Opening Up, Finding Flow & Receiving New Levels Of Support

In September's Lesson From The Akashic Records, The Dominion shared with us to expect more change.

Notice how you've become accustomed to change and it feels much more of a familiar process. Easeful perhaps??

This episode flows beautifully on from the last one... Change is perpetually occurring, and in that, are you noticing where you may be restricting the opportunities and levels of support that are open to you this month? You're being called to increase your capacity.

You're not alone... people and spirit are here to help you navigate life, only if you choose to open your heart to them and move beyond fear, limitation and insecurity. This is another new level of feeling, you'll learn you can rely on others for support and connection while on your love filled, ascension path.

Opening your Akashic Records really is a gift. Ritually sitting in the higher vibration of your Records, in comparison to the frequency of your dense physical body, means that you can much more easily see (and heal) the deep seated hurts, beliefs and memories that keep you in a cycle of resistance to change. Your higher self is helping you to see them now.

Were you ever told that you need to toughen up? This is a gentle reminder that you are divine soul which IS of love, your sensitivities are a gift to be cherished and revered, even if in the past, you were led to believe that they weren't.

(see card picture, below)

Enjoy this episode.

Sam ♡

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Episode Transcript

I'm Sam Lennie healer, channel and conduit for celestial light. I'm the host of the lessons from the Records podcast. And with the help of The Dominion, who are the light beings I channel, I'm on a mission to help you to love and empower yourself, raise your vibration, Shine your light, and align with your highest truth. So welcome to this episode. If you are inspired by what you receive today, please like and subscribe and comment on this episode, and share it with someone that you love on social media. Thank you so much for bringing your energy here today.

Hey, lovelies,

Welcome to this week's episode. Today is Tuesday, 7th September.

I hope you are well, I hope you're traveling well and enjoying whatever changes have been arriving with you certainly over the last week. If you listened to last week's episode, where I channeled the September lessons from the Akashic records, it was really about continuing to notice, and to experience, and to flow with the changes that are coming through.

Even though September is going to be a little bit lighter in energy positively speaking, there is still shifting and changing. And through those changes, we're being called to be the fullest expression of ourselves. When you add September, the 9th month to the year 2021, you get 14, and one and four is five, we are in a universal month of 5 ... radical, unstoppable expression.

So how are you being called to express more of you, more of your soul self, and much much more of your individuality? There is only one you, and the you that is you is the only you that you can be!

Lots of you's in there!

So this week, I have a lot of information coming through this week. And I'm going to do my best to keep it really succinct and to just flow with it. I have The Dominion here, and there's been a lot of downloads that have come through to me over the last few days, particularly from the perspective of the theme of the Akashic Records. Your Akashic Records are your Metaphysical Library, everywhere that your soul has been, will ever be is stored there. The infiniteness of the soul, all stored in the Metaphysical Library. Your akashic records are way up in the 7th dimension and beyond.

So I'm going to be talking a bit more about the records but also a little bit in terms of frequencies. So first off, just a little personal update... Talking about taking action on the changes that are coming through. I have a cleaner, she cleaner arrived on Friday. And you know, it's the smallest things that have the largest impact. And she is changing the bedding every week so I don't have to do it. And that has just, I don't know, it has created so much joy inside that I can spend that time doing things that I find so fulfilling and that I'm passionate about.

But also, she gets to do something that she really enjoys. And you know, that is just perfect. It fills my heart with joy and it fills her heart with joy as well. So, phase one of the changes that I talked about last week is a cleaner. Secondly,

I have a lovely VA that is helping me create and publish the podcast every week. So I'm looking forward to inviting her in, she'll start next week. She's getting familiar with this work and we are starting a beautiful new relationship. So yeah, lots of shifts, lots of evolutions incoming.

So I want to talk about change. And when change comes in, it can be chaotic. And chaos is the human the ego self, basically trying to understand and struggling to understand the movement, the disruption that is present. And the ego sees change and chaos as being very misleading.

This is completely natural. From a higher perspective, from a soul perspective, change has always existed. As humans choosing to come to Earth at this time, or any time to incarnate on Earth. On the menu, is constant change.

However, the 3D body, the dense human body, is being I guess, battered with, is being pushed about by a higher vibrational light coming in the field. And this is what the human body is receiving first, even before we can try and understand what it means on a mental and emotional level, before the body receives in and the biology starts to, to work out what's going on.

The very first point is the human body, the human self is being bombarded. It's like meteorites flying through the sky and coming down into Earth, we're being bombarded with this new energy. And so that creates disruption, it creates chaos, it creates change. But the soul is way up for this. It wants you to know, your soul wants you to know that you are totally up for this.

You've already contracted to experience this at this time. It is written in your Akashic Record. And even though in the Akashic records, you're just understanding what's in those Records for your potential, you still, as a human being, have free will. But there are predestined, contractual agreements within that record for your soul to take part in and you are an active participant because you've chosen to come here at this time and experience this evolution, this ascension and the brain's perceived chaos that it is causing.

But just know that you are always supported and that you can rely on your highest self, you can rely on your spirit team to support you through this.

When I speak of this, there has been a card, an Oracle card that keeps coming up this week. And it came up again today before I pressed record on this episode, because the message wants to come through. So I want to read it to you. Because, on some level, you're gonna understand what it's saying. So this card is for you.

It is from the Work Your Light Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell. And the card is Keepers of the Earth. Let's read the descriptio:

"You are so supported, and you do not stand alone. You have a magnificent team of helpers, both in this world and of the earth who are here to help you every step of the way. So call upon them for assistance because they are here to help. They acknowledge the work that you have done already. and are ready to work through you. They bow at your feet, and thank you for wanting to stand for them. to devote your life to protecting the Earth in your unique way. It is time to increase your capacity to receive support in the physical realm. This can come in the form of financial abundance, acts of service from strangers, or people flocking to help you and your work. The only thing that is stopping you right now is your capacity to receive support. You deserve to be rewarded for the work that you are doing. You do not need to go it alone. And call upon your spirit team, your highest self to help you and your mission. Open your heart and your mind to receiving more than you ever thought possible. What kind of support do you need? Call it in right now. As you open to receive guidance from your highest self, from human beings.

But most importantly with this message is what I feel from your spirit team. You are going to automatically begin to challenge your beliefs, your beliefs and the beliefs of others that you've taken on and adapted, adopted as yours. Because those beliefs shape your current reality. And what's happening in September, the month of radical change and expression is that you will begin to evermore now unpick your belief, and actually see them as beliefs that haven't originated from you.

They have been influenced by caregivers, they've been modelled on society, on external sources.

Through this month and continuing, you will go through the process of unpacking, letting go, releasing, unpicking, letting go, releasing, unpicking, letting go. Releasing, of all of those beliefs, those perspectives, which are basically your views and beliefs that you've established within yourself, they are going to continue to fall away as needed to.

That equals change that also equals chaos. So you will have this inner chaos going on. And there will be a perception that it's the outer chaos that's making that happen. It is NOT the case, this is soul work. This is inner work, that you cannot shy away from, your soul is going to continue to encourage you to work on yourself, work on your beliefs, shatter your beliefs unpick your beliefs. And your spirit team, your highest self is here to give you full support while you do it, you are never alone.

And so that's a beautiful, beautiful message and card. And there's an affirmation that goes with this card as follows:

"I am open to receiving a whole new level of support for my life, and my work, and I call it in now. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you"

Now for those of you that are really focused on your Akashic Records, and exploring your soul mission, your soul purpose in this life, you're going to notice that being in your records, makes you realize new things about yourself that you didn't know. And you didn't know it because you couldn't see it.

And one of those reasons is because you're in your reality, your daily reality, you're not in the frequency of the records in the seventh dimension and beyond. As a human being on Earth, you're not readily, automatically in the frequency of the records, you need to go into your records, to see the illusions to see the false realities that you have about yourself and about your life.

Being in your records, opening your records changes your perspective. And it challenges your beliefs, deep seated beliefs that are linked into deep seated memories, memories created, scenarios with people where you received words that really hurt you, that you carry through to this point in time.

Did you hear the expression when you were little that you needed to toughen up? This happened to me. I'm sure that for many of you, you received that statement from your parents, caregivers?. When you were in a situation and you got hurt, or you fell out with a friend, and you went crying to mum, crying to dad, and the very words they said to you was, "You need to toughen up".

How did you feel? Right then it felt hurtful, you were hurt already, because your world was rocked by the situation you were in with the people that you were in that situation with. And after being told to toughen up, what do you do? "You think, oh, my goodness, that must all be me, I must have been wrong. I'm wrong to be who I am? Because I'm not tough, because I've come along here being upset. Does that mean that I'm less than? Does it mean that I am in a place of lack? I am not hard, and I'm not tough".

So that whole thinking shapes your reality, that shapes your belief that you're not good enough, or you should be stronger, or you're not acceptable, which leads to guilt, which leads to shame.

This is just one example of that which is coming into your world now in order to dissolve those beliefs and reshape your belief system to a healthier, loving, abundant, compassionate, and self accepting person.

And from a soul perspective, however that argument, discussion with a friend went, however you felt when you went crying to mum and dad, and you didn't get the response that you felt you needed. And you knew that because you could feel it inside. "I'm not getting the support I need here". The thing is, by being in that experience with that friend (and family), it was meant to be, it is a reminder that the positive focus should have been on the softness and the sensitivity of you, the softness of you, not the hard toughness of you.

The softness, which is your natural state, in a 5D world, in a more loving world, a loving energy is to be nurtured, is to be honoured, but also to honour the experience itself, the deeper understanding of self which that kind of experience provides.

And it was that memory that really came flooding back to me this week. That statement, "Oh, come on, Sam, you really need to toughen up". And what it opened up within me this week? That was facilitated by being in my Akashic Records where life and energy is pure love. Where clarity comes through in ways that the human self cannot possibly conceive and comment on.

What came through for me this week was a realisation that I've always had a sensitive side. It's in my makeup. It's my nature. I know, I have known on some level that I fought this timidness, I fought my way into being stronger, I fought my way into a certain expression that came across as being hard, that came across as being selfish, that came across as being hard work, that came across as being weird, that came across as being aggressive.

And while I'm not condoning any unloving behaviour by me, it was merely my way of trying to fit in to somebody else's truth and beliefs. But also to try and bury who I really was and what I needed, which only created more energy, more frustration, more anger, which then had me lashing out.

Of course, my guides, my highest self has really taken me back to that memory, to unpick and rewrite those beliefs, and to admit that it was okay to be soft and sensitive and to have empathy, but also to, I guess, make peace with and to have compassion and acceptance for those people that were doing what they were doing to the best of their ability at the time, and that they weren't behaving in a angry and negative way towards me, because that's who they were.

It's just their reaction and the way that they were able to handle me to the best of their ability. So in that experience, way back when I was little and the purpose of that experience was to sit in those hurtful words that affected me. And to transcend that experience, not in a way that others wanted me to transcend it. But to see the message, continue to express onesself and who you are.

Anyway. So this does feel like I'm hearing it right now, this does feel like a September for really noticing the belief systems, the belief patterns in your being rewriting them, unpicking them, and expressing yourself the way that you would naturally express yourself anyway. This is very strong energy this month.

Let me give you another personal example of how expression is an energy that's here to play with at the moment. For as long as I can remember, I've received negative comments about my voice, particularly about my singing voice. And over the years, I've lost count of the number of people that have asked me not to sing, have asked me to stop singing. And have told me that I've got a terrible voice.

This is a classic example of me believing that because I've taken on all of that negative talk, all of the opinions of others. It's led me to believe that I can't sing that I shouldn't sing. And that I've got a terrible singing voice to the point where I find myself repeating that belief. And even I say to people, "well, yeah, don't ask me to sing because my voice is terrible". This is not a belief that I created. It is a belief I've taken on.

So another thing I've learned this week, is that The Dominion and I, between us, they've given me a bit of a spirit coaching, I guess. They have been encouraging me to use my voice. So we've been doing some tonal stuff. And although it hasn't been singing, per se, it is has been me humming and Lalalalala running through various notes, to tone my voice.

And through that I have recognised the belief that I can't sing, wasn't generated by me. Now I have no idea why, really, why people through the years have told me off for singing. And I am no Celine Dion!

But I do know one truth. And that is I have a voice that needs to be expressed that I have some notes within me some tones, some sounds within me which are perfectly valid to express. The Dominion have given me some light language, which I have been toning through. I've been humming and just taking myself through the various sounds and how that feels in my throat.

This is stage one, phase one of the honouring of the fact that I have a voice and is the demonstration of me unpicking that belief.

Now, am I going to go out in public and start humming and toning at this point? No, I don't think so. Because I'm not ready to do that.

However, I'm practicing this beautiful language these beautiful notes, almost on a daily basis. The guidance that is coming through is to stop repressing your personality. Stop judging yourself, stop judging others for the things that they don't agree with about you. And take any of those negative reactions or perceived negative reactions around the changes that you have going on in your world and turn them into appreciation.

When you learn to appreciate them, you may need to do some inner searching to come to a place of appreciating them. Through appreciation, you work your way towards more courage, you work your way towards topping up your self worth, you give yourself and those commentators compassion, you give acceptance.

And in that experience, it is the message from your highest self, from your soul that says; "Continue on the path, continue on what you're doing. Because you've just expressed it anyway, you've expressed it because you received the commentary from others, or the behaviours of others". This is the sign to be in that energy, integrate it and continue to grow, continue to change, continue to progress.

I'm going to be doing that with light language continuing to hummmmmm. And I'm even going to probably share that with you, at some point. If I feel brave enough, I will put a link to listen to that in the show notes. So you can listen to the beautiful vibration, not to me, but to the vibration and the love that comes through that light language transmission.

I'm feeling the resistance. And this is the other thing with change, the resistance offers you a path to healing. The resistance is there to help you transcend and to heal that experience so that you can progress and move on.

So just check in this week on your beliefs. Check in on the beliefs that you have about you and your personality and what you stand for in this world. Because it is these beliefs that are probably being formed through others beliefs about about you, and allow those beliefs to be rewritten.

I, you know, I'm so grateful and it is such a blessing that I was guided to the Akashic records, to channel the Akashic Records. I'm glad that I listened to my highest self and my guides and I followed the signs, I followed the messages, I followed the frequency of my Records consistently, consistently, consistently. Because being in your Akashic Records is diving into the deepest healing and it is expanding the love that you have for yourself.

Being in the frequency of the Akashic records, changes your beliefs, it changes your perception of your beliefs. It helps you to unpick what you previously have known to be true. It breaks down the illusions. When you open your Akashic Records you learn something new about you, and you gain a new sense of belonging. It's like you've come home. It's a meditation. It activates your cells. It upgrades your energetic body, you stop suppressing your energy. You stop suppressing your being, your personality.

Opening your Akashic Records releases past life traumas, on a conscious and unconscious level, it does this on so many levels. So many levels. When you feel pulsed to go into your Akashic Records, it is your soul responding to you, it is calling you in, it is asking you to come in and converse with your higher self, it's asking you to come in to support yourself and teach yourself something new about yourself. The thing also about being in the Akashic Records, it's an absolute blessing, a gift from the universe.

Being in your Akashic Records, you often get a message before it's time, before it's ready to be seen. And in those instances, continue working with that message. Because you'll know that it is fully formed and ready to go when things start to flow in your world. Your part of the process of receiving those messages, your part of the process is to take the action on the messages, let your reality show you the way forward based on those messages.

Don't let your ego self stop you. No! And quite often people say to me, "Oh, well, I had this message that came through but it doesn't feel like anything's happening. I can't see in my reality where it has taken effect". In those moments, it's important to not be attached to the details of that message and how it might may play out. Because changes are occurring all the time. According to your frequency. According to the timeline, things need to be put into place but your job is to NOT keep forcing things, and certainly not keep forcing things that aren't working.

But you know what IS working because you feel a sense of flow with it. And even though it might feel a little bit uncomfortable or chaotic as the ego would say, you get this deeper sense of harmony and truth around that situation. That is the calling card if you like, the prompt to keep going. To see the changes that are occurring in your world is to accept yourself within those changes. Keep doing the inner searching. Keep going into your records.

The information in your records is the purest source of light and love for you. Through the changes that are coming through this month, allow yourself to see the beliefs that are attached to those changes. If those beliefs hold a frequency that you know doesn't really match your own truth of frequency, if there's a disconnect between those frequencies, this is the gift because it gives you the capacity to ask yourself; "This change that I'm seeing in my world, does the frequency of this change feel good to my soul? Does it feel good to my heart?"

And when you hear a yes, you know that you're on the right path. If you are unsure, call your spirit team, call the support.

Remember the mantra "I'm open to receiving a whole new level of support for my life and my work and I call it in now".

Open your heart. Let go of the old beliefs, change your frequency and just see what power for healing transpires but also what moves out into your reality this month. Your soul is here for a purpose and it's on a very big mission right now.

There's many of us here that work, who are working diligently on raising our vibrations and to bring more of ourselves and our light into the world. However you need to do that, lean in and do that this month.

Okay, I'm off to do some toning and to spend a bit of time in my own Records.

I hope you enjoyed this episode.

Please Like, Share, get in touch, let me know what you received.

And I am here to say have a beautiful week. That's all I have for you today.

And I will see you again soon. Take care


How To Balance & Integrate the Ego with the Soul


September 2021 Lesson From The Akashic Records