RME3. Background with Sam & disclaimer
Introduction to Sieveille frequencies
Hey there lovely soul,
I'm Samantha Lennie and I'm an Earth certified and Spirit certified energetic alchemist. People call me Sam. I am the bringer, the sharer of this Sieveille higher frequency, galactic energy of the New Earth.
If you have found yourself here today, it is because your soul your heart, your highest self (it's one of the same) has guided you here today for your highest potential and good. So welcome, welcome, welcome.
Congratulations on leaning in.
This is a very, very, very special time. And I'm humbled to be able to support you and to guide you on this journey through your receiving. Once you experience Sieveille light into your body on levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, ethereal, your life will change.
For sure, how that changes is really down to you and where you are on your journey. This journey is yours. It is individual to you.
Your journey will not look like my journey, will not look like anyone else's journey that is moving through this class. But it is all good. It's exactly how it is meant to be.
Sieveille was downloaded to me via the Dominion* and is now held in my body with the aim of offering to those who choose it, a higher dimensional frequency to assist with energetically upgrading their cellular system, letting go and clearing old programs, and specifically around food and your relationship with it (for this class).
Programs, conditioning, habits and stories that have been anchored in ego, fear, limitation and misalignment of what is perceived as the highest good and potential.
Sieveille energies will transform you in acute and immediate, as well as subtle and staged, potent ways.
By coming Earth side at this time, you have signed up to be part of this ascension experience and what is offered here in all of my energy work is an opportunity to be in alignment with these new dimensions, right now.
We are being called into union with and commitment to our soul path, life plan and mission for this era in brand new ways, and it is through the receiving of light codes, and language of the universe and this incredible multi-dimensional frequency that you are freely able to access this mission with clarity and create a brand new, more intuitive way of being
*The Dominion are a group of five benevolent light beings that I channel which originate from the Galactic / Star realms. These light beings have been working with me for a long time although only consciously by me, from 2019. They introduced me to their name in May 2020 and it was a sponteneous, loving experience, during a wonderful full moon circle.
Sieveille energies, classes and programs are shared with the highest good and intent.
It is highly potent, high vibrational energy which is not for the faint hearted. Dynamic and immediate in feel and in nature, the shifts experienced in a person's body and life is unlimited. Sieveille is 'practically' offered up in the same kind of way that you would receive distance Reiki or another energy therapy.
I coined the phrase 'Your soul has control'. You may not even know how you arrived here and why you feel attracted to this offering, on some level you'll have a knowing that this journey is for you and that whatever you will receive, is exactly what you need for your growth and evolution.
You will be receiving these energies into all parts of yourself as required and as directed by your highest self for the intent of growth and evolution. You will only receive what your body is able to hold and anchor. Your results will be directed by the self you cannot see and everyone experiences different results.
You may notice changes in your habits, attitudes, reactions to yourself, to things and to people and family. You may feel more emotional or feel compelled to make changes to your career, relationships, location, health or purpose that others raise their eyebrows at and deem unusual for you or even crazy to them.
This is normal, as you let go and dissolve your past, freeing up space for the new to be anchored and felt tangibly.
This is the expanded and becoming more aligned you. This becomes your new normal.
As with all energy therapies, self-care and self-assistance is highly recommended and we take no responsibility for any perceived negative outcomes as a a result of your participation in this class. Energy therapies should not be replaced by the scripts and advice from your medical practitioner. You should always seek medical advice first, with your health and well being.
Practice self-discernment and authority. Trust and have faith in your own process and understand that there are no guarantees or refunds where energy work is involved.
Experiences vs. Attunements
This class is a receiving of energies, experienced for your therapeutic needs and highest good and self-evolvement on this timeline.
It is not an attunement to Sieveille energies class where the energy becomes within you, much like you would take Reiki I II and III level courses.
An attunement is a transference of energies over certain periods of time so as to allow your body to become familiar with each layer of energy as it can handle, and where you learn to practice and honour the energy and your individual journey with it, at each stage.
Personal Attunement to Sieveille frequencies Course is planned later in 2022.