What about Healing and Family Dynamics?
What I’ve witnessed through working with lots of women on their healing journey (and in my own healing and spiritual journey with Reiki and Metatron Colour Therapy and nudges from my spirit guides), as changes and shifts occur in themselves, conflict starts with loved ones at home.
When you’re trying really hard to create new disciplines and set new boundaries at home, getting loved ones on board with your ‘brand new’ intentions, and having them listen and take you and what you say seriously…
Well, they aren’t that interested, because for one, healing is not about them and two, they didn’t sign up for change in in their world, they are quite happy… thank you very much!
But the thing with creating change is that it never comes from the outside, with the external. Whether that’s people, places and things.
It’s not about being in the energy of ‘pushing’ your new world onto others.
Change comes from within. You really have to immerse and embody the changes and commit to the embodiment. You have to BE in relationship with change in yourself first. Live it, breathe it, be it.
You have to actually BE the change. Forcing others to make change with your words and forceful energy alone is like trying to push water up a hill. Resistance is what you'll get.
I mean, where's the inspiration in that?
You’ve got to fully feel change and embody it first. You have to be the leader, the beacon, teach and lead by example.
And stick to it
⭐️ If you want others to eat more plant based foods, you have to fully feel, embody, bring into yourself on a permanent basis, a plant based diet
⭐️ If you want others to be present and listen compassionately to what you have to share without argument or judgement, you have to be a fully present, compassionate, silent, non-judgemental and active listener
⭐️ If you want others to understand and be open to the reasons why you are making changes to your health and well being, you have to understand, be open to where people are at, on their own health and well being journey.
You have to be prepared for others to NOT get it, and you'll need to surrender to being okay with that. You are only ever responsible for yourself and for your own destiny.
It also takes time and it takes patience. When undoing hours, months, years of conditioning and patterns within yourself, have the 'knowing' that being in the presence and energy of that change WILL ripple out into your environment and into the energy field of others.
Just have no expectation around how that turns out.
Also, time doesn’t feature when it comes to healing and change, it doesn’t exist. Only the present moment exists, so making presence the focus and embodying the change in the here and now, is all you can do.. and BE.
Feel like you really need to make some changes in your world?
Pop over to the Contact Page and Share with me how you would really like to feel
(what you share with me will be held in total confidence)
Sam x
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you overcome setbacks and clear your obstacles, for total courage and self-worth:
Grab yourself a copy of my Free 'Improving your Confidence and Calm Meditation.
It's a 20 minute energetic transmission design to shift how you feel in seconds >>> HEREDip into some self-managed, self-study, energy shifting programs via the Learn Menu.
Once purchased, are yours to keep forever.Work with me Privately
If you’re looking for the real deal in setback busting, to take you from anxiety and overwhelm to an easier life and abundant bright future, just send me a message with the word ‘Private’… tell me a little about you and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.
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