RME8. Acknowledging your new relationship flows with Food & Eating

Sieveille energies are constantly asking for me to step up and to step into whatever invitations and opportunities come my way. To manouvre beyond the blocks and go beyond my comfort zones. In receiving this transmission, it will for you too.

It's not always easy and it's challenging at first, but the rewards are great. For instance, I am happier and healthier, there's a greater sense of freedom overall in my life, even if the outside world seems to operate in the complete opposite direction.

This sense of joy and freedom cannot be easily explained with the words we have available, and so it can only be experienced for yourself, to really know.

As more people receive these energies and begin to transform themselves on ever deeper levels, it makes sense that The Dominion called in this class.

With Sieveille, we learn that we can love our body and our looks and know that our body loves us, unconditionally. Loving all parts of you becomes easier. To discover that there is actually no judgement, is true freedom. 

Hatred for body parts and for the genes you were born with, or for the people around that have what you 'perceivably' don't is a clarion call from your soul, your inner GPS system inviting you to embody changes within you. To move into appreciation for your very own beautiful, intelligent body. 

However, whatever you feel, it's just a feeling, it's just energy. Love is energy too. You have the option to choose either way.

Post-energy transmission, take inventory of what's come through for you during the session or right now.

Let yourself see everything and acknowledge everything that wants to be seen. Words, messages, pictures, feelings. 

Your vibration has shifted and will continue to shift and reward you with new information and new experiences. This is the evidence of those shifts. 

Some may be difficult in the moment. 

The universe rewards action taking and it doesn't have to be a large leap forward. One small step in any direction is the signal to the universe that you care, that you matter, that you are taking notice of your intuition and that you acknowledge that your worth is worthy your attention.

I trust that you won't wait as long as I have in the journey to creating this class, my other services and in re-building my own worthiness. 

I love to share this phenomenal energy work and step up with my offerings, expand and break the cycle of normality, and what has gone before. 

Please allow Sieveille to help you too. Keep choosing it again and again.

I am grateful for you.

Sam ♡