Reiki Master Healing

Reiki positively affects your energetic field and assists in your empowerment and intuition.
When you change your energy, you change your life.

You are energy, everything is energy, everything has a frequency, is a vibration. Energy cannot be deleted or created, only changed or transmuted. This is Universal Law. Just like you cannot see radio waves or how your wifi works, or understand the Law of Gravity, just know that energy is a thing, you can positively benefit from it, you are in the constant experience of it.


The 5 Reiki Principles

Just for today, let go of anger,
Just for today, let go of worry,
Just for today, honour your teachers,
earn your living honestly
and express gratitude to all living beings.

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”.

Reiki is a subtle 'life force' energy, a system of spiritual healing which originates from Japan that involves a laying on or hovering over of hands on the body.  Founded by Mikao Gyoko, he received the gift of Reiki and Spiritual Enlightenment through a 21 day fasting and meditation retreat. Mikao took the last name of Usui (Usui Reiki) when he became a teacher, a sensei of his natural healing system.

Human beings possess their own natural healing power.  Illness is the body's way of trying to rid itself of toxins via natural waste systems or, organs in the body of elimination.  Suppressing the body from being able to use its natural healing response and it becomes unable to function properly.

According to Usui Reiki, there must be a change in consciousness for healing to occur and an appropriate exchange of energy; one that honours both the receiver and the practitioner.

Sam is a 7th generation Usui Reiki Master.

Benefits of Reiki

If you have ever experienced sadness, grief or loss in your life, you will know that it takes time to recover and when you feel like you are making great progress, a sudden reminder of the experience can make you feel as if you have taken backward steps.

It’s important to commit to creating the space for healing, for yourself and for your mental and emotional well being.

It has been proven that NOT dealing with loss or grief effectively, may have negative and serious consequences on the body and your life. It can impact your career, your close personal relationships, your confidence and your self-esteem.

Loss or grief from the passing of a loved one, from the break up of a close relationship, job loss or any life or childhood trauma can leave you feeling isolated, lost and unable to function in life. Energy healing can help bring some balance, clarity and healing, enabling you to feel much more positive about your future happiness.

Reiki is experienced in an individual way, it is important to be open to more than what aspects are listed below. These are examples of how the power of Reiki energy can benefit you every day and how I can support your change:

  • Balances the body's energy flow

  • Energises and balances glands, bodily functions and strengthens immunity

  • Energises mind, body and spirit

  • Empowers you to greater self-love

  • Works and relaxes on a physical, mental, emotional, and on a soul level

  • Frees blocked energy

  • Increases creativity and self awareness

  • Increases the hormones seratonin and endorphins released by the brain to relieve pain

  • Releases toxins and impurities from the body

  • Clears unwanted energies and patterns from the past, that no longer serve the future

  • Relieves stress

  • Supports and activates the body's natural ability to heal itself

  • Used to heal past, present and future experiences

  • Beneficial for all living things - animals, plants and people

What is Distance Reiki like to receive, compared to hands on Reiki?

Receiving Distance Reiki wherever you are in the world feels far more powerful and potent because energy healing simply doesn’t require any physical contact. The physical body is energetically dense and working in the ‘ether’ without being locationally together eliminates dealing with the unnecessary heavy energies in the immediate environment that will inveitably be at play.

The optimum way to receive Reiki healing is to lie down on your bed or any comfortable position with a blanket at home, when you can close your eyes, relax and be undisturbed. It’s a beautiful treatment for when you’re in need of me-time or when you feel exhausted or run down and you’re desperate for some self-care. An hour of Reiki is like 7 hours of sleep.

During the session, you will feel deeply relaxed, reaching deep states of consciousness and peace. You may feel a tingling sensation anywhere in the body, warmth or a buzzing before, during or after your session and in the hours to come.

You may experience a lightness in the body, like you are levitating yet supported at the same time.

You’ll come out of your session feeling easeful, peaceful, grounded, centred, balanced with more awareness of yourself.

With the greater conscious awareness received, you will naturally be able to make more conscious lifestyle changes that embody happiness and positivity. Reiki really does help you on your lifelong journey of discovery and evolution.

After Reiki, the areas in which there were imbalances in the flow of energy in the physical body and auric field are shared with you.

This is an important part of Reiki for you to discover the possible causes and implement the changes in your life that will promote further healing.

It is recommended to give yourself some quiet time post Reiki to allow the healing process to continue. You may experience some detoxification, emotional highs and lows, tears or tiredness.

This is your body’s way of releasing energy that has not been flowing. It’s a time to honour your own needs and really listen to your body. Drink plenty of water and have some rest.

Reiki helps you to be finally free from limiting energies and old patterns and conditioning. Healing is not linear and with any leaps forward and small setbacks, being held and supported through those will give you the confidence and assurance that you are on the path to Powerful Growth and Transformation.

Prepare to never be the same again.