September 2021 Lesson From The Akashic Records

Happy September, dear friends,

This month, this new season, we’re doing things a little differently again. With the help of The Dominion, we channel September’s energies from your collective Akashic Records as we’d normally do. Plus, as an extra bonus, we receive a visit from Archangel Metatron who invites in a 3 card reading from the Metatron self-mastery deck by Amanda Ellis (card images are below).

The themes? Expect more change and an unclear road ahead, know your truth as it arrives. It’s going to be incredibly important to do your inner work, take the time to talk with your highest self, communicate with and receive the nurturing support from your spirit team and look at the world with abundance and appreciation, while stepping MORE into your light.

What other changes do you need to make in your life, so that your beacon can shine brighter?

No matter the discomfort in the moment, don’t fight the flow.

Despite the division at play in the world, know that we are all ONE, We Unite, and you are not alone.

Multiple references to the Lightworker call sign of #1111 energies in this episode too, we must step up 🌈

A powerful month ahead, it’s a blessing to receive this guidance and enjoy the love vibrations present in the channelled lesson. Wake up, continue to detach, let go and let flow.

Sam ♡

"Step Up, Step Up, Step Up… the world needs you, humanity needs you, let go of fear."

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Episode Transcript

Hello, lovelies, welcome to this week's episode, how you doing this week?

We are in September, and this side of the world it is Spring. And if you're on the other side, then it's Autumn.

As with all new seasons, it really does call in a brand new feel, a brand new kind of energy. That's just like starting again, it offers up new ways of looking at things, it offers up a new feeling inside.

And I'm a bit of a Spring person, really I do love Spring, even even here in the southern hemisphere. I love it just as much as I did when I lived in the UK. And it's like a breath of fresh air. I'm looking forward to September, I'm looking forward to what's going to come through today.

And just a couple of housekeeping things really, I recorded this episode anew because I had a few challenges with the last one. And it's basically made this episode late to publish. But that's okay. There is a lot going on, and which I'll share with you in a minute. So I'm just going with the flow, definitely going with the flow. And yes, so that's first off. And secondly, there is some work going on across the road, so if you hear a little bit of humming and drilling, then that's what it is. So just a heads up before that happens. Please bear with me.

I have been given some guidance today that this episode is going to go a little bit differently this month. And it's funny because I've been really intuitively following the prompts. The way that this session is gonna go will be different. The Dominion took me to the September 2020 lesson, and just said to me "go and have a look at what was published, go and have a look at what you said". And so I did.

The sentences that really stood out to me stood out because it is a reminder that time is stretching, although we live on a linear time, we abide by the hours of the day to navigate us through the day. Your time is stretching, it's wobbling, it's moving and with all things psychic with all things spirit, it really doesn't matter when you read information, take in information. That is you know, of a high vibration. Your soul sends you there to have a look at it, to read it, to understand it. And I'm sure I'm not the only person that that has these experiences. I'm sure you do as well.

So, in the September 2020 lesson, I wrote...

"The beautiful September vibes are here. And with a new season comes a few changes within ourselves, there is no doubt about it. And I'm excited to share some changes with the format of the monthly lesson from the Dominion with an audio recording, as well as the regular written transcription of the lesson that you have been used to. This extended recording features a new integration element. And within it, I let you into a little secret, as I acknowledged to myself recently, where I was deliberately keeping myself small in one particular area. It's like when I follow the prompts from my higher self, and I started to channel the Akashic Records earlier this year, I didn't know that this was going to be part of my business. Or in fact, if it was something that I would only do for myself, I felt like there was so much risk. And then Spirit said JFDI... I think you might know what that acronym is! And so I had to trust myself. My own records constantly share with me "shine your light", and I cleared a specific lie around hiding and self criticism by simply committing to record this audio for you. Even though I felt chronically sick inside. That's what it takes to invoke change, doing the thing taking action and proving your physical self otherwise. So this recording is the start of something that will surely develop further in the coming months. But for now, I don't have any plans about what it will look like simply starting it is the magic at play. And so I hope you enjoy this extended recording and the lesson"

Now, following the prompts from spirit, I looked at this right now and what jumped out at me immediately was that these lessons, the monthly lessons, but the podcast in general still is in a state of ebb and flow. I don't plan them. I don't know what they will look like as they arrive. And I have to be honest with you that when I went to channel the September lesson this week for you, which will appear later in this podcast episode, it didn't arrive in the way that it had used to arrive.

So 12 months later, The Dominion and Metatron is here as well. Archangel Metatron is one of The Dominion of Five, and once again they're standing up and asking me to take a risk and shine my light a bit more.

So this was all going on. And I'm thinking... I don't know, I have to be honest, I wasn't really best pleased with what was channeled through the other day on the original recording. And it's just because it wasn't the right day. And I'm running, I was running a story about the fact that this podcast needs to go out on a Wednesday. Sometimes it's gone out on a Thursday. And this week, it's probably even going to go out on the Friday. There's also a whole load of things happening here that are all about change and all about going with the flow. I'm sharing this in that I'm trusting it is going to relate to you as well.

So we're once again in a new season. We're being offered up new ways of looking at things we're looking at changing things up and not feeling so attached to or stuck on to what has been done before.

I'm going to call in the Dominion in a moment. And I know that Archangel Metatron is very much with us here today as well. And as a result, I'm going to use the Metatron self mastery Oracle deck as well. Cards aren't usually something that I bring into these episodes either. So again, that's another change.

What's going on in the background as well is that the podcast episodes will either go out on a Wednesday or a Thursday in the future. And the reason for that is that there's a few changes going on here. If I'm to step more into my light and be more, more visible, more in communication with you, and probably I'll do videos and do lives. You know, there are a lot of things that are and have always been on my plans, but I've never been able to get them off the ground. And that's because there's only so much time in the week. And so part of September for me are some shifts and changes around my workload. And I'm starting to get support.

I'm going to get support for some admin so that I don't feel like I'm putting myself under pressure to do the things that need doing in business when I'd like to be doing more of helping you guys, to learn more about your soul, align with your soul, be more in your records, healing, energy healing, anything that helps you to ascend that I can impart my knowledge and wisdom for you as well. So there's a lot going on and bear with me while I find my feet, and September is going to be the month for that.

I'm really excited, I feel like it's going to make a big difference. It is my intention, my passion to help you to heal and to ascend and to uncover your blocks and to know more about your records. And so this is my commitment moving forward. I am struggling with time and I'm doing things that aren't serving.

And quite often what happens with this, is that we have wounds, we have pain, we have trauma, we have memories from previous lives, and the behaviours and the emotional reaction to those wounds, those memories from past lives. They come through into our current lives. And often that happens on a on a subconscious basis, on an unconscious basis.

The reason for those to come through is to work with them to transcend from them. And if I know that I'm not just the only one here who has been a healer who's been or felt unable to be who they are. I know many of you, who are listening in this community have been healers, nurturers, supporters as women in previous lives. And so in that scenario, we would have not been able to do our job to the best of our abilities. We felt like we couldn't share our truth, we wouldn't have been the fullest expression of ourselves, we would have repressed certain elements of our being, of our personality. And we wouldn't have felt safe to share.

And so September is going to be a further shift in evolution and change into more of the truth of who you are, for sure.

And in August, or even the last three months really, but August particularly, there has been more of that groundwork, that preparation for you to see where you're still playing small, where you're not sharing your truth, you're not being the full expression of yourself. So September is going to be a bit of an action taking month. And you may start taking action in a new way. It's like "oh, I suddenly realized that I'm playing small here, I need to start". You will be having more courage and bravery and willpower to continue doing more of the great expressive things that you have started to be doing.

And I know that for sure that there's been many of you that have decided to speak up for what you believe in, to speak up for humanity, speak up for the rights of people to have free choice. And this is all just going to continue to certainly be expressed, be more exposed. Not only to support yourselves, but to support everyone else. But if you're going to support everyone else, then you have to support yourself first and be truthful to yourself. And this was the same for me. It's like I need to get some support. I must get some support.

Here's a classic example around this topic of past lives and supporting self.

My husband can work in the evenings, he is very good at working late, and he can find himself very effective after tea time. I can do that but I can't do that every night. But once I get to about nine o'clock, I'm absolutely finished and I'm done. And in a past life, I was a housewife during the day. But in the evening... I had these psychic skills, I was telepathic and I would go out.. this was in Scotland, I would go out into the wilderness into the country. And I would stand and I would, I guess, pray if you like, pray to the skies, pray to the stars.

And I would do that undercover. Nobody knew that I did it, not even my husband knew. So for me in that past life and in my passion, the thing that I absolutely loved to do, that I knew could make a difference with and have a big impact on the earth on humanity was to do this in the dead of night, when nobody was around. In the quiet when I was completely on my own, isolated if you like, energies of covering things up.

That was my time to shine. So I know in this life I'm carrying forward is this feeling that I know why I can't work late at night. Yes, I could if I forced myself through it, but who wants to force themselves through something that just doesn't align with them? And I know that I'm carrying forward this memory, and this residual energy to show me that when I shine my light right now in this life, I don't need to only go do it in the three or four hours every evening. That is not what I'm here for today.

And there's just one little example, a personal example of what's coming through in order for me to be more visible, to shine more of my light and go to that next step. All of these little signals and messages from accessing my Akashic Records.

And so I need some help to do some admin, get some support, some VA support and not do it all on my own all isolated. Otherwise, I'm going to find myself doing more work in the evening. So it's funny what comes around and how these lessons come around. And how how we learn what they mean.

So I have Archangel Metatron here with us today. And we're going to pull a few cards for September. And then I'm going to channel the lesson for September. This is what I've been asked to do. So this is what we're going to do.

I have the Archangel Metatron self mastery Oracle deck here with me. And I'm just going to shuffle. And I'm hearing that we need to have a look at three cards. So let's just see what energies come through for September for you. And then the channeled message is going to give you the vibration that when you listen to it, is going to immerse you into the energy. So it's almost like a little bit of an energy activation and energy healing and shifting in the channeling itself. The cards are going to give you a little bit of direction, and then you're going to receive the frequency.

Oops, I've just dropped a card, one card has just jumped out already. I will post a picture of these 3 cards above.

The first card that's come through is Abundant Universe - Blessings and Thanks.

If you know this Archangel Metatron Oracle deck by Amanda Ellis, I mean you can't make this stuff up right? The picture on this card looks like a picture of a harvest (Autumn harvest). So there's fruit and vegetables, corn, eggs on a table on display. So blessings and thanks is card number one. We surely are in an abundant universe, even though it doesn't feel like it every so often.

Let's choose another card and then we'll have a look at the meaning for them all.

Okay, the second card is the Archangel Sandalphon card... Wake up call - listen and take note.

And then the third card that's jumping out like crazy... The third card is blue - Madonna and mothering.

Three beautiful cards there.

So even though we're in the Spring here in the southern hemisphere, in the Northern Hemisphere, you're coming into autumn and you're coming into harvest season. So the card number one, blessings and thanks really does ask us to lean into the crops, the bounty, what has been nurturing, grounding and building from the ground so that you can consume, that you can enjoy, that you can be grateful for and appreciate.

Because, despite what challenges might be in your personal life, or in the world at large, there are always things to be grateful for. And there's nothing more tangible and life supportive than the food we eat. So there's blessings and thanks to be had this September, and to be shared. You're being offered many, many opportunities, many reasons to accept a full harvest, a full and abundant energy and blessings everywhere you look, you just need to have a look at where they're coming from.

And even if they don't immediately seem to be a blessing, of course, they are going to be a blessing in disguise. So feel free, feel appreciative of what is coming through for you. You know, it's important to understand that if it is coming forward to you and it feels like a form of abundance that you've not received before because it's like wow, that's not what I'm used to and it's overwhelming. You really deserve that, you really must know and understand that you are worthy of the abundance that is arriving for you this month.

So give thanks for all that you already have and what is incoming for you. Everything you need, everything that you need for your well being, everything that you need to thrive in life is available to you this September. Now because we have the sound of a wake up call, Plus, Archangel Sandalphon is the Archangel that governs the earth star chakra which is a metre or so below your feet into the earth. And he supports your groundedness and connection to the planet, to the elementals, to life on Earth.

On this card number 11, a beautiful energy of oneness is reminding you to wake up more profoundly now and listen to your highest self and connecting with your spirit team. I'm hearing Archangel Metatron saying "Step up, step up, step up, the world, nature, humanity needs you, you need to really delve deep in your wisdom and your own personal truth" Take everything that you have gained and attained through your past lives through this current life that is rewarding, it can be offered out for the health and well being of the world, of the planet.

You have to trust yourself. Let go of fear and let yourself let go of all of the things that make you feel like you can't carry on. If you are in the energy of stress, if you're in anxious times at the moment, this is your wake up call. This is your clarion call to really lean into spirit, lean into your highest self and listen to what wants to be heard.

This is going to help you to come back to yourself, by doing that opens brand new doors for you. Brand new doors to more abundance and blessings, new doors and new depths of connection with your highest self. Let your spirit team take you on a journey, on to the next stage of your journey.

We are in a new season, the winds of change have been coming. Every month they come and they reach the heart and the mind in different ways and the body in different ways. And this is another extension, another step on the journey for you to wake up. You'll adapt, you'll trust yourself. And as a result, your daily life will change. But you'll also change the lives of the people around you. The collective consciousness, global consciousness, just simply by being you.

And it's not always easy to be you because as I say, we bring through past lives that create energy within us that makes it difficult to move forward. So shine your light this month, continue to shine your light this month, the world needs to see you.

The third card we have is the blue - Madonna and mothering. And she comes through on card 29. So we've actually got 2 x 11 cards, two 'oneness' cards, connection to spirit cards because two and nine equals 11 (2+9). This is a beautiful feminine energy. It is linked into the blue ray. The blue ray has a beautiful, peaceful, silent, gentle, but very strong energy. The blue ray invites you into stillness. It invites you to, no matter what's going on around you, to come back to stillness, come back to self.

When the world feels crazy, when you're feeling highly sensitive and things feel overwhelming. The blue ray can help you to come back to self.

I have a lovely middle space exercise for this as well. It would also bring you back into alignment with yourself, for more peace and more stillness. I'll put that link in the show notes above, as well. I love doing it before I enter my own Akashic Records or even going into meditation. I even did it for myself four or five times yesterday because yesterday the energies were all all over the place and didn't know where I was.

So the blue ray and this card is a reminder that you are held and the divine feminine energy is here with you now. She asks you to release all judgments of yourself and of everybody else and anybody else. And is linked into blessings and thanks because you know, let's give blessings and thanks for all of the circumstances that present themselves to you, for you. So as you wake up to the noise, to the truth of the noise and how that relates to your own personal truth, you can give blessings and thanks for being able to see that.

And then you can drop into stillness, connect to spirit and the beautiful eleven energy. Find your flow, bring the blue ray around you. Let it mother and nurture you, when you're feeling a bit wobbly. So as you tune in more into your heart, tune in more, listen more loudly, to your highest self.

And the mission you have at this point, your soul purpose will start to become more loud in your world, so loud that you're not going to be able to ignore it. Give thanks and blessings for that information.

Ask your spirit team, ask your highest self for guidance on how you can implement this knowing into your life.

How do you move forward?

How do you flow with this new level of knowing about why you're here?

What you are here to do?

What you are here to share?

And being veery okay with sharing your truth and lighting up the world. And the truth is that even though spirit does a beautiful job of supporting you, holding you, nurturing you, mothering you, keeping you safe, we know and we can see in the collective across the world, that this IS the time now, more profoundly, to connect in with your tribe, your soul tribe, to be the guiding light, to be supported, to be the support, to do your bit for humanity.

And the way that you do that is by connecting into yourself to find out what it actually is that you are here to do.

What is your job?

What is your role?

What is your purpose for being here?

Because each and every one of us has a unique purpose. And as the wake up call is heard, remember that there are infinite number of timelines available to you. And what you might find this September is that you are shifting on to a brand new timeline. Even I found it this week, whatever you're seeing in your world, whatever you're experiencing in your world relates to a particular timeline. And so everything that you see is matched energetically, to the timeline, to the energy of the timeline. And future changes can happen in any moment, just based on the timeline that you choose for yourself.

So as you access your spirit team, your highest self, as you jump into your Akashic Records, a good question to ask yourself or to ask your spirit team during this process is:

How do I shine my light?

What do I need to do?

A good question to ask self is

What do I actually want in this moment?

What does my soul want at this moment?

Because that information is going to be really helpful. It is going to help you to re-prioritize the things in your day, in your life, so that you can be more in your light, more in your heart, more in your life service. It's like the work I do with my clients. It's like, once you know that, what do we need to do? What do we need to heal in order to get you there sooner, to get you there quicker, to get you there in a more flow light state? And so that's the work we do together.

This is the difference in mindset and attitude between the energy of "Oh, what's happening to me this week. I wonder what's going to happen this month, I wonder what's going to crop up?" That is one energy.

But moving into asking and connecting with the soul moves you to more of a phrase of "What would I like to happen this week? What would my soul like to happen for me this month? What do we as a team, spirit team, highest self soul,me and my physical body want to achieve this week this month"?

Then what happens is you begin to make inroads towards that manifesting that as your reality.

Coming back to the blessings and thanks and abundant universe, there's so much available to you in any moment. So witness where the changes are asking to be seen and asking to be implemented this month for sure, it's going to be so helpful for you to remove yourself from those things that are no longer aligned, so that you can physically and intentionally move on to a timeline that is more aligned to fifth dimensional being. That takes you away from the 3d/4d, takes you from the existing patterns.

It's time to level up, this is your wake up call. Wow. Okay, powerful three cards, they're powerful three cards. And allow the blue ray, the Madonna, mothering, nurturing to support you through that because you SO have got this.

And what I'm also hearing is that the blue ray can protect you from low vibrational negative energies, low vibrations, so vibrations that are noise, but also low frequency waves. So low frequency waves that aren't aligned with your heart and your light, the light body that you're moving into.

So think about your mobile device and computers as well, that kind of noise. Surrounding yourself with the blue ray is also going to shield you from those electromagnetic and negative noise vibrations.

I'd love to hear how you have received those cards. What you instinctively know is coming through, what wants to come through that you may well have been ignoring for a little while now. September is a new season, new starts. It is the time to receive this rapid energy so that you can move with it more effortlessly.

And yeah, essentially it is quick at the moment. It's been quick all year, and I'm sure it's going to continue that way for the rest of this year. So thank you Metatron for those cards, we hear you loud and clear.

So let's move on now, to channel the theme of September.

You may simply sit and receive this transmission, it is a bit of a living, working workshop, energy transmission, so wherever you are, and however you receive this, I just invite you to NOT be driving the car, working any machinery cutting any vegetables as you listen to this portion of this episode.

It holds a beautiful high vibration that will move through your body. And if you're listening, it is exactly what you need at this point, to support your alignment, your connection with soul, your connection with your higher self, your connection with spirit, to welcome in more abundance and blessings and thanks and appreciation for September.

So without further ado, let's open your records the audience of this podcast. Let's open your akashic records for September.

Can you hear us? we say, Yes, I can hear you, you say.

You hear yourselves whispers.

It's like a beat, two beats, three beats of your heart.

Feel this presence within you?

It's easy, you see, much easier than you currently believe.

For those voices... it is no illusion.

Your mind may be talking to you, but your heart whispers more loudly, more profoundly.

Can you notice it now? You'll hear it in the quiet moon light, hear it during times of inner focus, restfulness, stillness, when there is nothing else to do.

The words, the pictures, the coincidences, they are occurring more frequently and the desire to follow those messages is becoming stronger and louder and much more difficult to avoid and ignore.

Ignore, and it will seek other ways to help you to really see. See your heart, your soul, yourself, your higher self and all that is around you.

Your inner circle, these energies you trust, this you've remembered, you've experienced, you know how it goes.

For as the changes continue, this oneness within you is what you truly know.

Raise up, rise up you beautiful soul, feel the love in your heart and the purity of your intentions.

Your choice to take things more simply, to flow with your vibe.

There's less pressure from the mind to follow the herd.

This is your magic you see, your individuality.

It's precious, so precious.

You're surprised we know for sure, that you feel on some level a brand new level.

This oneness, it fits like a slipper.

The assurity, the self-assurity is revealing much more than it ever did before.

From within that knowing, comes abundance and grace.

What a joy to live with.

When there is joy there is faith. Open your eyes, Look.

What do you really see when you're free from the stories, the influences and the experiences with which you don't agree?

Let your light shine brighter, brighter than it has ever done.

At this time, shine it for all to see, this lifts the planet, it excites your soul.

As you align and flow, your purpose, your mission feels good.

Because you now know what you're here to do and to become.

And for that, the change must really and truly come.

Embrace, rise up, become one with the truth.

The illusion that is known as fear? Follow the threads, for yourself.

Fear is not present there.

With the illusion dropped, there is only love. There is only love.

Accepting this truth is continually a sign that you are aligned to your heart, your soul, and divine humankind.

- The Dominion, September 2021 energies

Well, my goodness, I had goosebumps channeling that message. And the things that came through?

Can you feel how complete you feel, just listening to that? I feel really complete.

What I've noticed is that there is this energy of transcendence, it's that transcending and detaching self from the drama, from the outside world, to the degree where it's become really familiar to do that now.

It's like a routine. It's that "I know my stuff, I know who I am, I know what I stand for, I've got clarity, on what I'm here to do, I've got clarity on my truth, and I'm safe in my truth. Ultimately, I know to be patient, I know to trust the process, I know to trust my process, and enjoy and be in the love and appreciation of the journey, the steps, the way forward".

It just feels really new. A new sense of familiarity, because when whatever is new that is going to come in, and I really do feel that September is going to be big, it doesn't feel such an uphill challenge, it won't feel like it's an insurmountable goal NOT to get dragged into the drama.

And that faith in self and the faith in your own self beliefs. There's a real kind of reassurance in that. And as well as that, just feeling a deep sense of love. And that knowing that all will be well.

And so that's what I just received from that transmission. My heart feels full. I feel full of appreciation for you, for you coming here and receiving these messages because of course, I've opened your Records as well. So it isn't just specific to me, this is the thing, the energy is running through you as well.

So I really, really, really with all my heart, offer this transmission to you this month. And I hope that it finds you in whatever way it should.

And let me know how you go. Let me know what you receive.

Please kindly like follow share on social media.

Lets together bring more light to the world and Yeah, I love and appreciate you.

Thank you for listening.

And I'll see you and speak to you again next time.

Take care.


Opening Up, Finding Flow & Receiving New Levels Of Support


Know And Work With Your Root Chakra Energy Centre