RME10. A personal story of how positive change happens
Sometimes, in the aftermath of any energy shifting session, it can seem like nothing is happening, even times it can seem like things are more challenging than before, or that things are going backwards... i.e. in the 'wrong' direction.
This is a figment of the mind because of that which you can't see going on behind the scenes.
New energies will want to form in the parts of you which are not currently working in your favour. It's all part of the re-adjustment process.
Those who tune into the energies of Sieveille regularly, will see the shifts more consciously. Since this is how energies respond. What you focus on, expands.
Even though it may seem otherwise, we live within this New Earth energy right now. We have moved beyond the belief that change requires a lot of hard effort and start to live in the presence of ease, flow and surrender, in alignment with your intentions. Sieveille frequencies help you to align with the New Earth frequency as little or as often as you choose.
Let me share personal story of how these intelligent energies work WITH you.
In this example, the Release Mindless Eating class was just beginning to be conceived by me. A response to a download from The Dominion, and instigated by resolving two separate 1-2-1 healing sessions with clients.
It would be another 9 days before the Zoom class was created and took place, and the energetic codes and relevant information to obtain positive outcomes for people, would come through.
"A couple of nights ago (before the Zoom call took place) I became very aware of a habit and emotion I experience when I am feeling tired that I hadn't fully seen before. After a full on day at work, I was hungry, I felt a sense of accomplishment at what had been achieved and felt I needed take a break.
I automatically went to the fridge to find something quick to snack on as a reward that I definitely deserved. I told myself that I didn't have time to prepare a meal because there was still a couple of things to sort out before I could close my laptop for the day and rest.
I opened the fridge door and there was nothing 'quick' (i.e. processed - normally chocolate) to eat. I felt a sense of frustration because I hadn't prepared something earlier and I also deserved to eat something tasty because after all I had worked well today and been effective. And if I stop for too long to prepare something then I am also letting myself down because I'm prioritising the food over the couple of things I need to finish.
Not because they needed finishing but because I set that task for myself and I didn't want to let myself down.
At that moment there was a longer pause than usual, long enough to stop the automation, to join the dots and see the patterns and the conditioning.
The awareness was palpable. "So Sam, you're basically saying here that you don't deserve to give yourself a break/a rest because you are tired, it's okay to acknowledge the truth of being tired, the lie is basically giving you the excuse to go and eat something rubbish as a reward, and then you'll eat it (but you can't because there's nothing here to eat that you desire, hence getting frustrated), and wish you hadn't. Now, all you could do is acknowledge that you've done a great day's work, that it's okay to pack up and start again tomorrow. You're worthy of acknowledgement, rest and any reward, stop making elaborate justifications. You can go downstairs and enjoy making a nice meal, OR, you can just sit down and relax, or lie down and close your eyes and experience the joy and satisfaction in that. While reminding yourself that you are NOT a lazy cow.
You know what I did after I acknowledged this new found awareness?
I laughed and I went out into the yard and stroked the dogs for a few minutes, taking a few deep belly breaths. I also called in Sieveille. It was lovely.
That's how I broke the pattern repeat. I felt good, my body felt good and I didn't consume anything (with or without guilt) that I didn't need to, in order to soothe or justify me
What's your food story right now and what miracles are already beginning to happen for you?
Some are complex and tied into many emotions and experiences, others are sneaky, some are really simple and stare us in the face... often!
The energies within this class will bring you so much more awareness to your choices and offer up new options and opportunities.
And so it is.