#Shorty - Hidden Shadow, Fears, What do you really need?

Off the back of the 'LOVE' theme from last weeks channelling of the Records, we drop down deep into the energetic, habitual layers...

An act of unconditional love is exploring the Shadow aspect of self. The shadow which sits in the subconscious, is hidden and takes work to access and understand. Persevere, because the results are so transforming.

This involves accessing the limiting beliefs about the things you've denied for yourself, the obstacles that have stopped you from receiving all that you are calling in for full and totally embodied worthiness and love.

To give you context and understanding, Sam shares a couple of personal 'fear' scenarios this week that she has actively worked on, identifying her true needs in the moment, and clearing the origin of those needs.

She also shares her Shadow journalling process and what to be aware of in terms of the logical/ego mind, that might try to trip you up as you begin to build new neural and energetic pathways.

You may find that this episode is most useful through this Aries new moon energy that asks us to take action towards healing and soul growth.


Sam ♡

#Shorty - Hidden Shadow, Fears, What do you really need?
Samantha Lennie

Listen on iTunes Or Spotify Or Google Podcasts


Questions to journal on:

1) What am I afraid of?
2) What is this fear telling me that I need? (love, acceptance, appreciation, certainty etc)
3) Where in my life so far have I needed this and from whom?
4) Can I recall a memory where this need was very a present and painful experience?

Resource Links:

Open your Akashic Records Read with Sam and take 10% Off with the code 'LOVE' this April: (https://samanthalennie.com/akashic-records-readings)

Connect with Sam on Instagram

Practise being in your middle space to relax your mind and realign yourself: (https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17862789464127017/)


#Shorty Q&A - Akashic Records practices, new changes, tools, recognising your 2020 self


April 2021 Lesson From The Akashic Records