'm thinking of copper crystals. I've got a beautiful copper sphere in my own crystal collection, so copper as well and copper is also related to root vegetables as well potatoes, so sodium and copper.

These helps hormonally I'm hearing hormonally and the immune system, both of these minerals, sodium, copper help with immune cell production or immune cell count. So the white blood cells so great for immunity great for building immunity and for supporting the lymphatic system. So sodium and copper and obviously, I'm saying this from a place of channeling not I can hear the Dominion saying you're not a GP, you're not a medical professional and I'm not so just be remember that I'm channeling this as a channel and that you know, yes, receive this information but bring it into your heart and do with it as you feel as your intuition feels.

And honestly get professional support if you're going to physically ingest or get your children to physically ingest anything. This is not medical advice. I'm also hearing what I'm hearing but I'm also seeing sunflower seeds. I'm assuming from that that they contain copper and for want of a better description healthy sodium because of course sodium when we naturally think about salts, you know, salt, Himalayan salt.

And while I'm saying that, I'm also seeing salt baths, so you know, bathing in salt baths, but consuming sodium and copper, I'm seeing sunflower seeds. So have a look at that as well.

And in terms of adults, Dominion what can you share with me around vitamins and mineral supplements to support adults?

Okay, so they're saying do the same. You know, this is not harmful. This is very supportive to take in these two supplements or two minerals, sodium and copper. Copper again, I'm seeing the endocrine system, hormones system, the endocrine system so your hormones, coppers very useful, beneficial for supporting the endocrine system. I'm hearing serotonin, so sleep. Serotonin regulates sleep is also involved in various function other fun In the body. Yes, serotonin, it balances our mood, it's a mood balancer, that hormone as well as the feelings of joy and happiness.

So, Dominion apart from copper, is there another mineral that would help with this? Okay, so again, so they're taking me to magnesium. And then they're showing me a salt bath again a magnesium bath. So magnesium sulfate, I think it is, is also very supportive. So those three minerals, first off sodium, copper, and then magnesium, for adults.

What this does is you know whether or not you you're having the jab, or if you're about to have the jab, you've already had it or not, it makes no difference. Because the immune system the lymphatic system, to term it correctly. It needs constant support. And I'm hearing also as I'm saying this, they're also taking me to third eye.

So there's something about these minerals that not only support the lymphatic system in clearing the debris cleansing and shifting out of the body. Any metals, toxins, and I'm hearing low energy, the energy of fear, the energy of doubt, the energy, the the lower lower mood energies. And replaces that creates a beautiful environment in the system for joy, happiness, love.

So you're supporting your lymphatic system, your immune system, but you're also supporting your energetic system. The same to me, it's one one of the same thing. But I guess for us, it kind of help us to, it kind of helps us to understand the specific areas that we're talking about here. So we're talking about the physical body, the lymphatic system, the immune system, but also the energetic body, the vibrational aspect of the body, the energetic body, so raising that. Yeah, so sodium, copper, magnesium. Beautiful. Thank you for that question.

Just looking at the clock. And that is all for today. I have other questions, but we can obviously cover those at another time. And we'll probably be covering those in the BeLight! community as well. So if you'd love to join us in there, I'll leave a link below.

Until next time, have a beautiful week. And do your research. Do your research on the information that has been shared today. And use your discernment and follow your own lead. There's we're very much in a time as I'm just receiving now, thank you dominion, I'm just receiving now that everything that is coming to you at the moment, everything that you are being affected by is to help you to be more of your sovereign self, your individual self to master you, your choices and your decisions for you, to take you from giving others your energy and your choices and your decision making and bringing it all back within.

So if you're feeling a little bit unsteady and a bit cautious at the moment or a little bit chaotic, and there's things arriving in your world that you're feeling like you're uncertain of and that you need to make choices of from, of, then it's you made that choice from within. Only you know you nobody does you better than you.

So in the past if you would have made choices based on others people's viewpoints, feedback opinions. This is the time for you to come back and to trust your gut, trust your instinct, and to sit with what you know is best for you. And to take your time on that, you know gut instincts, intuition, your highest self messages from your highest self come through all the time. But that doesn't mean that you have to take action on them straightaway.

By all means, sit on them and breathe. And let yourself be with that information.

Have a beautiful week, everyone, and I will see you again soon.

Thank you for listening. Take care.


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