RME5. A Channelled Message Pre-Energy Transmission
Learning to observe yourself is crucial, in order for what you DO want to arrive in your world (and for it to keep coming through).
It's a very good idea to write down your thoughts around mindless eating (or drinking) before you begin the energetic transmission video. Be very honest with yourself.
Mastering your conscious awareness frees up space for deeper observations of self and the choice to freely honour all that you are in the moment.
Observations and some of a whole host of narratives you might encounter as you tune in:
You may find you're rewarding yourself with a type of food because it feels soothing and helps you to cope with worry and anxiety.
You may find yourself saying "I can't stop eating chocolate [other food stuff]".
Ask yourself "Am I comfortable eating chocolate?", "Am I rejecting the enjoyment of eating chocolate because it's 'bad'?"
"I can't eat chocolate and have a great feeling about my body"
"If I eat that chocolate then I will get fat"
"I can eat as much chocolate as I want, I'll just go to the gym more next week"
In essence, there's a belief attached to a narrative and we want to unpack and release any taboo and make new choices and possibilities available to you, so that you can have the freedom you choose and the life you desire to live.
Perhaps you find yourself choosing packaged food over fresh food. You find yourself saying things like "I don't have time to cook a delicious meal"
Or you're perhaps really saying "I place a higher value on to do lists and priorities, than I do on giving my body the nutrition it needs so that I am well and I can live the life I choose"
What if you chose to receive food in all of its forms, whenever you desire. That is abundance and in that, there is no place for lack. Feeling a lack of what you love and feeling undeserving of the food you enjoy or the body you have or desire, is like saying that you are not worth any of that.
Through this transmission, lack consciousness is about to be alchemised into abundance and worth consciousness and propelling onto a new timeline of your life. And with that, increasing your capacity to invite new choices and form new beliefs best suited to your present and future self.
Practise learning to see all food, ingredients, outcomes, emotions, judgements, reality as simply energy. Energy is constantly ebbing and flowing. The perception that a current reality is 'stuck and permanent', is just that, perception. Energy being stuck makes things feel impossible and that extends to your reality.
The beauty and gift of any moment, and of being human, is choice.
Watch out for judgements you may have that are hindering your enjoyment of being in the moment with any food. All the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself and what you choose to eat can keep you from opening up to receive what might be attempting to come to you.
There are so many layers and there is no right or wrong (that's judgement!).
You must find out your own behaviours then witness how choices in your perceptions expand into realms of new possibility and how that begins to shift your reality.
The book I reference in this video: